Chapter 3:

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Yayy chappie three is up! woot character this time! ;) ENJOY!


~ Katarina ~

The spent the rest of the day sulking in my room and pondering about this Nancy Burger chick, who was she and why was that my name?

When the afternoon rolled in I decided to sleep, not going to lie it’s my favourite activity, so after lunch I took a little nap.

~15 minutes later ~

I bolted up; my eyes flew open in surprise. Something wasn’t right. I looked towards the door of my cell and almost screamed. I clapped both of my hands to my mouth.

What. The. Fuck.

There standing by the door was a BOY! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?

I jumped out of my bed and eyed him suspiciously. Where did he come from? He was looking at a piece of paper in his hand and looked up. He folded the paper neatly and tucked into his pants pocket. He straightened up and smiled at me.

He waved and said “Hey”

HEY? HEY? THAT IS WHAT YOU SAY? JUST HEY? Suddenly a huge wave of anger came crashing down on my and I curled my hands into fists.

“What the fuck are you doing here?!” I hissed my eyes in slits.

He looked taken aback and stepped away. He scratched his head and looked around, and then he walked over to the table and sat down.

“I’m Benny.” He announced smiling at me.

“Well BENNY what are you doing are you doing here?” I demanded walking over to the table; I was thisclose to punching him in the face.

“Oh well I just got put in here and you know I guess they decided that you needed a cell mate so I was put in a room with you” he said chuckling.

Why was he laughing? Suddenly I remembered I had been begging my whole life for a cell mate, so why was I so mad? Elisa had Cassandra and she seemed fine with it.

He tilted his head and smirked at me, he pulled out a pen and started writing on a crisp sheet of paper.

Do I dare say he looking a tad attractive when he did that.

Crap I can’t like him, he’s an asshole. Focus Katarina! I saw that he was scribbling furiously on the paper his eyes in a trance of concentration. I watched as his eyes flitted across the page. I grabbed a sheet of my own and started to write to Elisa.


I have news; a boy has come to live me. I hate him so much but at the same time he is attractive, I almost punched him in the face, I’m getting so mad for stupid little reasons, I can’t focus on anything so writing to you is kinda like a therapy…that sounds a little weird doesn’t it?

Anyway his name is Benny and apparently he likes writing too, cause that’s what he’s doing right now. I just realised we’re going have to share a bunk bed, I loved having to decide I should sleep on the bottom or top every night, oh well it’s not the worst. But right now he thinks I hate his face so we aren’t exactly in speaking terms. But I’m making a promise that we will become friends. Or aleast be able to talk to each other. I still miss you and I want to get out of here, like escape for good. This is really sudden but I have an idea, please discuss with me. We. Need. To. Get. Out. Of. Here

Bye for now,


I finished writing my letter and folded it neatly into quarters like I always do and I leave it at the exact spot that I always do. Except this time Benny came and picked it up.

“What the hell are you going?” I spluttered grabbing the note out of his hand.

“I was just reading it” he stammered. Oh yeah sure, you liar. He was trying to figure out who I was sending it to. That little sneak.

“I was just reading it.” I mocked; I stuffed the note in my pocket and climbed up into my top bunk.

He threw me a glance and sat down on the floor. What was he doing down there? I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. Whooo…Breathe Kat, just breathe.

“Can I ask you a question?” a voice said.

ARGG why did he have to interrupt my thoughts?

I groaned and rolled over, I bent my head down from the top bunk and stared down at Benny who was staring back up at me.

“Sure” I mumbled rolling my eyes.

He bit his lip then said “How did you get in here? I mean what did you do to get here?” he asked.

Oh god no…no way was I going to tell him what happened. Well maybe I could summarize it.

“Well…it was two years ago and um…me and friend Elisa we, we were planning to do something…but” I could go on.

All of a sudden the memories came flooding back, I hugged my knees in frustrations but the images wouldn’t go away.

The blood.

The knife.

Elisa and I looking at each other.

Realising what we had just done.

The sirens.



Then I realised I was screaming. Very loudly. I clamped my mouth shut and bit my tongue; the taste of blood filled my mouth and then came the tears. I didn’t even try to stop them, and then I felt a hand on my shoulder. Benny had come up here?

“Shhh, its OK you don’t need to tell me.” He whispered trying to hug me. But I shoved him aside and scooted away.

“I don’t need your help!” I sobbed.

A look of shock was on his face but was soon replaced with something else. Disappointment He slid off the bed and sat down on the bottom bunk.

I wiped my tears away and straightened up. I sat there in silence until a sound reached my eyes, was it crying?

Wait….Was Benny crying? I poked my eyes over the edge and saw him curled up crying.

Oh No

What had I done?



that is all for now.....

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