Couple weeks later...
"VACATION! TIME!!" Brad shouted in the car. Apparently, Derek won tickets to a resort in a private island. Everyone seemed fine with it except Claude. He wanted to stay home and read more R.L Stine books but everyone forced him to come.
"YEAH!!!! I WON!!" Derek shouted on TV.
"Congrats! You won a free trip to one of the private islands! Who are you going to be bring?' The host asked and put the microphone in front of Derek.
"My friends and my beautiful goddess!" He said with a wink.
"AWW!!" Everyone said in the audience.
"Gross..." Everyone groaned in the living room.
"Why would he say that? Now it is really embarrassing to be his friend now.." Brad pouted.
"This is so embarrassing!" Vanessa squealed and covered her face.
"Everyone in this room is embarrassed by him!" Emmett growled.
Claude nodded.
"Great, now I gotta call in work and say if I can have vacation time for the first time." Adam sighed.
"So do I, I'll bring Amelia then" Oscar walked away with his phone.
"Can I call too?" Vanessa asked.
"I don't have a phone yet, mine broke." Vanessa pouted.
"Sure!" Adam said.
*Knock* *Knock*
"Come in you stupid punk!" Scott shouted and Derek had a big smile on his face. He slammed the door shut and smiled with his teeth showing.
"Quit that smile on your face, it makes your face even uglier" Claude grumbled.
"Sometimes your sarcasm hurts..." Derek pouted.
"But it wasn't, just simply telling the truth." Claude smirked.
"Why you little-"
"Correction, your the little one here, I am older than you." Claude smirked again.
"GAHH!! I CAN'T WIN!!" Derek shouted.
"You barely noticed that? Your 23 and Claude 26 idiot!" Emmett shouted back.
"Guys stop fighting! At least I can get away from here..." Scott sighed with relief.
"Yeah! And that means we can spend time together!" Brad joyfully raised his arms.
"Nope." Claude said and he was about to leave the room until Vanessa stopped him.
"Your not coming with us..?" Vanessa said.
"Nope. Waste of time." He said and everyone gasp.
"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY GODDESS?!" Derek shouted and putting an arm around Vanessa.
"Can't you see her beautiful pouty face right now?" Derek insisted
"I am not pouting, I am fine-"
"Yeah! She is going to be sad now because she wants to spend time together with ALL of us!" Brad interrupted Vanessa.
Claude stared at Vanessa for the longest time. It took a while for him to decide until...
Living With Boys
ChickLitVanessa and her friend, Miracle, lived together in their house for the longest time. But recently, Miracle gotten married with Vanessa's ex-boyfriend, Luke. Vanessa decided to move somewhere else and found a place to live, thanks to her childhood fr...