Chapter 13

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I am so sorry for making you wait so long for an update, lots of stuff happened over these past few months, Exams, Projects and I had a long time with writers block. I will try to update my other stories as soon as I can but just to let you know, I am going to be very busy this next few weeks and I will be spending time with my family this summer so I will try to update as often as I can, so without further a do, please enjoy Chapter 13 of Untamable Love.


Robin slowly rose from his knee and scooped Regina up in his arms happily. She leaned her head down for a passionate kiss and he began to spin her around. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck to steady herself. Robin slowed down and placed her back down on the soft green grass.

"I love you." She whispers and pecks his lips.

"Well my love, I love you more and I always will."

"Are you saying that I can't love you more?"

"Unless you can prove me wrong, then yes I do."

"That can be arranged Mr. Lockesly." Regina whispers in his ear.

"I'd like to see you try, Mrs. Lockesly." He teases and pecks her cheek.

Regina smirks and bites her lip. Robin furrows with his brows to figure out what kind of plan his fiancee was conjuring up in that little brain of hers. She gave him a wink and untied her horse from the fence. She quickly climbed up onto the steed and galloped away from Robin before he even knew what was happening. Robins eyes went wide and he repeated her motions on his horse and began riding after her.

Regina laughed happily as her horse began to pick up speed and she could hear Robin calling for her. She glanced back and saw he was a lot closer than she thought. She winked at him and bit her lip when their car started to come into view. She halted the horse, returned it to the stables and ran towards the car. Robin had given her the keys to hold onto for safe keeping but he was soon going to regret it. She quickly hopped into the car and locked herself inside as Robin ran into the door. She laughed and watched him tug on the handle.

Robin started to become frustrated with her and she blew him a kiss and started the car. She let the window open, just a crack so he could hear her.

"Meet you at the house, lover boy." She blew him a kiss and drove off. The advantage for Robin was, he knew a trail that led him right to their house and he knew he would get there before her. He watched Regina drive off before running towards the woods.

Regina sped home and when she arrived she ran inside and went upstairs to her bedroom. Robin said that he loved her more, oh how she was going to prove him wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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