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81. Saw the book into 10 pieces.

82. Use as a target for shooting practice.

83. Stick pins into it like a voodoo doll.

84. Use a shrink ray to shrink it and then let it fly away with the wind.

85. Use pages as toilet roll.

86. Put it in a box. Put the box in a box. And the box in a box. And the second box in a box. Continue until you run out of boxes and leave it on some random persons doorstep.

87. Give it your brother. He will find a way to detroy it.

88. Tear every single page out, hang out on a string in the balcony while it is raining, and let the ink run off the page.

89. Use for a paper mache project.

90. Chuck it in the bin of your school cafeteria.

It is tough to think of 100 ways to detroy a book. Anywho, enjoy.

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