Chapter 30

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Kk, guys, so this is going to be the last chapter before the Epilouge (sp) and I just wanted to say that I love you all so much, Sorry for, well EVERYTHING I hope that the rest of my books get as much attention as this one does, and I promise you that my chapters will get longer in the next book and my writing wil improve so much, I'm taking a writing class and it's so much fun and has  helped me a lot. Thanks for staying with my crap of a book for so long =) Without you guys I would have given up on this book (Much like the others) So again thank you my lovely jelly beans.


"Lazy" I heard Anthony whisper under his breath, it was directed towards me but he didn't want me to hear.

"Excuse me? It's your fault anyway, You're the one who got me knocked up in the first place." Narrowing my eyes at him, after a long stare off I finally looked down to finish reading the last few pages of my book.  I had asked him a while ago to get me some hot wings, since that was what I was craving, and he refused to do it. In my "rage" to get the hot wings I kicked him where he didn't wanna be kicked. Let's just say I got the hot wings, but almost had them over my new shirt.

"Love you deary." I said with a smile on my face like this; =P. and yes I did have my tongue sticking out.

"Ya, Ya. Love you too..." As he spoke, he grabbed the as he put it "turny oney button." and flipped to BBC, which had Robin Hood on. Meaning I got to squeal.

"You could at least hold it in until I left the room." Anthony growled under his breath. He hated when I gawked over guys on TV.

"Oh, You're just jealous because you wished I gawked liked that at you." I said while looking down at my book, Too distracted to actually try and read. He humphed and went into the other room. 

"grouch" I said laughing, Than it hit. i thought it was a fake contractions since I was due soon and I would be getting those a lot apperently. Well it wasn't a fake one, it was real. 

"ANTHONY!" I gasped out and fell back into the arms of the couch. He came running out with a wild look on his face. 

"Are you ok?" Oh ya, I look SOOOOOOO ok. I rolled my eyes. 

"No, Do you see me like dying here!?" I screamed at him. 

"Oh god, Oh god, Oh god!" He came forward freaking out and i had to conduct him around, 

"Get the bags, Get our phones." Rolling my eyes once again. You would think that I would be the one freaking out! By the time that we were ready I was out in the car, in pain, waiting for him.

"Ok, take deep breaths, deep deep deep breaths!"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled at him. I was not in the mood! We sped into the hospital parking lot and he jumped out without even turning off the car.

"let's go!" he exclaimed.

20 hours of labor later...

"Congrats it's a healty baby girl." the nurse said. She was born with no problem (just a lot of pain on my part). Anthony leaned down and kissed my forhead and than moved to my lips.

"good job baby." I was glad that he was smiling, considering some of the things i had yelled at him.Like, "you are never allowed in my pants again!" and "i hate you, you did this to me!" typical things for a woman to yell.

"What are you going to name her?" The doctor asked us. Come to think of it, we never really talked about names..

"Sophia" I said

"Juliet" Anthony said. 

"Booth" We said at once.

"So Sophia Juliet Booth?"  The doc asked and we both responded with a "yes" Moments later they placed Sophia in my arms. I was crying just looking at her amazing face. I felt a drop on my shoulder to see him looking down crying himself.

"Do you want to hold her?" knowing he would say yes.

"I don't want to drop or hurt her..."  I thrust her in his arms hoping that it wouldn't hurt her.

"Just hold her, you're fine" He took her and woudln't let her go. We called the family and they all hurried here as fast as they could. (Jake had to take a private jet seeing as he was in Thailand).  We were all crying and laughing. After everyone got here Anthony passed Soph to my mom and turned to me.

"Kat, I know that we are technically already married, but I need to ask you something. I know that you've always wanted a normal wedding that you could remember, so that's what i'm here for. Katerina Mia Wilson, will you marry me again?" AT his words i started to cry again, even harder not being able to say anything so I just nodded.

"Thank you so much, for making me the happiest man on earth."

okey dokey guys, so I am going to be making another chapter that describes their wedding and honey moon, than as kinda an official ending a little insight to Sophia's life. THANKS FOR STICKING WITH ME THROUGHTOUT THIS WHOLE BOOK, I HOPE TO WRITE MORE AND I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! please check out my other books, it would really mean a lot to me. thanks


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