I Love You Daddy

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She pulled out the gun and aimed. 

"Tell me Nightingale have you ever danced with the pale moonlight?"

What's that suppose to mean? She pulled the trigger. Move. I dodged out of the way. I wonder if Jason and Richard are facing the same problems. I dodged all the bullets expect for one. She hit me in the leg. Great. I throw a bat-a-rang at her from behead a plant. At this rate she's going to find me at any moment.  Come on Jason! I pushed a button on my belt to call Alfred. 

"Miss June. What's wrong?" asked Alfred through the my ear piece.

"Agent A. Can you get through to Robin or Nightwing? I need some help. I've been shot and i can't move." i whispered. 

"Miss stay where you are i'll send you some help."

"There you are!" yelled Lucy as she jumped out from the bushes. 

I that's going to be a problem. I grabbed another bat-a-rang from my belt as i got up. I throw the bat-a-rang as she was about to shot and made my escape. I wasn't sure if the Bat-a-rang hit it's target because i   ran off and i didn't dare to look back . I pulled out my grappling gun for it only  to  be knocked out of my hand.  I slightly turned around. Lucy's hand was bleeding. Did i do that? Who cares. I'm trapped! Richard! Jason!  It was either jump into the freezing water of get shot by a clown. Where are you guys?! 

"Where do you think your going!?!" 

"Uh trying to get away from you!"

"Why do you even bother. Either way i'm going to kill you."

"Your not going to hurt my daughter!" my dad came out of the shadows with Robin and Nightwing at his side.  I sigh in relief. Finally their here.

"So that's what you were doing. You were calling Daddy Bats." She started laughing like crazy. Did i mention that her laugh sounded like the Joker's? It send chills down my spine. I hate that laugh. But now that she was distracted i had the chance to knock the gun out of her hands. But she stopped laughing the moment  i was going to attack. She  throw the gun towards Batman and attacked me. I was a little surprised and wasn't expecting that to happen. I minute i realized what she was doing it was to late. I hit the ground with such force it took my breath away. I pushed Lucy off me and into the body  of water next to us. She grabbed my hand and pulled me in with her. Oh great. I felt the cold water  as it hit my face. What is she doing?! She was pulling me down. I felt as the cold water  hit against  my skin.  I loosen her grip on me and pushed her far way from me. I finally reached the surface. I looked around to see that i was far away from land. How did i get this far?  I disability looked around to find something to help me stay afloat. Nothing. I have to get out of the water.  Where did Lucy go? I tried my best to swim towards land. I heard splashing coming from behind me. I turn around. Lucy. I have to help her. I swim towards her and pulled her up to the surface.

10 minutes

I finally reached the land and dragged her behind me. I was freezing. 

"Why did you save me?" asked Lucy.

"Because you need help."

"You didn't need to save me. I could have saved myself!"


I looked at her and her makeup was ruin and cloths were wet. 

"Look I'm only going to say this only  once so listen up. Someone is planning something  that going to hurt you physically and emotionally. " she said and got up from the ground.  "You should be more care from now on. " and with that  she walked away. I watched as she disappeared. What does she mean that someone is  planning to hurt me? I pushed the button on my belt. I need to talk to Kara.

12 minutes later

"Nightingale are you trying to say that someone is planing to kill you?" she asked. As she bandage my wound.

"That what she said.She didn't say who though."

"You know she might be  lying ."

"I know. But i can't be sure. She's not like her parents she...different."

Kara sighed.  "I should take you home. Your dad is going to be worried. " I was wearing one of Kara's dress. My uniform was in a bag near my feet. I nod my head.

20 minutes later

"Thank Kara for everything." i said as i hugged her.

"Your welcome June." and with that she left. I opened the door to Wayne manor. It was warm in here. I walked towards the living room. I was lumping all the way.  I was about to take other step towards the stair when the lights turned on. I turned around and standing there was My dad, Jason, Richard, Alfred, and a women who i didn't recognized.

"June why didn't you call us? Why did you call Kara instead of us?" asked Jason as he took a step forward. I don't  know why but i took a step backwards.

" I-I needed t-to talk to her." 

"I'm glad to see that your okay." said the women. 


"I'm all right."

"Are you sure?" asked my mom.


"All really can you walk?" asked my mom.

"Yes." i said as i started to walk but fell down. My dad picked me up and placed me on his shoulders and  give me a piggy back ride. We got to my room and my dad tucked me in. He the kissed my forehead.

"Love you daring."

"I love you too daddy."

~End of flash back 

I smiled to myself . I was eight at the time. I wish i could go back to that. My smile faded. "I'm going to be bed." i announced and  turned around to head  up the stairs. And almost fell but i caught myself before i hit the ground.

"Miss do you need help?" asked Alfred.

"No. That's ok. Thanks anyway." I called back.  When i reached my room i dropped my bag and went straight to bed. I didn't bother to take off my shoes. I laid there awake. I wasn't sleepy. There was a knock on my door. I sat up.

"Come in."

The door opened and my dad walked in. Bruce Wayne might not be my biological father but his been a great dad to me and i think it's fair to call him my dad. After all he did adopted me.

"Hey June."


"I just wanted to know if your really okay."

"I am."

"June you know that you can talk to me about anything right?"


"Good. Now sleep. I have to tell the family something very important tomorrow. " he said as he walked over to me and cover me with a blanket. He kiss my forehead. This reminded me so much of my biological father.

"Good night June."

"Good night dad. I love you." i said as i drifted off to  sleep.

 I meant it  too.

Book 1: Different Worlds {Young Justice x Avengers crossover}  (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now