What's In a Word?

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I walked back through the TARDIS with Jack. As we reached the large console room, the Doctor turned. Seeing me, he quickly shouted up, "Thought you wanted to rest!"

I opened my mouth to respond, but Jack beat me to the line. 

"Couldn't sleep."

The Doctor nodded knowingly. "I wouldn't be able to sleep either if I tried to go to bed at one in the afternoon."

I shrugged. "Well, there's not exactly much else to do here."

Jack looked between us, trying to guess where this conversation was going.

The Doctor walked up to me. "Not much else to-" He sputtered and gestured to the TARDIS. "You're in a box that is bigger. On. The. Inside! How could you possibly have nothing to do?!"

Jack had started laughing. I guess he knew what was coming next.

"Well, it's just that I'm bored" I looked towards the Doctor. "What? Why are you staring at me like I just swore in church?"

Jack covered his mouth, watching the Doctor with a large grin plastered to his face.

The Doctor ignored him. "What did you say? You're bored?"

"Weeell," I said, measuring with my hands.

The Doctor walked very close to me. "'Cause if there's one thing I hate, it's boredom."

He reached back and pulled a switch. The TARDIS began rocking back and forth, a strange 'vworping' sound emanating from outside. Jack shook his head at the two of us. He grabbed on to a rail and yelled through the loud noise, "Grab onto something!"

I grabbed the closest thing to me that seemed stable: the Doctor.

He looked over his shoulder at me as he pushed buttons and pulled levers. I had my eyes closed when the TARDIS stopped moving. He grabbed onto my hands and tried to pry them off of his thin waist. For a Timelord, he didn't seem very lord-like. He didn't manage to dislodge me, so he shuffled around in my grip and said bluntly, "We stopped moving. Down, girl."

I opened one eye, then the other. "Stopped... moving? That implies that we traveled."

I saw him crack a toothy smile. "Through space or time. Or both. Are you still bored?"

I shook my head and released him.

He shook his head in disbelief. "First companion to be scared of a moving TARDIS. Although, in your defense, I didn't exactly warn you."

I was still standing there, shocked at what had just happened. We had traveled in a small Police Box that was bigger on the inside through time and space and were now-

"Where are we?" I suddenly realized that to have moved and stopped, we must have reached a destination.

The Doctor smiled and looked at Jack. His hair flopped in front of his face and he pushed it back. "I have no idea." He looked at the door and grabbed my hand. "Let's find out!" 

We all stepped forward. The TARDIS rocked back and forth, tilting. "Whoa. Whoa, girl!" The Doctor began trying to balance. Once again, I had a bad idea. So I walked towards the door.

The TARDIS kept tilting. I wobbled, arms spread as I attempted to balance. I sighed as I finally evened out... Until the TARDIS gave one last wobble and I smacked into the door. It opened under my hands and I was lucky enough to have Jack grab one sleeve and the Doctor grab the other as I saw we were balanced in the crook of a huge tree. I fumbled for the frame of the door. Peering over the side, I saw the long drop below us. I stepped back.

Jack looked over my shoulder towards the ground and the rocking bottom of the TARDIS. He shook his head, mumbling to himself, "Rock a' bye, baby."

The Doctor pulled me by my arm back into the safety of the TARDIS. He held his face close to my ear and whispered, "Stay here, I'm going to go grab something." 

He hurried back into the shadows of the TARDIS. There was rustling and Jack walked back towards the console. He laughed. "The Doctor never was a good driver."

I shook my head, finally allowing myself to laugh at the insanity of the situation.

The Doctor appeared with a large cord of rope. He tied one end around my waist, one around Jack's, one around his waist, and the other to the middle of the TARDIS. He pushed me towards that door, Jack behind us. As we reached the end of our small walk, he leaned out. He looked back at us, and I noticed that the Doctor and Jack both wore the same  expression. The Doctor grabbed my hand, looking down. He turned back towards me, smiling.

He put one foot out of the door. I grabbed him and pulled him back inside. "What are you doing? Are you insane?!"

His smile grew and he stepped forward again. He reached out so that all three of us were were holding hands. He stuck a foot out again. But this time, with one word, we were plunging.


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