The Mall

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*Kyle's POV*

I guess we both fell asleep after what we had happened because I woke up eith nothing on underneath the blanket. I was cuddled up with Bella in the blankets. I slid out from underneath the blanket, but carefully so I wouldn't wake her up.

I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. After I got out of the shower, I turned around in the mirror so I could see the places where her nails dug into my skin.

I got dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt then went downstairs. When I got downstairs I realized that Lena and Griffin were already up.

"Hey, what's for breakfast?" I asked to anyone who was listening and would answer.

Lena answered, "Eggo waffles!"

"Yessss, I love Eggo waffles!" I exclaimed.

Lena was making waffles so we all shouted out how many we wanted. Good thing we had two boxes. I wanted two, Griffin wanted two, and Lena and Bella both wanted three. I guess being pregnant and all, cravings really kick for Lena, but I'm not sure why Bella wanted three. Maybe she was pregnant but we can't be positive yet. Lena made them and handed them to us and we all dug in.


*Lena's POV*

I'm a little over three months pregnant so the cravings have hit hard. There's been a little morning sickness but not too bad. The cravings include dill pickles, peanut butter, and Reese's. I LOVE Reese's. Griffin's limited me on how many Reese's I eat so I don't get sick. He wants the baby healthy. He really cares about me and this baby. But anyways, I've only had three appointments so the next appointment Griffin and I get to find out the gender. We're both excited to find out what we're having.

School starts in about a week and Bella, Kyle, and obviously Griffin. Other than those three people, no one else knows that I'm pregnant. My bump is noticable now.

Oh yeah! Bella is pregnant too. She's like a week less pregnant than me so there's a good chance we'll deliver around the same time. My best friend and I are having our babies around the same time. Two babies in the house.

Oh wait, I didn't tell you she moved in with us, did I? Yeah we all decided it would be better if she moved in. Her parents were pretty cool about her being pregnant. I think if I had to tell my parents I was pregnant at 15, I'd be dead in a heart beat.

So there's only a week left until school starts and I don't know if I'm ready for it to start though. I mean no one knows and I don't have any jeans that fit correctly. They were all too tight around the waist. I think I had a bit of a bigger bump than I normally would. Maybe since it's my first child? Maybe I'm just over exaggerating.

Anyways, Bella and I were going to the mall to find stuff to fit us. She was smaller than me. Her clothes still fit but we both knew that she would eventually grow out of them. The mall was not my favorite place but since I was going with my best friend, I felt like everything was going to be okay.

We had Griffin drive us to the mall since we were only 15.

We got to the mall and went to the food court first thing because we're pregnant and starving even though we ate two hours ago.

After eating, we went shoe shopping. I got a pair of grey sneakers and Bella got a pair of red sneakers. We had little conversations here and there.

After leaving the shoe store, we walked out and saw some people that went to our highschool. Oh I hope they don't notice us.

Well, they did. And they come over and laughed at me because I was pregnant at 15 years old. Then they said these things and it made me feel like I wasn't worth it anymore. They said....

CLIFFHANGER!! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in 3 weeks! My computer stopped working and now I have to type it on my tablet ): I'll try to update more though! Alright well I gotta go, love you guys! Sorry it's short.
-Lyndsey ❤(i don't know if you can see this emoji or not but its a heart)

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