First Day of School

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*Lena's POV*

I walk into first period on my first day of freshman year.  I already saw some people I know.  And I don't think they really noticed I was pregnant.  Hoodies are basically life so I normally wear one to school anyways. 

Anyways, I walk into to first period and see someone I wish wasn't in my first period class.  My ex-bestfriend, Anna.  Great, this is gonna be a great year, I said thinking to myself.  I just hope she doesn't bring up what happened last year. 

I turn to Griffin and say, "Babe, I can't do this.  Can't I just go back home?"  Okay, so I whined a little to him.

"No Princess, you need to be at school.  Besides, why do you want to go home?" He seemed confused.  He knows what happened last year.  Maybe he doesn't see her?

I point my head in her direction. 

Nope, he's still confused. 

So I whisper to him, almost inaudible, "It's Anna."

Now he looks up and sees her.  They make eye contact and I turn into his chest and put my arms around his waist since I'm really short.  He puts his arms around my back so now that we're hugging.

"Please let me go home," I beg to him.  But he refuses to let me go home.  He says that when the baby comes is when I can be home.

He walks me over to my seat and kisses me goodbye so he can go to his class.  I think we have the same lunch.

The bell rings and everyone floods in.  I sit in the way back but it doesn't matter because we're getting assigned seats anyways.  Guess who I'm partnered with?  If you guessed Anna, you were correct.

Just a question, why does school have to start at 7:40 in the morning?  Like who's actually awake that early in the morning? 

Sitting by her made the memories flood back to my head.  Nothing too terrible happened but last year I almost commited suicide.  Everyone was talking behind my back, literally right behind my back.  In choir, at lunch.  It just wasn't a good year for me.  I went to the teacher, the principals office, and it never stopped.  But Anna, she's the one who started the drama.  She told everyone that I called this one girl names and that I told her secrets that I didn't even know.  Everyone posted shit about me on Instagram and sent me paragraphs.  It was just a really bad year.

But I've recovered from it, but I really don't want it to happen again this year.  The doctor said stress is bad for the baby.  I only have about a week left until Griffin and I can find out the gender.

Our Algebra teacher introduces herself to us as Mrs. Goon.  What a name.  Some of the class snickers.  Including Anna. 

She takes attendence and I look around for some familiar faces.

I look over and see someone I feel like I know but I don't recognize his name.  His name is name is Jacob.  Weirdest thing is, he looks exactly like Jacob Whitesides.  Like holy shit he has a twin!

The rest of the class period we do the papers that the teachers use to get to know us. 

The bell rings for the next period.  I head to English which is on the other side of the school.  I get in the door right before the bell rings.  I have to sit next to a guy I don't know. Maybe we'll get to know each other and become friends so I know someone at least.

The English teacher introduces herself as Miss Lipton. These teachers all have like really weird names.

We all went around and introduced ourselves and said what we did this summer. Let me just tell you, I hate talking in front of people. I freeze up and don't know what to say. So when it came to me, I sorta froze up a little bit and said "My names Lena and what I did this summer was get pregnant." Yep. Froze up. Whole class knows I'm pregnant now. Not like they weren't gonna notice later on but still like shit, why'd I do that?!

I immediately sat down and hid my face with my sleeves. I still had another 35 min in this class and I felt like everyone was staring at me. Most of these people knew me and you could tell they were shocked.

I had two more class periods until lunch and then I could sit with Griffin. Every class was pretty much the same. Go around, introduce yourself and what you did this summer, and then sit back down. Every time I said the same thing and basically told every class that I'm pregnant. I guess it doesn't matter now. Everyone knows.

I'm so sorry I didn't update for awhile. I haven't been at my moms house long enough to update and my computer hates me so it won't turn on. I swear I'll try to be more active now!! I love you guys!
-Lyndsey <33

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