Chapter 26

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Hey guys, I just wanted to say I love you all haha, without you guys and your love for my story I would have given up a LONG time ago, YOu are the only reason I keep writing, I decided that this chapter isnt going to just be dedicated to one person but TO ALL OF MY FANS! Cheesy I know but It's true =) and the song on the side is the song I am obsessed with right now, Downfall of us all by A day to remember!
I love this band haha. So I hope you like this chapter, and I've decided that I want to try to get up to at least 100 pages, or around there before I end this book.


"so that will be a large fry, a vanilla milk shake, 2 big macs and a medium fry. Right?" the mc Donald machine asked. Anthony stuck his head out the window so that he could get closer and said "yep thats it."
 "k, drive up to the window." the voice behind it sounded extremely bored. I ducked my head just in case someone from School worked there. I didn't need more rumors, hearing "what a slut" and "I wanna know who the dad is, I heard it was a deep sea diver from timbuktu!" and " I hope she miscarriages, she has the devil child growing in her." was enough for a lifetime. And I thought my school didn't care. I guess it was just some of the students. 

"Here you go, Have a good night." The person behind the window said through a speaker,  and handing us our food. Thankfully it wasn't anyone we recognized. The beach that night was warm surprisningly, we still didn't want to risk going home and so we went to dinner and sat at the beach.  My phone rang and I picked up with a grunt.


"Where the hell is he!" My father on the other side yelled out, god he was taking my pregnancy that serious?

"Why should I tell you? All you're going to do is try to castrate him." I sounded bored and started to pick at my nails out of habit.  

"Because he got you pregnant, and I'm your father, That's why!" Continuing to scream, It was starting to hurt my ears. 

"Dad get over it, I'm an adult, I'm married, it was going to happen SOMEDAY. So please if you want to stay in your granddaughtes life, Be civil with her father. My husband." Low blow I know, But it had to be said if he was going to give up on his rampage.

"Fine, Let me talk to him, I want to get some things straight with him. Seeing as I didn't have time to do it before your first wedding." Smiling I said of course, we decided on tomorrow for lunch,  I was glad it was sunday because school was getting out VERY soon, and I didn't want to miss anymore. Only a few weeks left and than I will be graduating! (A/N guys, I know my timeline skills are really lacking but bare with me, Im working out the kinks.) I layed down on the soft warm sand and fell asleep with my head in Anthony's lap. 

"Hunny, It's time to get up, We have to go to lunch with your parents..." A soft soothing voice whispered in my ear.

"No, Go away." I swipped at his voices direction, Well I just killed the romance. Chuckling he grabbed the covers and yanked them off of me.

"AHH! THAT'S FREAKING COLD!" I tried to grab the blanket again but he insisted on keeping them.

"Nope, Now get up."

"At least he isn't throwing me in the water again..." I said under my breath loud enough for him to hear.

"I heard that." He called from downstairs. Still with the covers might I add.

"You were supposed to dumby!" Only hearing a chuckle as a response I got up and took a nice shower.  Next thing I knew were in the car getting ready to go to Aldo's. It was a nice little place on the warf that had great calamari. (My favorite food) 

"Reservations for Booth." Anthony said as we walked up, Anthony had made the reservatoins last night and called my mom and told her it was under Booth.

"Right this way sir, and might I add the rest of your party is here already." We thanked him and walked over to the table my parents were at. When my mom saw us she jumped up and ran to me,

"There's my little girl, Nini is going to spoil you rotten!" She exclaimed putting her hand to my belly. I looked over to see Anthony walking up to my father and shaking his hand.

"Pleasure to see you again Sir." oh look at him using his nice teacher voice! I mentally cooed.

"The pleasure is all mine, Now please sit." He motioned with his hands for us to take a seat. I saw directly across from my mom on the left side, next to the walkway, than next to me was Anthony facing my dad, next to the wall. Deciding to order and than get down to bussiness.

"Now son, We have things to talk about. I mean you did marry and knock up my daughter." Wow right off the bat.

"Yes I did sir, and neither were on purpose, Both accidents. But the best ones of my life, I wouldn't change it for the world." He countered.  Smiling I grabbed his leg and squeezed it, He took my hand and squeezed back. My father nodded and than turned to me. 

"Now Katerina, I just wanted to let you knowt that your brother-"

"Is back in town, I know. I've known for a while." I finished his sentence. His eyes widened and said whatever under his breath before turning back to Anthony.

"I can see by the way you two look at each other that you are in fact in love, Much like your mother and I. So I give you permission." It was now time for mom to speak up.

"Where did you go for your honey moon?"

"Uh we didn't..."

"Well where do you wanna go?" She asked like she was going to pay for it, Like dad would ever let that happen.  He seemed caught that also and turned to her with a crazy look. 

"Whose gonna pay for it?"  

"Why us of course! I mean every couple has to go on a honeymoon! and with the baby coming they are going to need it!"

"Mom I don't need it really, We'll survive!"

"Nonsence! Everyone needs-" She was cut off by a loud bang and than a sharp pain in my shoulder. My eyes got wide and I looked at Anthony, I could feel myself slipping and without thinking put my hands to my stomach, I fell backwards and the last thing I saw was Anthony standing over me screaming, No sounds though. Than another man come up and knocked him over the head, than everything went black.
Hola peoples, I hope you liked this chapter, I dcied to add some ation into it, make it interesting or something, I know it's extrememly short but that's all I can do right now, I got more hours at work and barely have enough time for anything! Check out my new story I'll hold your hand if you hold my heart. I will be getting the first chapter up shortly for that.



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