Chapter 6: Part of a Party

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 Kelsey's skin felt as warm as the sun when she woke up by the repetive alarm that stayed at Felix's side of the bed. As her head turned to the left, she realized Felix wasn't there and she decided to get up.

Felix's voice sounded far away, like from the kitchen, and he hesitated to speak. "Yah? You have to hurry!! We're gonna be late Doll!!"

"What time is it?" Kelsey knew she never had to rush this many times in the morning so it must not have been as early as she thought.

"6:40! Come on!"

Saying nothing, Kelsey ran to her luggage and picked up a green tank top with black jeans. She jogged to the bathroom to change. Kelsey wanted to buy new clothes but knew she would have to go another time and just slipped on the shirt and jeans. She picked up her floss, toothbrush and mouth rinse as soon as she was finished dressing and brushed her teeth along with everything else.
Getting her brush and comb, she combed through her soft dark brown chocolate hair and brushed it to smooth it off. Her stomach growled and she grabbed her phone before going to the kitchen.

"I'm hungry! I'll just make my own sandwich. You go dress!" Kelsey knew her cheeks were reddening and her head felt the rays of heat again as if something was scanning her brain with a laser.

"Ok. Get packed up and get ready to go!!" By this time, Felix was running to the bedroom and picking up his clothes to wear.

Kelsey opened the high wooden cabinet on the wall and snatched a bag of bread along with a plastic plate that were tightly put together in the same area. Using a slice of cheese and ham to slam in the sandwich, she toasted the bread and waited for the bread to heat up. She thought of Felix. It was 7:13 and she thought they were going to be late but realized Felix had a BMW and that they would get to school in only a few minutes.
The bread was ready and Kelsey creamed it with butter from the refrigerator. She placed the orange, soft cheese above the bottom piece  of the bread and used the ham as the masterpiece finish to the sandwich. She covered the sandwich with another piece of bread and bit into the creamy good richness of the butter. She tasted the cheese and the ham collide together in her mouth.
"Ready!!" Felix shouted so that Kelsey could hear him from the kitchen.

"Me too. Let's go." Kelsey quickly chopped down her food as she spoke.

Felix came running to the door and opened it as the sun lit up the pores of his face. Kelsey took her last bite of the sandwich and grabbed her backpack full of work. Her mind filled with science class and the thought of why she didn't really like that class for the reason that Felix was there. She closed the thought and held the door open as Felix picked up his backpack.

"Let's go." He looked serious, but not too much of the look. It was his mind.

Felix threw his blue backpack into the trunk of the car and ran to the drivers seat. He buckled up and waited for Kelsey. She stepped inside the car and looked out the dark window as she held her heavy bag.

"This is gonna be scary."

"And... Why is that?" Felix had a worry in his voice too, since he thought many people at school would ask her tremendous amounts of questions.

"I'm not supposed to be in this car. I don't wanna be seen like this in front of your girls."

Felix took a breath but didn't let it out until he spoke. "I'll just say you live with me now so I have no choice but to drive you."

"Fine..." Kelsey closed her eyes and sighed to show she was uncomfortable talking about it for a moment.

"You should be with your friend more often. Lily; she has Jake now. I haven't seen you guys hang out. Even at the mall." Felix knew he should've minded his own business when talking about Kelsey.

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