Chapter 5

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"Regina! Open up! Please! I can help you! Just let me in!" Robin cries.

"No."She says look back up at her reflection. She stares into her own dark lifeless eyes. "I can take care of myself." She mumbles quietly but loud enough for him to hear it ever so slightly. Regina stares in the mirror for minutes on end until the glass in the mirror shatters itself and pieces of glass slice the exposed parts of her skin. She pulls a shard of glass out of her slit arm and looks at the blood both on the skin and the mirror piece. She lets a small smile appear on her face as she stares at her broken reflection then gently places it on the sink along with the other bits of her mirror Robin hears a small click and she slowly opens the door. Robin walks closer to her but she walks right past him hiding a very small yet very sharp shard of mirror in her hand. She turns towards him and smiles.

"Come here." She whispers sweetly, holding the glass behind her back."

"Love are you okay?" He asks worriedly.

"I'm perfectly fine." She smiles and he walks closer. When Robin is close enough, Regina whips her hand to the front of her body, letting the glass impale Robin making him fall to the ground. Robin screeches out in pain as he body hits the rugged flooring. Regina smirks and removes her weapon from his stomach.

"Why?"He questions weakly.

"Because this is my happy ending!"

Regina's eyes jolt open and she sits up panting and breathing unevenly. She looks over on the other side of her bed. She attempts to calm herself down. After she finally succeeds and manages to catch her breath, he wakes up.

"Regina?You okay darling?" He asks rubbing her back and placing a gentle kiss on her shoulder

"Yes Graham. I just had a nightmare. I'm okay now." She smiles shyly.

"What happened in your dream love?"

"I-I-I killed someone." She stutters. Graham's eyes widen and he gets himself closer to her so he can hold her close.

"And whom did you kill?" Regina looks up at him with his name on the tip of his tongue.

"Regina?"He whispers softly.

"Robin."She mumbles. Graham pulls her towards him and gently rocks her back and forth."I killed him with a shard of glass."

"You killed him with glass?" He says confused.

"The mirror in the bathroom broke on its own and I looked at it before taking it in my hands and I hid it behind my back then-" She whispers and looks down.

"Hey,Hey, shh. It was just a dream. You didn't hurt anyone. It didn't happen and it won't." Graham murmurs in her ear. Regina looks down and notices that her wrists are cut. Just like her dream. Graham wraps his hand around the bottom of her arm, lifting it up to the light.

"What happened? Did you do this to yourself?"

"No."She mumbles.

"Then who did?"

"I don't know." She looks at her slit wrists and back at her boyfriend. Graham gets out bed and starts getting dressed.

"What are you doing? I'm fine babe. Really I am." She says sitting up.

"No you aren't. You don't know who did this to you. I'm going to find who did this to you and I'm going to do a lot worse than slitting his wrists." He says making his way towards the hall.

"Graham wait-" Regina glances at her cut arms.

"What's wrong babe?" He turns towards again and leans against the door frame.

"I did this." She says quietly. Graham stops and takes off his jacket and approaches the woman in bed. He sits on the empty half of the mattress and looks into her guilty brown eyes.

"Why Regina? Did I hurt you? If I did I'm sorry. I love you way too much to hurt you." He takes her hand in his and kisses her knuckles.

"I love you too and you're not the one who hurt me."

"Then who did? I will find him and make him apologize for what he did to you."

"Graham I can handle it on my own. I know where Robin is." She blurts out unintentionally and covers her mouth.

"Robin? Robin did this to you?! He caused you to do this!" He yells.

"Calm down please. Please don't raise your voice. You know I don't like it when you do. It scares me." She replies with a shaky voice.

"Where is Robin?!" He says reaching for his jacket again. Regina tries to be the alpha and sits tall.

"I'm not saying. It's not your battle Graham it's mine. I can do this by myself. Robin apologized for everything he did and I forgave him."

"Well obviously not. You cut yourself Regina. Deep down inside you are still hurting. I can see it in your eyes. Now I'm going ask you again, where is Robin?"

"Where you can't find him!" She snaps and gets out of bed.

"Regina please. Right now you're weaker than ever."

"Weak?You think I'm weak?!"

"Oh god no! No sweetheart you're not weak, you're just broken right now." He says trying to make it sound better.

"Oh I see, I'm not weak, I'm just BROKEN!" She says harshly.

"Babe,I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." He tries to approach her but Regina keeps moving away from him

"Then how did you mean it? Because right now you're not doing such a great job." She crosses her arms over her chest.

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