Chapter 10

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Months later after giving him a second chance, Regina  sits on her couch reading 'What to expect when you're expecting.' as Robin  makes breakfast for the first time since they got back together.
"Regina? Why are you reading that?" He says as he places her homemade breakfast on the island. Regina looks up and gazes into his calm blue eyes and smiles.

"No reason." She teases as she rises from the couch and places the book on the island as she sits beside her true love.

"Regina....." He begins. Regina sighs and closes the open book as she takes a fork full of eggs and brings it to her lips. She slowly chews trying to avoid the conversation. Robin snatches the plate before she can take
another bite of her breakfast. Regina huffs and pouts. "Explain to me why you're reading this book Regina and you'll get your
breakfast back." Regina sighs and looks down.

"I want a baby." She mumbles under her breath. Robin places his
fingers under her chin making her look up at him. She locks eyes with
him and she blinks forcing her eyes down. Robin smiles softly and
presses his lips gently against hers. She brings her eyes to his and
they both smile. "I want to have a baby Robin and I only want one
with you." Robin smirks slightly and takes her hands in his.

"Do you really want to have a baby with me? Regina it's only been 3
months are you sure?" He says a little frightened.

"I know it's too soon but I was just thinking about the possibility of
a baby. We don't have to have one if you don't want one. It's
okay. I understand." Regina explains tilting her head down. Robin frowns a little then pulls her into a tight embrace.

"I want to have a baby with you Regina." Regina smiles and kisses
Robin softly. She leans into his chest and smiles up at him.

"Really? You really want to have a baby?" She whispers softly. Robin slowly nods and places a  gentle yet meaningful kiss upon her lips.


Regina sits on her bed and dials Robin's  number. It's been months of trying and they haven't had any luck for a baby. Regina was
devastated every time the pregnancy test showed up negative but that was just a reason to keep trying and not to give up.

"Hello? Is Mr. Hood there? It's Regina Mills. I need to speak with him urgently." She smiles and looks down at the object in her hands. It was the best thing that could ever happen to her, aside from getting Robin  back.

"Regina? Honey? What's wrong?" he asks urgently. "Are you okay?" Robin has been more tense than before they tried to be able to conceive a baby.

"Yes baby I'm okay. I need you to come home now though. I have to tell you something important."

"Why can't you tell me on the pho-" He couldn't finish his sentence when he heard beeping on the other line. He had to go home and find out the news that she desperately had to tell him.  Robin  puts all his papers in a pile and dashes out his office door and rushes to his car. He fumbles with car keys trying to put them in the ignition. He curses and finally gets his car started. He drives out of the parking lot and speeds his way home to his awaiting girlfriend.

Regina hears screeching brakes pull into her driveway and she lets a laugh escape her lips. I didn't think he'd get home so fast. She
thinks to herself. She puts on a smile and runs to her foyer to greet
her eager boyfriend. She opens the door and see's him breathless.
She giggles and opens the door wider.

"What's wrong?" He pants. She smiles and runs upstairs without saying a single word to him, not even a hello. He watches her confused and walks behind his energetic girl. Regina runs and jumps on the bed then waits for him to shuffle his way into the room. Robin slouches
as he makes his way into the bedroom and sees Regina full of energy. She smiles and hides the object behind her back.

"Why are you so tired love?" She teases him as he fall on his back on
the soft mattress.

"Well you called me at work saying you had something to tell me and then you just hung up. I was worried that you got hurt or something...." He trails off.

"I'm perfectly fine sweetheart." She smiles and places a kiss on his

"Well that I can see. Now what's the urgent news you needed to tell me in person? Hmh?" He sits up and Regina takes a deep breath. "Regina?" She looks up with a wide smile on her face. "What?"

"I'm pregnant." She whispers happily. Robin's eyes widen when he tries to process the news. When he finally rangles his thoughts together the biggest smile stretches across his face and he kisses her
passionately. Regina squeals at the sudden kiss but she slowly wraps
her arms around his neck.

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