Chapter 15

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Ok guys, So I feel really bad for doing this to you but I am going to ANOTHER camp tomorrow, Thankfully though, It's only a day camp. So I can write when I get home, So besides that I just wanted to remind you that I need 8 votes next chapter, And believe me guys, I love writing this book but I just need to feel loved haha, So thus the reasons for the votes. I am going to stop at 20 votes so be warned for the journey! Haha

I woke up to the feel of soft lips against my ears. "Wake up, We have school today..." I tried to ignore it and continue on sleeping. "Come on, Wake up." He whispered again, chuckling out loud.

"No...I'm sleeping, Go away" I replied with tiredness coated in my voice. I swiped my hand in the direction of his voice. I heard him chuckle again and then felt the blanket slip away from me, feeling the bitter cold of the morning air. I took in a sharp intake of breath, cursing him silently because next he grabbed me around the bottom of my knee's and my back. My eyes flung open to see him carrying me bridle style out of the room.

"Whe-where-where are you taking me?" I asked him while my teeth tapped together. Now fully awake due to the cold air.

"You need a bath." He explained simply. He walked into the bathroom and pulled the curtain back. It revealed a bathtub full of water. No... With that thought he dumped me into the water. I came back up from the water in shock, No air was coming from my lungs and I shivered in the water. Looking up I saw Anthony sitting on the toilet with a smug look on his face. I glared at him and grabbed the towel he extended out to me.

"Why the hell did you do that to me?" I asked calmly, The calm before the storm.

"Like I said, I thought you needed a bath." He said, still looking at me with smug smile. Continuing to glare at him I got out of the tub, Without looking back at him I walked out of the bathroom to my own room. Slamming the door shut I got some new clothes on and towel dried my hair. By the time I was finished and ready to go to school it was almost 7:30. I walked down the stairs and fell onto the couch, Waiting for him to come down to take us to school. I saw something sitting on the coffee table and looked down to see my license. I hadn't used that thing in over a week I thought to myself with dispair(SP), in fact I loved driving and not having a car was heart breaking. I could feel an evil look appear on my face, I should drive to school and since he was taking SOOO long I thought hey, Why not....hmmmm. Before I could settle on it or not Anthony walked down the staircase with that same smirk on his face.

"Shut up and wipe that dumb look off of your face." I grumbled at him, Deciding that I would take his car the next moment I had. He let out a throaty chuckle that caused a shiver to run down my spine, Then turned to the door to leave. I took a big breath and walked out following him.

The drive to school was like any other, We sat and talked a little and by the time we were about five mintues from the school he grabbed my hand. I looked at him with a curious look and he just stared at the road. By the time we got to my drop off spot we had five minutes until school started because we had decided to get bagels for breakfast that morning. I unbuckled and tried to take my hand away but he wouldn't let go.

"Uh, Don't you need to drop me off?" I asked him with an eye raised.

"Well, Since school starts so soon I think we can risk it. So you can just come with me." He stated with his face still pointed to the road. We drove there in silence with him still holding my hand.

"So, Come to my room after school cause I have to grade some papers and then we can drive home." He said finally letting go of my hand, only because he had to get out of the car. Turning to say bye I ran to the door so that I wasn't late for class.

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