The Night of the living dead part 1

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I opened the door to the Wayne Manor and closed it behind me. I hand my bow in my hands as i walked towards the kitchen. I the first thing i saw was Artemis and Robin were setting on the table studying. I didn't want to bother them so i slowly wanted out of there. I bumped into Barbara.

"Oh sorry i didn't know you were there."

"It's fine. Where are you going?"

"The couch."

"Oh. You know what you should come with me and help us." she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the kitchen.

"For what?"

"Helping us study for a test."

"But i don't know what you guys are studying."

I sat down next to Barbara and she told me to give her the right answer once she was done. She did pretty good.But missed three. I didn't use the paper that had the answers because i didn't need to. But Barbara checked them anyway just in case.

"You were right."

"Told you." i got up from the table and grabbed my bow and head towards the couch again. I turned now the T.V. and flipped throw the channels when something caught my eye.

Break News

Uh-oh whats wrong this time. I left it on that channel to hear the new report.

People of Gotham stay in your homes and locket all the doors and widow. Do Not Leave you homes no matter what. There have been reports of zombies attacking Gotham.

Did he just say what i think he just say? They them showed a video of a dinner being attacked by what looked like zombies. Ok not a joke. I got up to my feet and ran towards the door and locket it. I then ran into the kitchen. I opened the door.

"Alfred?!?" i yelled out.

"Yes miss?" he asked.

"Get in here quickly."

"What wrong?"

"Alfred just get in here! Leave the flowers there." i yelled out. He did as he was told and started to walk back to the manor. I noticed something moving in the background. No. I disability looked around.

"June is something wrong?" asked Richard. I noticed the arrow that i left here in the morning and i quickly grabbed it. I glanced at the door and Alfred was only a few inches away from the door. But right behind him was a zombie. I ran towards the door and aimed at the zombie and i released the arrow and it hit it's target. When Alfred got in i closed the door and locket it.

"June whats going on?" asked Barbara. I can hear the fear in her voice. "Zombie attack. " i said as i walked pasted her.

"Miss where are you heading?" asked Alfred.

"To get more arrows. If we are going to survive this then we knew to protect yourself. "

"Arrows aren't going to kill them."

"I know. I'm just trying to slowly them down."

"But hwo are we going to protect each other is we don't even have weapons." asked Artemis

"I hear that you're good with the bow." i handed her my bow.

"But what are you going to use?"

"I have an extra one in my room. Everyone has to stay way from widows and doors."

"June? But what are we going to do exactly ?" asked Barbara.

Good question. What are we going to do. Trying to stay alive is one thing but we're trapped here and there is no way out. Well there is but if we walk out that door that means death or get turn into one of them. Where can we go? Where can we stay? Think. If this was happening back home what would avengers do? They would probably tried to save the people. But we can exactly do that right now? We need to be as far away from here. Maybe we can go to star city and try to get help from Black Canary and Green Arrow.

"We need to get out of here and some where safe."

"Like?" asked Barbara.

"Star City...or somewhere."

"But how do you know that we've even going to get that far?" asked Artemis. " We don't know how many people are i-" i cut her off.

"Will get there."

"But we can't go through the front door or the back." said Barbara

"Then we go on the roof."

"Are you crazy?! If we go on the roof we might get trapped there?" yelled Artemis

"How do we even know if there Zombies?" asked Richard. "Their not real."

Is he joking right now? He just saw one. Wait. I got it.

"Richard can i talk to you?" i didn't wait for a response and i just grabbed him and we went into an empty room.

"We have to go to the bat-cave."

"What?! No we can."

"We have to in order to live. Do you want to live or die Grayson?" i asked him.


"Then we have too. It's much safer there too. Come on."



"When this is over and Bruce gets mad because we showed them the cave then it your fault."


"Ok let go."

I opened the door and told everyone to follow me. I pushed the right keys on the piano and which opened a secret door which lead to the cave. Artemis was a little shocked at first. I head towards the Bat-computer and did a little research. I check all the cameras in the city. Nothing. Everything looked like a normal day in Gotham and then all the cameras went black. What the hell is happening? Wait w hat about dad is he ok? I just hope he is safe and way from here. It looks like we are on your own. Think what would kill a zombie. They are just like humans sort of. It either missing or something is damaged in their brains. Think J-Emma. Think! The brain stem! That's it! We just have to hit the zombie in the head in order to kill them. I looked over at Richard. I know he was thinking the same think.

"June?" asked Artemis

I walked over to my uniform and grabbed Richard's. Artemis was wearing her school uniform. I looked around and grabbed the Bat-girl uniform and hand it to Artemis. You know that uniform as going to be for Barbara because she came up with the idea and i was going to give it to her so she wear it for Halloween. But we need it now. We all got dressed and gathered weapons. And headed towards the city...

To Be Continued

Book 1: Different Worlds {Young Justice x Avengers crossover}  (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now