Chapter 7:

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I haven't updated in a while but there's only like two people reading this so no worries. I have been focusing on another story that I just might publish soon ish.....or not.




Life was not going well, Benny still wasn’t talking to me and I still hadn’t gotten my key. I would need his help, because he’s smart and well he’s just Benny.

How the hell do you get a guy to talk to you?

Suddenly my letter was dropped into our cell. It landed with a plop and I smiled and half climbed half jumped down from my bunk bed.

I landed with a thud and winced, I don’t think my ankle was supposed to bend that way. I ran over and snatched my letter. It was finally here!

I opened it quickly and sat down right in front of the door. The cold hard ground hurt my butt but I didn’t care.

Dear Kat,

Bad news.

My two toes are broken; I have a freaking cast and crutches. I can walk without them but I go super slowly. So I guess we have to postpone the escape till I get better or you guys can just go with out me. I allow that as long as we see each other before you go.

But the good news is that I got my key so we can escape. We can meet somewhere if you like. You got your key right? And how’s Benny doing? Is he talking to you and has he told you yet? I’m freaking out and I don’t know if this escape is actually going to work.

With Benny and Clark hating each other and me limping like an idiot it’s not going to turn out well.

Well I hope it’s going better with you,


Oh No, Nonononono this was not happening! This MUST be some kind of cruel joke! I couldn’t believe it! BROKEN TOES! HOW?!

I crumbled the paper up and threw it across the room and buried my face in my arms. I guess Elisa did have point. We couldn’t just put Clark and Benny together; they would probably murder each other. Plus there was no way I was leaving with Elisa. This sucks!

I looked up to see Benny had picked up the letter and he was reading it. For once I didn’t care, he could read it. I groaned in frustration and lay on my back. I closed my eyes and started to take some deep breathes.

I opened my eyes and saw Benny staring down at me. He was frowning, oops. What did I do?

“Hi” I squeaked

He nodded and motioned for me to stand up. I got up and we sat down at the table. He still had the paper in his hands and was reading it again.

“So Elisa, you guys always write to each other?” he blurted out.

“Ummm yeah, all the letters I’ve been receiving were from her.” I stuttered.

He nodded again and then everything came out.

“Ok so since you really want to know I’ll tell you why me and Clark and mortal enemies. We used to be best friends, inseparable, we were always together and everyone knew us as ‘Clark and Benny’. We went everywhere together and did everything together. But one night we decided to have some fun. But it turned out horribly wrong. We thought that it would be funny to get a gun and-“

“YOU HAVE GOT BE KIDDING ME!” I blurted out.

“This is all wrong! You just messed up the whole thing! Both you guys are great people and then you just tell me you got in here because you SHOT something? This is UNbelievalbe. You guys were supposed to be doing some experiment and then you violated some law or something. Not that you SHOT SOMEONE!” I cried in disgust.

God, sometimes boys could be so damn stupid.

I looked up to see that Benny’s cheeks were flushed and he looked pretty bummed.


God, sometimes I could be so damn stupid.

I stood up and hugged Benny, he seemed pretty surprised, I was pretty surprised myself. I just felt like a really good hug was needed at this moment.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered in his ear.

“It’s ok. I probably deserved it, but you haven’t let me finish.” Benny replied.

“So you DIDN'T”T SHOOT SOMEONE?!” I cried

He threw me a glance and my frown faded. Well it was just an idea.

“So anyways as I was saying we thought it would be funny to get my dad’s gun and then drive down the street trying to shoot-“

“YOU WERE TRYING TO SHOOT PEOPLE ON PURPOSE I’m sorry but that is just wrong.” I interrupted him again.

“Shut up” Benny hissed, I had gone too far. Oopsie Daisy….

“Ok I’m very sorry and I promise that you can finish your story with any more interruptions.” I said honestly.

He threw me the Yeah-right-you’re-totally-lying-to-me-and-I’m-not-trusting-you-this-time look.

“We were trying to shoot signs; we thought it would be a funny idea to see how many we could hit. And did I mention that it was at night, so we couldn’t see anything. We were drunk and just going crazy. So we rounded a bend and both Clark and I thought we had seen a huge sign. And it was one, it was gigantic and it was glowing very brightly. So he shot it a ton and all the lights went out. Then we heard screams and we stopped to see what had happened. There were people standing behind the sign and we had shot them all. There was seven in total and soon the police showed up. A huge crowd had gathered and we were then being herded to the police station.” Benny stopped to take a breath but I didn’t say anything.

Well this was a lot to take in. I did not expect what happened next.

“So we were in the police station and still drunk. The police guy was questioning us and I was just about to say that it was an accident and that we would never do it again. But Clark had other ideas. He blamed the whole entire thing on me. My dad is a criminal. He’s been to court twelve times and gone to jail four. So of course the police believed Clark. I got sent to jail but then so did Clark because I at least added in that he used a gun too. But the thing that they didn’t realise was that there was only one gun and two of us. But anyway that is the story of how I got there. I personally only killed 3 people but still it was bad.”

“Wow” I breathed. This was big. My thoughts on Clark had changed but c’mon everybody makes mistakes.

Maybe I should tell him how I got in here……..

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