Chapter 10:

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oh yeah chapter 10 my story is all most done. im so happy to finally get it over with :) but sad also



I stumble out of the dark tunnel and into a bright room. I whirl and start to squeal. One by one I see Hatty, Ed, Clark, Benny, and finally…she comes out.

“ELISA!” she cries.

We ran into each others arms. I start crying like a baby but I could see tears brimming in Kat’s eyes.

“I’m so happy to see you.” I mumble into her shirt.

“Me too.” She whispers back.

Katarina has grown quite a bit but I’m still taller, her bangs are messy as usual and her hair is in a ponytail. I smile as I look over her outfit. Even though we’re all wearing the same thing she still managed to make hers original.

“I’m still taller then you!” I tease patting her on the head.

“Shut up” she grumbles shoving me in the stomach.

The pain shots through my stomach and I double over. Jeez since when does she have that sharp elbows?

I lift the tip of my shirt and see if it left a mark. That’s when I noticed how thin I am. You can see every single rib and it looks like I haven’t eaten in days. I guess we’re not the healthiest.

“Oh Elisa look how skinny you are!” exclaimed Katarina.

I shrugged and started looking around. Where the hell are we? It’s a small room made of all metal and there just the opening from the tunnel and a trap door near the corner.

Clark, Benny and Ed are standing over by the trap door shooting each others glances. Probably decided weather or not they should break up our meeting. I tug on Katarina’s sleeve and we walk over to the boys.

Hatty comes over with glassy eyes. “Oh that was the most beautiful thing I’ve even seen!” she gasped clutching her hands.


“So were too?” asked Kat.

“Down here.” Points Benny.

Clark bends down and opens the trap door. He reveals a narrow shoot going straight down with a ladder attached to the wall. My guess is that we crawl down and somehow get out.

“I’ll go first!” volunteers Hatty. She happily jumps on the latter and starts going down.

“Not so fast!” cries Clark with a pained expression on his face. Why is he freaking out?

Benny goes next, then Clark, then I go. I feel the metal on my hands as I start going down. Not to complain or anything but I’m not a fan of heights. Just don’t look down. But then upon saying that I look down and freeze.

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