Chapter 11

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Ok guys, Since you all know how guilty i feel i am going to attempt to do 3 uploads in one day! iF IT DOESNT WORK THEN OH WELL but i hope you like it all. THANKS EVERYONE!


Anthony's POV

The bell had just rang and I was heading toward the vending machine down the hallway. It was now empty because everyone was getting food or something along those lines. I heard whispering around a corner. Most likely some kids spending some "Alone Time". I rounded the corner and saw Aiden. He was talking to a girl with long hair. I only caught the end of what she was saying but it sounded painful for her to say. "Now because of you I have to struggle living a life full of lies, So go ahead rat me out but remember. You ruined my life." She turned around and stopped in her tracks. Katerina stood there dumbstruck. Everything she had said took a moment to register. I knew my face had disgust on it and I was about to cry. 

"Anthony-" She started but I turned around and walked away. I couldn't take it anymore. I heard Aiden chuckling and resisted the urge to turn around and hit him, But from the smack i heard two seconds later, Katerina took care of it. I walked back to my classroom and sat down. Had this marrige really ruined her life? I grabbed a tissue off of my desk and held it in my fist. Thankfully I didn't have any more classes for the rest of the day, Just supposed to do paperwork. HA! Yeah right, Not after I just heard.

      The day passed slowly, The final bell finally rang and I was about to leave when Anasia ran in.

"Where is she?" I knew who she was talking about but i decided to play dumb.


"You bloody well know who." She spat at me. "Kat"  Rolling my eyes.

"I don't nor would I want to know." I said swiviling in my chair so i wasn't looking at her anymore

"She's missing" She said simply and i was out of my chair. Those words alone sparked something in me.

"How do you know?" I asked now pacing

"She called Joz earlier asking to go over to her house, She said no and then they hung up. We assumed she would be home or come back to school or the park or something but when we skipped last period to check she was no where, We would call her but her phone would go straight to voice mail or the call was rejected. We assumed you might know where she went...But i see by your reaction you don't"

"I haven't seen her since break, we had a disagreement and I left..." I said without really thinking about my words, Just trying to figure out where my wife had gone.

"Get in your car and scout the city, Don't tell anyone that she is missing, She would blow a hole in her head if she found out we got worried, I am going to look too. Call me in an hour if she still hasn't showed up." She nodded and walked out. I grabbed my phone and called Kat.

"Come on baby pick up, pick up dammit!" I growled into the phone.


By this time i was in my car, "Dammit!" I slamed my hand on the steering wheel. I called her over and over again while driving for about three hours before it got dark. Finally I decided to drive to a town over, I crossed the bridge and saw a car stopped on the side with it's hazard lights. When my headlights got onto it, It showed a tall woman next to the car talking to someone, I couldn't make out who it was until I almost passed. I slammed on my breaks and jumped out. I ran over to her and grabbed her in my arms. Kissing her head, and petting it.

"Oh my god, Katerina! Where the hell have you been!? Anasia and Jozie and EVERYONE has been looking for you, I've been so worried about you." I said in a soothing voice, THough i was trying to calm myself more than her. She slowly pulled out of my arms and whispered.

"Lets go home please" then went back into my arms. I nodded and said "Ok" Then turning to the woman. "Thank you so much, Everyone was so worried about her. Is there anything I can do to repay you?" I asked, I would pay her anything.

"For what? I just made her get down here cause i was worried, I'm a doctor so i just wanted to make sure she was ok, I assume you're the husband?" She asked. I was shocked she knew but nodded yes.

"Well I hope you guys sort out your issues, Here is my number if she ever needs anything, anything at all" She said and pulled out a card. I said thanks and we both got back in our cars. I had to carry Katerina back to the car and lay her down in the back seat. When we got home, I called Anasia and Jozie and they came straight over. She was so tired she, She went in and out of sleep. I finally told the girls to head home and that they could come back over tomorrow to see her.

            I eventually got tired so took her upstairs with me to bed. I put her in her bed and then headed to mine. Before i left her room though I kissed her forhead and whispered "Don't ever do that to me again, I love you". I don't know if it was just responding while in sleep or if she was awake but she said "I love you too" I was too shocked and stood there for a good five minutes before finally walking away and going to bed.

Married by Elvis to my Principle/English Teacher. great huh?Where stories live. Discover now