the search

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"right guys where should we go first?" i have no clue what to look for i hope Luna can help, "Damien, you forget iv been in contact with your parents friends, they have been helping me out, i no where some people with unnatural eyes are and some that have been involved in weird things such as freak storms over one house only, fire appearing out of know where and there's one really close to us couple of hours away, we can get close to them by this river." wow i didn't know that "you have been busy haven't you, thank you Luna i hate dealing with that stuff" I'm so proud of her " Luna were in the perfect place for you to practice if you want to" i see her smile straight away "thank you iv been dieing to try my talent out!" so as we float down the river Luna practices her talent and me and Jason get to no each other, I'm so happy me and Jason like the same music, similar food, and we really get along I'm happy we met him.

we started to get closer to our destination, we new we were when Luna uses the water and pushes the boat up and onto the riverbank, she is getting good, "so Luna how far away are we", she taps her chin for a moment " not that far just walk in that direction and we should get there" she wont stop beaming at us " we should get there?" Jason sounds worried "don't worry Jason Luna is excellent at navigating" we all started to walk north like she said. suddenly we heard screams and all bolted to the same direction as them, there was this incredible looking guy he had silver flowing hair right down his back that shined in the moonlight, his skin looked like porcelain, he wore tight dark blue skinnie jeans, a tight fit gray long sleeved top with a black fitted jacket " Help! someone please help me" he screamed as i realized there was a monster getting closer to him, all of a sudden there was a flash of light, i looked over at him and there in his hands was lightning flowing freely out of him.

we were speechless at first till i jumped into action as i griped the shadows to move hidden among them as i saw the guy his hair was swarming with electricity and his eyes glowed a shocking silver light, i jumped through the shadows hoping from place to place, i stepped out next to the monster and shot a ball of darkness at it and disappeared again i started shooting spikes at it till i heard a high pitched buzzing noise and the lightning guy shot lightning at the monster turning it to ash, we all stood there in silence, stunned, the guy spun round and stared at us till he blurted "what  the hell is going on!" he looked really confused " erm I'm not sure how to explain it erm Luna?" she looked shocked i pushed it to her but be for she could speak our pendants all started to glow.

suddenly we were engulfed in blackness till it cleared and there stood our guardians, we didn't know what was happening till Seriena stepped out with the other guardians "Seriena, whats happening?" she smiled at us all and spoke in an elegant tone "I'm here to greet the forth chosen child, welcome child of storm" she looks so calm talking to him and he even looks calm " what is your name child?", he looks confused at first but answers anyway " my name is David, erm, whats going on?" we all smiled at that I'm so happy we found another member only four more "my name is Seriena i am Damien's guardian, this is Arren Luna's guardian and this is serenity Jason's guardian, all you need to do is ask to speak to yours out load and all will be explained" with that she stepped back and left him to it.

David looked at all of us nervously be for he spoke aloud "i wish to speak to my guardian!" and with that a new figure appeared and we all froze when he spoke " David son of the storm, i am your guardian and my name is Ruben shall we speak" and with that they were in a clouded light frozen while they spoke, Rubens voice was so soft and calming, once they were finished the light faded and David looked at us and he seemed relieved, he had a silver ring he swirled up and onto his wrist with an amazing storm colored gem inside it. the guardians left us and that's when we were stuck a bit "so hi David I'm Luna" she had such a big smile on her face like normal, " over there is Damien and Jason they like each other but wont admit it" "LUNA!!" me and Jason shouted in unison both of use are blushing  bright red, David just stands there laughing at us, he seems nice so far "right lets find out where to go next we should also check the book so we have to head home to see if its still there, of if there is a home left" i hated the thought of my home being wrecked by monsters, at this Luna perked up "we don't have to go home" she sounds so happy right now and that's normal " i bought the book with me in case we needed it" she is so smart why didn't i think of that. 

we all headed back to the boat I'm so glad that we had sleeping arrangements on the boat, be for any one slept we had a look at the book again " David can you place your gem on top of the book please" Jason asked and as he placed it there the book shined again and opened up we showed him the last prophecy that was there, a new one was on the next page it said chosen children are not all what they seem, your enemy is not that but is a foe, keep your guard and strong hearts, move on and trust the song, Melody's nothing is wrong, change side and all is on, but beware that a price will be paid, to succeed in this that price will be paid. that didn't make any sense at the moment but we all knew we would find out what it meant, we where all wondering what was Davids story and why was he fighting one of the monsters, we are all excited to find the other four chosen children, but we are also worried of what is to come and what did the prophecy mean.

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