Chapter 22

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Hey guys, SO i'm putting in a chapter about how she finds out she is preggers, now I forget how long before hand it was, But I am going to guess and put 2 weeks prior at the top. If it's wrong, Then please let me know IN A NICE WAY! Haha thanks. I started to write this in my Bio class (Yes I am a sophomore in Bio) and I got away with it =) This chapter isn't going to be very long (Like always) But that's just cause this is kinda a filler chapter till I figure out what and where and how to take this story. If you have any suggestions, PLEASE LET ME KNOW(Send me a private message) CAUSE I AM COMPLETELY STUCK! It's not a fun feeling, Writers block. Ok well Hope you like this chappy.

And I was thinking and figured out that for this to work she will have gotten pregnant when they FIRST had sex, so that's when she got pregnant.




2 Weeks prior to previous chapter.

My life was amazing right now. I had the perfect husband, the perfect family in law's and the perfect best friends. Nothing could go wrong. Anthony and I had done "It" once again, and I was so happy. I was now sitting in English class spacing out, I knew I had a goofy grin on my face but didn't care.

"Someone will think you're high or something." A voice whispered, the feeling of the breath on my neck sending my body into a sexual frenzy.

"Ya, Well they can suck it." I responded without turning around. Anthony chuckled and stood back up.

"Alright class, Good job being quiet, sorry I had to take that phone call. Now let's start reading our new book" His cell had rung and it was his moms ringtone, "Now lets find out what our new book is!" The class got quiet and the energy spiked. We had been told that there was going to be a new book, seeing as this was an intensive English class, we all loved to read, but he refused to tell us. I had begged but he wouldn't tell me. All we knew about it was that there was one.

"Ok guys, We are going to be reading...THE HUNGER GAMES!" We all cheered because we knew we actually didn't have to do any reading seeing as most of us had already read it. Anthony and I locked eyes and I smiled while nodding my head. There was 20 minutes in class left and we had already finished today's work so he let us ask questions about himself.

"Mr. Booth! How's your love life going?" One of the more popular girls yelled out. His eyes momentarily flashed to mine but before anyone could notice he looked away.

"it's going amazingly. I love my wife and she is the best."

"When do we get to meet her?" Another yelled out. He thought about it quickly and then responded, "At graduation. She'll stand on the stage with me when I give out diplomas." That was news to me and as a reflex reaction I gasped. Everyone looked at me with questioning looks.

"Do you have something to add Ms. Wilson?"

"I know her very well and she wont want all that attention, especially after everyone figures out who she is..."

"and why do you say that hmmm?" Anthony asked with a smirk on his face.

"because she doesn't like attention. I know her REALLY well and I know she will be mad at you for a while if you do that." I countered with the same smirk on my face.

"well, people will have to know who she is eventually." i shrugged my shoulders at him.

"well I am for warning you that if you do that to her, she won't be happy and actually quite mad." he chuckled at it and it felt so good to have a real conversation and no one knew who were talking about.

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