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I couldn't move.

Everything was either too fast or too slow.

Days? Hours? I couldn't tell.

There were brief moments when I felt lucid. I could see or hear for a few seconds, and then it would go dark again. From what I could tell, the Doctor was constantly by my side, working as hard as possible to help. It didn't seem to be working...

It didn't matter how long it really lasted; it felt like an eternity to me.

I began to lose hope. I wanted to give up. Let go, my mind screamed, It isn't worth it. But then I'd hear the Doctor.

"You can't give up, Sophia! You have to fight! You have to stay with me!"

Is he crying?...

"I can't keep losing people..."

Noise faded again. 

Just give up...

No. I had to fight. For him.

For him...

I began to hear a new voice in the darkness. A woman's voice. Soft, gentle. It breathed in and out of my mind; a soft breeze that helped settle me when the coughing shook me and I felt like falling into the darkness.

"You must stay. You have much to do still."

Who was she?

"You must stay."


The voice kept getting stronger, slowly muffling out even the Doctor.

Gold poured into my vision; a blinding, glittering gold that clouded my sight in warmth. I felt light, and all movement seemed to cease except for a strange tugging sensation.

I felt a sudden pull and found myself standing in- no, floating in- a room that seemed edgeless. The gold that had been in my vision now swirled around me, creating the illusion that everything was shifting.

Where am I?

"You are in my center."

The woman's voice swirled around me, shifting the gold in small currents.

Who are you?

I felt as if I knew the answer even before she said it.

"I am the TARDIS."

"You're WHAT?" I spiraled backwards with the force of my own voice.

The room shuddered and the golden swirls sped up. I felt frightened before I realized what was happening. "You're laughing?" I asked.



"I find your confusion and emotions enjoyable," the TARDIS said.

I wasn't sure if it was an insult or not...

"Why am I here?" Some sense seemed to be returning to my head.

"I am working to help you."

"What? How?" And the sense was fading.

"I'm using my energy to revitalize you. Even at this very moment, you're soul is growing stronger, and so is your body."

"My... my soul?" I had never been one for religion.

"Yes. When you are healed and I release you, you will in a way share my soul."

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