together at last

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the other guardians are worried, the prophesy is changing and they are not ready, they don't know there full potential, and we have to get them to find it soon. i cant keep away from Mira i have to be with her as much as i can which is always, it a tad embarrassing but i want to protect her, that is what i will do.

"guardian Alexander, I'm glad your mind has stopped wondering" that was Arron he is tough on me, all of us focus on each other Seriena spoke up "we are all her to disgust the recent events, so far they have all come together, we all have now. only problem is the prophesy it has changed" and with her saying that a light appeared in the middle of us all, words started to appear inside the light saying "light and dark have come at last, evil is rising and fast, sadness and pain may take its play, but the eight must stand erect, fight the family that is not in sight, but freedom could be reached, unless that one will fall." with that the light faded away and she spoke again "as you see trouble is coming our way, we need to tell them and get them ready, go now." with that we all left and i returned to my Mira.


its weird all of us sitting together but no matter that I'm inside I'm by the window with it open and a Robbin playing along my fingers, all was calm till Alexander reappeared out of no where. he scared the crap out of me, but he didn't look happy " everyone there's a new prophesy and this is what it says "light and dark have come at last, evil is rising and fast, sadness and pain may take its play, but the eight must stand erect, fight the family that is not in sight, but freedom could be reached, unless that one will fall." so we need to figure this out and train more."

I'm getting worried thee earth is trembling more than usual and the animals are getting nervous, i look upon the other chosen just as they start to talk "what does that mean!" David you can tell his voice " i don't know but it don't sound good and i think we should practice and now" hmm i agree with Damien "i agree we need to be stronger and we all don't know what we can do" they all look like they agree and we leave to go into the garden but be for we could do anything we have a problem.

standing in the garden under the shadows of the trees where these horrid looking monsters, there are loads of them and i don't know what to do i see Luna, Jason and Damien and Say shit at the same time, i look at them and they look like they have changed, Luna speaks up "guys no practice we have to kill all of these and fast" with that those three are off animals surrounding them ones i cant here, around Jason and Damien are dragons i now realise both made of fire, and Luna was riding upon this flaming seahorse marching in to attack.

when the shock wore of i see Elli and Becca grab hands and run while they are running an ice dolphin and a flaming horse joined them and i was in awe, i could feel te electricity in the air as i looked at David and a shining Phoenix opened up from within him, and with that he was in the air and off he went the only ones let where me and Mira.

"we have to help" i was with Mira a hundred percent looking at each other i new what to do "look at me concentrate on what you want to happen think of what you want to protect and who you want to protect and with that we will help" she didn't question me, but we both did it and i could feel a tingling all over me and i heard Mira gasp i opened my eyes and a beautiful lion was standing next to me, i new i could trust him as i climbed onto him and looked over at Mira, she was shining as two magical fish swam around her lifting her up and with that we both were off to help the others.


me and Becca are racing towards one of the monsters as we over here Damien telling Luna he needs cover so me and Becca new what to do i shot out ice as she shot out fire, both hitting the monster straight on then i rush over to Damien "you need cover?" he nods his head as he starts to pull shadows to him "me and Jason needs it and we need you all to keep them at bay, there are allot more coming and we can get rid of them" I'm looking at him trusting him "how long do you need?" he looks at Jason be for speaking " i need five" i smile five i can do and ill create a dome to help, as I'm doing this i faintly hear him speak "thank you" with that the dome closes and were left protecting it from sky and land.

that's when trouble starts the monsters rush forwards and attack each of us killing as many as we can, i hope we can give them enough time, one runs at me claw ready, lifting my hands into the air as a sword of crystallized ice appears in them, i swing it decapitating the thing in one go.


i hate when they turn up with out us knowing, i look at Jason and he looks at me we no what to do "Luna get others to cover us we need time." that's when Ellie runs over "you need cover" i nod my head as i start to pull the darkness and shadows to me "me and Jason needs it and we need you all to keep them at bay, there are allot more coming and we can get rid of them"i see her trust in her eyes and I'm proud to be trusted by them, she looks at me "how long do you need?" i look over to Jason and he nods to agree with anything i say "i need five" she smiles and a dome is forming over us "thank you"  with that i look at Jason and we both know this is dangerous.

we stand opposite each other hand in hand, focusing i feel the darkness seeping in and around me, but i also feel the light shining into and around Jason we are opposites but the same and we have united i open my eyes and i see a veil of darkness is over them to protect them and a veil of light is over Jason's, i lean in and cant help but kiss him and with that gentle simple kiss the darkness and light start to swirl and spiral around us inside the dome and i can tell the dome is cracking a we concentrate more ad more.


I'm slashing a pushing my way through and I'm drawn to Damien and Jason inside the dome and i see the cracks forming i knew they where almost ready David was up above controlling lightning, Luna was drowning monsters, meg was having the earth open up and swallow them hole and Elli and Becca was shooting fire and ice destroying the enemy all i had time to do was look over to the dome one lest time be for i got cut across my leg by those things and the dome exploded open with darkness and light spiraling out.


hehe elli stop bugging me to know what happens now you do but your going to be having a go at me again :P xxxxx

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