Chapter 8

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"What? Why?" Robin lets go of her hand and stares into her brown orbs.

"Because." Is her only answer.

"Regina... Why did you break up with him?" He inquires concerned.

"Because I didn't love him!" She yells out. "I never loved him, the only reason I dated him was to feel something. I wanted to feel loved,
wanted, important. Not like a worn out pair of shoes that people get
rid of when they've had enough. That's how I felt after you and I
went our separate ways." She looks down and tries to hold back her
tears. Robin slowly moves closer to Regina and rubs her back soothingly, whispering sweet things in her ear.

"Shh.. It's going to be okay."

"I want another chance. I want another chance with you. Another chance at Us."

"I would Regina but-"

"But what?" She looks up.

"I'm married." Regina stands up and grabs her things trying to break in front of him. "Regina what are you doing?"

"I should've just listened to Graham!" She screams with a tear escaping her eye.

"What do you mean?"

"He said not to break up with him because he knew you were going to hurt me again and guess what?! He was right!" She grabs her drenched clothes and walks to his door.

"Regina wait-" He grabs her arm and blocks the door in front of her.

"I don't want to hear it Robin. I made a huge mistake and I'm going to try to fix it because that's what you do in a decent relationship! Just leave me alone." She slides past him and opens the door.

"I love you!" He yells.

"I don't give a fuck!" She walks out of the building and back into the vicious rainstorm. Her tears fall and blend with the rain. She looks behind her and sees him in the window. She scowls and walks
into the street. The streetlights flickered and suddenly the road
went pitch black. Her tears continue to fall as she feels her warm clothes begin to soak. What was a five minute walk, turned into a half an hour walk. When she arrived home she slipped her way into her foyer and fell to the floor crying and shaking. Soon she stood up and walked weakly to her kitchen.

She puts her almost dead phone on the charger and she lazily walks
upstairs. As she gets in the bath, she thinks about all the pain that
she's been through in one day. How unloved she felt, how worthless her life was. How unimportant she was to people. How easy it would be just to leave and not have to worry about heartbreak, her future, love triangles and Robin. She closes her eyes and imagines her spirit
leaving her body and leaving earth forever. A life without Regina Mills. No more worry about how her future would become. Soon she
falls asleep and her mind drifts to her future. Hours of sleep pass
and soon she wakes up coughing on soapy water. She drains the
bathwater and gets out. As goosebumps trail all over her body, she grabbed a towel and walked into her bedroom.

Robin stands in his living room regretting letting Regina leave. He looks down at his wedding band and takes it off placing it on his coffee table. Why did he let her leave? Why did he hurt her again? Why? Why? Why? He threw on his jacket and ran out the door. He ran until he could barely breathe but he didn't stop. He had to see her even if it was for the last time. He runs and bangs on her front door

"Regina open up!! Please! We need to talk!" He yells desperately and
continues to bang against the door.

Regina puts on her PJ's and a thin white shirt and she walks downstairs quickly. She grabs the blanket on the couch and wraps it around herself as she opens the door then her eyes lock with his. Her mouth runs dry and she feels a lump in her throat. She holds back her tears and closes the door. But before the door is fully closed Robin  puts his foot ahead and shoves it open. Regina  backs away and wraps the blanket around herself tighter and a chill runs down her spine. She lets a tear fall down her cheek wiping it away with the blanket.

"Get out of my house Robin. I have the sheriff on speed dial. And I don't think she'll be pleased by me calling her at 11 at night. Now I
suggest no, I demand you get the hell out of my house!" She yells
grabbing the phone.

"Regina -" He begins.

"I don't want to hear it Robin . I've heard enough from you and I
don't need to hate myself anymore. Now go home and spend time with
your wife!" She says shoving him out the door. He grabs the frame
and pushes himself back inside. He faces her and pins her against the
wall forcing her hands above her head so that she looks him in the

"Regina  you will listen to me." He orders. "I'm not married"

"Oh so you just wear a gold wedding band on your ring finger on your left hand for fun? Because that says married to me." She says trying to escape his grip. He brings his left hand down and shows it to her, keeping hold of her hands with his right.

"Do you see a ring? Do you see women's things in my apartment? No. That's because I'm not married. Yes I was once married but it didn't mean anything to me and we just got a divorce. That's why I told you I was married but you ran out before I could finish and explain." He says gazing into her eyes. Regina continues to try to
escape his grasp.

"If you just got divorced why were you still wearing the ring hmh?
Explain that Mr. I'm not married anymore."

"Because it was my father's ring, he wore it when he got married and..." He swallows his words. "And because it's important to me."
Robin says locking his eyes with hers.

"Bluff." She mutters under her breath. " I saw the ring when I was in the hospital and when I was leaving the hospital. You could've told me then. Instead of letting me think that you were married this entire time!" She yells finally escaping the clutch of his strong
calloused hands.

"Regina you never listen to me! This is why I hurt you!" He yells.

AN: sorry this chapter was so short. I have this big school project due soon. I'll try to update the next chapter when I can. Thanks for reading


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