Chapter 1

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Her eyes never leave the screen as she continuously types. She hears as mall faint knock on her office door. Looking out of the corner of her eye she see's her least favorite person on earth. Her step-daughter. She sighed then motioned the woman into her office,keeping her eyes locked on the computer.

"We need to talk." She says looking at her hands, playing with her engagement ring.

"About what?" She replies harshly and stops typing. She scowls at the girl on the other side of her desk.

"Regina madam mayor, there's a new guy in town."

"And why should I care?" Regina says sharply as she rises from her chair and walks to the front of her desk. The girl sits scared to mention his name. "Well Snow?" Regina impatiently taps one finger against her desk.

"Robin's back." She mumbles then looks into Regina's dark, hurt brown eyes. Regina froze and let that name, his name run through her ears. All those stored away painful memories were scattered all over her mind.

"Why the hell is he back in this town?!" She manages to say trying to stay strong. Snow immediately stands up and looks at the door then back at her stepmother. Regina begins to fiddle with her hands and fingers. "Why is he back here?" She asks more calmly as she looks at Snow.

"I was hoping you knew the answer." Snow says walking a little closer. Regina felt her heart shatter. Robin, the jerk who cheated on her then pretended he didn't have feelings for that other woman.The guy who would tell her brutal lies and say that they were true.And yet she still loved him. Because underneath all those heartbreaking lies he was still a sweet man. Soon Regina couldn't take it any longer and she left him and made him leave town.

"Regina?"Snow asks worriedly. She knew how Regina was feeling. Snow was the one who saw it all go down. She grabbed Regina's hand making her snap back into reality. Regina began to feel weak, broken and felt like the victim of a horrendous murder. She stood up and walked towards her glass office door.

"Snow can you lock up the office? I'm not feeling very well and I'm going to stay home for the rest of the afternoon." Snow nods slowly as she watched the heartbroken woman exit the black and white room.

Regina rushed home then barged into her foyer, slams the door shut, letting all the heartbreak and  betrayal conceive her. Suddenly she hears footsteps in her kitchen. She stood up from her couch and removed her boots then starts making her way towards her kitchen. The footsteps grow louder as she shuffles closer to the entry of her dining area.She grabbed the closest thing by her and held it tight in her grasp.Unfortunately for her it was a book but Regina didn't put it down.She walked into the kitchen and her gaze met with the intruders.Regina's body became paralyzed. No matter how hard she tried, shejust couldn't move. She was sucked too deep into his eyes. He walked closer to her and she glanced at the hardcover book in her hands but before she knew it the book had vanished from her clutch to his.

"You have no right to be here." Regina says with a shaky voice. He smirked and placed the book on the table.

"And you don't have the right to beat me with," He glances and reads the title.  "With or without you" He says walking closer.

"Robin get out of my house!" She hollers finally regaining some of her strength back. He steps back a little.

"Regina please just let me explain." He begs. Oh how she loved it when he begged. She wanted to see him on his knees pleading for forgiveness but she wasn't that kind of person, anymore.

"Meet me at the diner in twenty minutes and maybe you can explain yourself to me before doing the same with the sheriff." She explains sternly. He nodded and started walking out the door, Regina following to lock the door behind him. She watched him as he walked down her driveway and crossed the street. After he was off her property she finally began to calm herself down. She had twenty minutes before she had to see her ex-lover again. She had to use this time wisely.

Regina went up to her room, took off her work clothes and hopped into the nice hot shower. As she conditioned her hair, she thought about what would happen if she saw Robin again. Should she or shouldn't she?That thought drove through her mind as she tried to get ready to meet with him for an explanation. Ten minutes until she had to go and she was starting to have second thoughts about it but, she wasn't going to let that stop her. Inside she still had feelings for him and she tried to deny it. She put her feelings aside and went to her door. To either meet with destiny or her worst nightmare.

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