Chapter Nineteen "The Maze"

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Spitting the grainy dirt out of my mouth. I pick myself up off of the ground, wiping my face with the back of my sleeve.

Disgusted I finish my walk toward the swing-set. Sitting down I lean back moving my fringe behind my ear to look at the sky.

The light blue sky was being swallowed up by the dark grey clouds.

It was going to rain soon. I sighed happily. Feeling the cool air blow through my hair I close my eyes. I felt movement beside me.

Looking over I saw Avery sitting there looking off into the distance. I looked where he was staring and saw the maze. Turning my head to examine the lake. The fall color of leaves reflecting off of the water. Leaves were floating in the water moving around.

Will I ever get the chance to go home and see my friends and family again?

I wonder if they are still looking for me.

Looking back over at him, his eyes were closed, long lashes shadowing his face. His short brown hair moving with the wind. He was gorgeous, but I would never fall in love with him.

That kiss meant nothing. It just surprised me. He used it to his advantage, and I let him

I looked down at the ground, swinging my feet.

I am not going to fall for him. He is a kidnapper. I have been telling myself that over and over again. But every time I build up a wall he some how breaks it down.

I can't let that happen.

I can't.

He hurt me. But he is nice to me.

He doesn't deserve my forgiveness. If he was sorry he would take me home.

Looking up, I gazed at the maze. The small leaves were covered with white roses. I wonder what is beyond the maze. Would it be where his front yard is? Would there be something creepier than here.

I probably would never get the chance to even step inside to answer my own questions.

I dozed off without realizing he got up and was standing in front of me. I was still looking at the maze.

I wonder-


Looking up I saw his towering figure standing before me. He reached his hand down, reluctantly I took his, standing up and we began walking around.

He showed me the pond, the garden, everything except the maze. Walking back to the door I turned my head to look at the maze.

"What's in the maze?" I turned to him, curious.

"Nothing." His grip tightened and began to open the door and shoved me inside. 

But not before I saw a beautiful girl standing at the entrance of the maze. Her white transparent skin, her evil grin. Her finger pointing at me and curved it signaling me to come to her.

I was dazed.  The door shut jumping me back to my senses.

What was in the maze?

Something. Someone.

Was waiting for me.

Good afternoon my little elfs! How was your day?
Sorry the chapter was so short!
I apologize ^^"

See you in my next chapter!

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