Chapter 11

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"I love you so much." He whispers placing a soft kiss on her forehead. Her lips curl and show her bright white smile. He smiles and holds her close in his embrace. Robin's smile slowly fades away and Regina slowly pulls herself away.

"What?" She questions with a puzzled look.

"I'm gonna be a father-" He says in disbelief. Regina gets off the bed and leaves the room with tears streaming down her cheeks. Robin watches her leave and walk down the hall. He jumps out of bed and runs out of the bedroom and he grabs her arm making her face him. Regina squirms trying to escape his grip. "Regina what's wrong?" He says forcing her gaze to meet his.

Regina rips her arm out of his hand and she tries to calm herself down. She wipes away her tears and takes a deep breath, avoiding eye contact. Robin looks at Regina confused and tries to figure out what's going on with his girl. Regina looks down with tears still falling and she walks to her stairs before slowly lowering herself on one of the steps to take a seat. Robin stands in the kitchen and stares at Regina confused as hell. Is it the hormones? It must be something related to the pregnancy. He thought to himself before hesitantly approaching the expecting mother.

"Sweetheart?" He says sitting beside of her. Regina stares forward pretending he's not there and she tries to gather her thoughts and emotions together. Regina straightens her spine and looks at the wall behind him. She takes a deep breath and relaxes her tensed muscles.

"Do you want a baby?" She mumbles. Robin's confused glare softens into a sad sigh.

"I do-" He pauses.

"But not right now....." She finishes his sentence with a lump starting to form in her throat.

"Regina-" He begins but he doesn't get the chance to finish as she stands up and runs upstairs. He chases after her but not fast enough as a door slams in front of his face. He pounds against the door trying to break it down so he can talk to her.

"Go away!" She sobs.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong!" He hollers trying to unlock the door. He finds one of Regina's bobby pins on the ground and a smile appears on his face. He sticks the bobby pin in the lock and jiggles it around until a click echoes through his ears. He slowly turns the knob and gently pushes the door open to see her asleep on the bed with tear stains on her cheeks and the sheets of the bed. He slowly creeps his way towards the bed and he lays beside her and holds her close as he drifts his way into dreamland.


"Robin!" Regina shrieks out in pain. 2 months ago they were given the due date of the expected baby and now it was coming. Regina clutches her stomach and tries to keep control of her breathing. She was making dinner when her water broke and Robin was upstairs in his office either doing papers or sleeping. Either way she needed him now!

"Robin the baby!" She yells breathlessly. She hears glass hit the floor upstairs and him scrambling his way down the hall. She slowly makes her way to the phone and fumbles with the buttons trying to dial the hospital's number. Robin trips and falls down the stairs but, quickly gets back to his feet. He takes the phone from Regina's weak grasp and his voice stuttering with each word said. After his somewhat understood phone call with the hospital, he sprints upstairs and grabs Regina's pre-packed overnight bag and throws it over his shoulder.

"Got the bag! Grab your coat and we're out of here. Let's go have a baby." He smiles and grabs the keys and follows his child's mother out the door.


"Regina sweetheart please wake up!" Robin shakes Regina's shoulder frantically. She squirms in her sleep as she tries to wake up. He grabs the phone and dials the hospital's number as he tries to fully wake up his girlfriend.

"Mmmm What?" She groans as she sits up, she freezes and suddenly knows why Robin woke her up. Her heart rate increases and she starts to hyperventilate. No! No! This can't be happening. She thinks to herself. Robin get's out of bed and runs to her side and scoops her into his arms as tears spill down her cheeks.  

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