To Tell the Truth

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The Doctor had his sonic screwdriver 'wired' into the TARDIS. However, in my opinion, it was more like jammed. It stuck straight up with a wire on one end and a suction cup on the other. He was staring at a screen with swirling characters of circles. He kept looking at me and turning back to the screen, mumbling about "odds and ends of species". Jack just kept telling me to sit back and keep the icepack in place. But no matter what he said, I kept leaning towards the Doctor, trying to read the screen.

The Doctor finally sighed and leaned against the banister. "Well, it's not that you're unidentified, but you're also not yet... well, identified."

I cocked my head and sputtered. "Identified but not identified?"

Jack whips around and walks towards the Doctor. "What are you saying?"

The Doctor shrugs and says, "She's in a similar situation as you. But, not quite."

Jack and I acquire the same position and expression. Together, we cross our arms and blurt out, "What?"

The Doctor slaps Jack on the shoulder and says, "She's human, but not quite completely human."

Jack grabs the Doctor's arms and quickly inquires, "Is she partially the same species as me?"

The Doctor laughs. "You can search all the universe, Jack, but I doubt you'll find someone like you."

"So what am I?"

The two men turn towards me. Jack takes his opportunity and answers, "Attractive." He and the Doctor turn back around and keep mumbling, Jack complaining of the Doctor's lack of confidence in his species, and the Doctor saying that if it happened to him, it could happen to Jack.

I lay back down on the cushion. The headache is gone, but a new one is starting from their bickering. I finally shout at them, "Is there somewhere quiet I can go? Away from you two?"

The Doctor turns. "Upstairs, to the left, down the hall, second door on the right. Go through that until you see a mantle. Pull the switch next to it, and a map should come from the printer on the mantel. That will show you where your new room is."

I look at all of the stairs and ladders. "Which upstairs?"

The Doctor spins on his heel a few times. "Uh... That one?"

He points at the third stair. "Oh-OK," I stutter. "How far up?"

"Two floors."

I look questioningly at the stair and then back at the Doctor. "What are the directions again?"

Jack steps forward. "I'll come with you. Then if we're lost, we're lost together." He flashes me a charming smile.

"Oh, stop it!" the Doctor snaps. 

Jack looks at him and grabs my arm, pulling me towards the stairs.

After ten minutes of slow wandering as I take in the vast size of the TARDIS, I find myself in a curved white hall, following a large map. "Uh, left. No! No! Wait, right!"

Jack and I are struggling to make sense of the map. We decided twice before that it was upside down, and now realize there are arrows for us to follow. Finally, we approach a simple oak door. Jack pulls the handle, exposing a quaint living space. A bed disguised as a cloud lays on the other side of the room, a butter-colored canopy drapes across delicate marble perches. other doors litter the room, each one with a label above it. A blue dresser, white bedside table and matching foot stool decorate the room. A simple granite lamp with butter and blue colored shade gives the room a unique lighting. 

I realize how tired I am. Between staying up late creating a resume and my adventure and  the meeting of Jack and the Doctor, the only sleep I've had was when I passed out and hit my head. I drag myself to the bed, flopping into the huge pillows and fluffed comforter. I close my eyes and try to greet sleep. But it won't come. I open my eyes and sit up. Jack hurries over.

"What's wrong?" He looks worriedly at me.

I shake my head. "Just. A lot to process. Too much to think about before I can sleep."

He nods and sits down on the side of the bed. He looks around the room. "The TARDIS really does like you."

I glance sideways at him. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, look at this room! Much better than mine." He gives me a half smile. He frowns suddenly and looks hard at me. I lean back, feeling uncomfortable. He leans closer. "I still don't know your name."

I exhale. Should I lie? It seems odd, but it also seems to be the best option. I'm still not sure I can trust these people. I look around the room for an option. Spotting a white and blue flower in a vase, I blurt out my middle name. "Rose."

Jack goes pale. "Please tell me your lying."

I open my mouth, about to defend my honor, but close it. I nod.

Jack let's out a breath, color returning to his face. He doesn't look at me as he talks. "If you want to lie, you can lie as much as you want. But please, don't use that as a name."

I nod. What could I tell him? "My real name is..." I think hard. Tell him the truth, or find a new name. I finally give up with trying to make up a name. "Is... Well, it is in a way Rose."

Jack looks nervous. 

"No, no, no! I'm not lying!" I wave my hands in front of me, trying to reassure him. "It's just my middle name! My full name is Sophia Rose Charline... But, mostly just Sophia Rose."

Jack watches my face, trying to see if he can believe me. I reach out my hand. "I give my word as the Chosen One." I smirk.

He gives a small grunt used to disguise laughter and shakes my hand. "Welcome aboard the TARDIS, Sophia Rose."

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