Have Too Wait And See

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I walked out of the room. Wanda, Pietro and Kara were waiting outside.

"How is she?" asked Wanda.

"My powers have slowed the ageing a little bit. "

The whole family walked in.

"What will happen to her?" i asked Selina. "If she doesn't stop ageing?"

"I don't want to think about that." i said as walked towards Wanda and hugged her and Pietro.

"I'm happy to see you guys." i smiled at them. Pietro wrapped his arms around my waist as he swung me around. I laughed as my foot touch the ground again.

"I've missed you too. Quick Sliver."

"So this is were you stay huh." He said looking around.


"Were do you train?" asked Wanda.

"Um. The Cave."

"You have a cave?" asked Pietro.

"Well it's not my cave. The whole bat family uses it."

"Bat family?" asked Wanda.

"Yeah. That's what Wally and Kara calls us ."

Wanda nod her head.

~~~~~~~~The Bat- Cave~~~~~~

"So this is the bat cave." said Pietro as his voice echoed through out the cave .


"Pietro we need to focus in getting the tesseract back." snapped Wanda.


We all gathered around. We had to the tesseract back from Talia. Wanda , Pietro, Batman, and Bat-girl are going to be the distraction. While Kara, Jason, Richard and I get the tesseract. It sound so easy but it's not. We first have to find out where they're keeping the tesseract. We also can't be sure if all the assassin will leave their post. There are so many flaws to this plan. But we are running out of time. Wanda and Pietro have to get back home. Helena. We need to find a cure for Helena.

"Everyone understand their role?" asked Wanda.

"Yes. " everyone responded.

"Ok then. We have to go ahead. We will signal you when it's ok to go."

I nod. They took the Bat-mobile. Well Pietro was carrying Wanda. He ran ahead. He always has to do that. The rest of us got on the motorcycles. Kara of course was going to fly there. We started the motorcycles and left the cave. Selina was going to stay with Helena. I was quiet the whole time. So many things were going through my head. They won't about the plan. It was about the War back home. I'm not sure what to do.

"Nightingale Watch out!" shouted Jason.

I snapped out of my thoughts. I lend to one side and the motorcycle slid under the trailer. That was close. I placed my foot down on the ground to stop the motorcycle. That's what i get for not paying attention. A few seconds later Jason and Richard pasted me but then made a turn and came back. The parked next to me.

"What were you think?!" yelled Richard. "You could have been killed."

"I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention."

"Nightingale you know that's the reasons accidents happen."

"I'm sorry. We can talk about this later but right now we should get going." I said.

~~~~~~4 Hours later~~~~~~~~~

We're here. We got off our motorcycles and head towards the building but we didn't get to close. I took a deep breath as I pulled out my grappling gun.

Book 1: Different Worlds {Young Justice x Avengers crossover}  (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now