Chapter 2:

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~ Elisa ~

I groaned as a ray of sunshine blinded me through the black bars. I rolled over and tried to hide from the sun.

Suddenly I remembered today was the day that I would be getting my letter from Katarina. I sat up, stretched and hopped out of bed. I glanced over the opposite corner and saw Cassandra sprawled on the floor. She was supposed to be on her bed…..

The stone floor was cold on my bear feet and I hopped from foot to foot to collect the letter that was slid under my door. I picked it up and pranced back to my bed.

I head a groan and looked up to see Cassandra slumped up against her bed. Yay…she was awake. I watched as she struggled to stand up and then collapsed on her bed again. I shook my head and opened the letter.

I scanned the letter, and then read it again. After a few minutes I had read it in a total of 14 times. It’s a weird habit but I just love reading stuff over and over again. I tucked it away under my pillow and got out of bed. Breakfast would be soon, but that was the least of my worries. Cassandra was just standing up, not be rude or anything but….she isn’t the best cell mate.

Her back story is basically she….

She likes beer

She likes men

She’s crazy

And the reason that she landed herself in here…

Let me just repeat that: She’s crazy

I don’t know the exact details but I think she stole someone’s car and then shot them or something.

But let’s just say she’s crazy.

I don’t really think she knows she’s in prison, and we don’t talk much. She really hates it but sometimes her brain goes out of whack and she freaks out.

Yesterday she almost killed her self because she didn’t want to eat breakfast.

It was scary

She’s not aloud to leave her cell and she mostly just stays in her corner and talks to herself. Sometimes she just starts bawling her eyes and sometimes she just bursts into song. But she’s Cassandra what can you expect?

My breakfast comes and sit on my bed and eat it, thinking of how I should reply to Katarina’s letter. I consider writing it after I finish my revolting eggs and burnt toast.

Instead of writing a letter I went down to the “Activity Room” it’s the most retarded room ever. There are no activities, there’s a TV, some table, some benches, some shitty books and then there’s like one deck of card. It sucks.

The only reason I go down there is to either watch TV or talk to my fellow cell mates. I don’t actual have any friends (other then Katarina) so I just basically drift around occasionally say “Hi” or “Hey There”.

I sit in front of the TV staring at the screen, there’s about seven or eight other people crowded around the tiny box.

I don’t go here often but there is one show that I like, it’s called “90210”. It’s about these people living in Beverly Hills. And lucky me, it’s on today. I watch that for about an hour and a half and then start going back to my room.

In the hallway I there was a girl kneeling down, she looked her so I went over to investigate.

“You ok?” I asked crouching down beside her.

She jerked up and went flying backwards, she landed on her butt and was sprawled on the floor. She had a wild loook in her eyes as she looked me up and down.

"Who are you?" she asked, pushing her black hair out of her eyes.

"I'm Elisa." I said smiling at her. She started to back away but I stood up. I offered her a hand and she took it. I pulled her up and we came face to face.

She was short with long black hair, tanned skin and by the looks of it, she was limping. 

"What do you want?" she suddenly said with a look of terror in her eyes.

I noticed that she was shaking and now started wondering if she was sane in the brain. (that was not supposed to rhyme btw)

She cocked her head to one side and looked at me again.

"I was just wondering what you were doing down there I said." pointing the spot where she had been crouched.

"Oh I was just looking at the floor, it's quite pretty you know," she muttered. 

What. Is. Going. On. I need to leave this girl and get back.

"Oh..ok well I think I should go now." I said walking away.

"WAIT." she screamed.

I whirled around, what was going on?!

"D'you know a girl named Katarina?" she gasped clutching her chest.

My eyes grew wide and I nodded. What did she know about Katarina? 

She must have known that I knew her because she suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a corner.

"So you do know her" she whispered very loudly. I nodded and a wide grin spread across her face.

I nodded again still un-able to speak. How was this possible? Wait...she could be able to come at both of our breaks and I bet she started talking to Katarina, so she knows who she is. This is very interesting.

"So does she want to tell me anything?" I asked anxiously.

"Oh yes!" said the girl.

"Wait, before you tell me can I know your name?" I demanded.

"It's Hatty" she announced


Yay! Chapter 2 is done!!!

I kinda based Hatty on Luna Lovegood, Vanellope Von Schweetz and my best friend.....weird combination....

Well hope you enjoyed!

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