Chapter 8:

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So I haven't updated in a SUPER long time.... So yeah that's all




My broken foot was turning out to be one of the worst things that had happened to me. Guards were watching me constantly and I could barely go anywhere. I just basically sat up in the bunk sulking all day.

Clark was super mad at me for messing up the plan but at the same time he really wanted to talk to me about how I had gotten my key. So he was on and off about being mad at me. I explained to Hatty how it had happened and she seemed awed about how I was so ‘brave’ and ‘confident’. I had other ideas.

The next morning I went to the ‘activity room’ to finally solve this problem with Clark. I walked in and noticed that he was talking to Hatty. I approached and lightly tapped him on the shoulder. He whirled around and froze when he saw that it was me.

“Oh….hey.” he smiled.

They were so just talking about me. God, this conversation is not going to be awkward AT ALL.

“So ummm what’s up?” I asked.

Clark just shrugged and slumped back down on his chair. At the sign of the question Hatty’s eyes went all bright and her hands shot up. She had this huge grin on her face. I could tell she wanted me to ask why she was smiling.

I stayed silent till she broke down.

“Ok so I have some HUGE news to tell you!” she gushed. “Clark and I both managed to get a walkie-talkie from a guard! Oh and did I mention that I got my key last night! It was sooo cool I kinda went all ninja like and it was sooo cool. You know?”

I just nodded and smiled to myself. How were we going to escape with this girl?

All of a sudden Clark spoke.

“Tomorrow night. At 9:00. Meet us here.” He explained.

“Wait-What?! We’re escaping TOMORROW night? Dude I still have a broken toe, how am I supposed to move?!” I exclaimed.

“Elisa trust me. You can do this. Once Katarina gets here you two will be able to do anything. I’ve already got Edward to tell her so she’s been notified. But the thing I’m worried about is Benny.” He grumbled.

“Oh yeah she told me you two aren’t exactly chums.” I responded with a smirk

But Benny didn’t look to confident. I noticed that he had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was super messy. Maybe he was taking this whole thing a bit too seriously…

I placed my hand on his shoulder and patted it. He flinched but then looked up. I gave him a reassuring smile and stood up.

I grabbed my crutches and hobbled back to the cell. Just in time to see Edward being beaten by a guard.

“Hey!” I yelled.

I dropped my crutches and started running over to him. Pain shot through my ankle but I kept going. Once I reached the guard I hit him on the back. He stood up in shock and turned to give me an evil smile.

“What the heck do you think you’re doing?” I demanded.

I looked down at Edwards who was huddled on the ground whimpering. He had a black eye and his arm was bleeding. I swear to god if I don’t get out of this place soon I’m going to kill myself.

“Well Missy. I know what you’re supposed to be doing.” He said jabbing me in the stomach with a dirty finger.

I moved back when he touched me but stayed standing. Who did this guy think he was?

“Oh really what am I supposed to be doing?” I shot back.

“Minding your own beeswax that’s what.” He grumbled.

Anger boiled up in me, and in one swift movement I had kicked when the sun don’t shine. He was on the ground in pain in an instant.

Edward had managed to sit up but I could tell he was hurt. I grabbed his arm and hauled him up. A look of shock replaced the emotion of pain.

“Yeah, I’m that strong.” I mumbled.

Maybe I didn’t look that strong but I was.

I half dragged, half walked Edward to the ‘hospital’. I sat him down on the bed and waited for a “trained doctor” to come in.

Finally a beefy looking girl came in, she looked us over and then walked over to Edward.

“What happened to you?” she asked with a look of concern on her face.

“Um…I kinda fell.” Mumbled Edward.

What?! I shot him a ‘you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me glance.’ He shrugged and let the girl examine his arm.

After 10 minutes of looking after Edward the doctor proclaimed that he had a slight sprain in his wrist, which was cut badly. And a black eye, but she had given him some ice to put over his eye.

I bet Edward looked pretty beat up but he sure seemed fine emotionally. He didn’t really talk and kind of just nodded to him and return to the ‘activity room’. Probably to find Clark. Was that the only person he could actually talk to? Seriously he hadn’t even said thanks.


I got back to the spot where I had first seen Edward and picked up my crutches. I walked back to my cell and saw that a letter had arrived from Katarina.

I picked it up and opened it with glee….


So I’m super pumped that we are actually getting our butts out of here. Finally we can be free. Oh! And I’m super excited to finally see you! Like physically see you with my eyes. I kinda forget what you look like… that bad? Yeah it probably is.

So Benny and I have made an agreement that if he doesn’t fight with Clark then I will give him a reward. But I have no idea if he does. Hopefully we will get out of here in one piece.

Ok so here’s something to think about when you’re endlessly bored. What do we do when we’re out of here? I mean I don’t think our parents are going to come running and happily except us back into the family. Should we move towns? Buy a house? I mean will they even care that we’re gone? This isn’t a regular prison you know. There’s something fishy about it. And seriously think about this.

I say we move to the country buy a huge house, some cats and just live together. Maybe Benny, Clark and Edward can even be our neighbours. What ya think? Anyway it was just an idea.

See you tomorrow (!!!)


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