(JungKookie P.O.V)
Oh..........my.............FREAKING KOOKIENESS!!!!!Dara noona likes every single member of BTS including me?!?!!
"Hey!JungKookie can you hurry up I need to go to the bathroom!!"The alien V said holding it all in.
Ok yes I'm in the bathroom screaming instead of using the damn bathroom......
"Ok!"I screamed to V since I'm not even using it.
So I went out of the bathroom just to see V staring at me in disgust.
"What?"I asked V since he is looking at me in disgust.
"You didn't wash your hands?"V said backing away from me in disgust.
"Do I need to?"I said rolling my eyes.
"Yes because I don't want to get the kookie germs!"V said running into the bathroom.
Well who needs to wash their hands right?
"JungKookie!!Come here we have an EMERGENCY!"Jimin said jumping towards me and I just backed away from him.
"What now?"I said staring at Jimin who is looks he is about to cry.
"IT IS DARA NOONA'S BIRTHDAY!!!"Jimin said finally crying.
"OH MY KOOKINESS IT'S DARA NOONA'S BIRTHDAY!!"I screamed that even DoDoong the cat who was always sleeping heard me but he went back to sleep again.
"Guys why you keep on screaming I can't focus on my business!"The annoyed alien V said while getting out of the bathroom.
"IT IS DARA NOONA'S BIRTHDAY!!"Jimin and I screamed at the alien V who just ran away like we were crazy people.
"What are we going to do for Dara noona's birthday?Jimin asked me staring at me for an answer.
"We are going to make a birthday party for her 'Bangtan Style.'I said smirking.
"Ummm so what's the plan?"Jimin asked me looking real excited that he started dancing.
"Ok first we will get the rest of the BTS right now."I said telling Jimin to go get the rest of BTS.So then Jimin was running back to me with the other BTS members running behind him.
"Ok!!Got everybody!"Jimin said giving me a thumbs up.
"Where the kookie is Suga?"I asked glaring at Jimin.
"Oops!Sorry I will go get him."Jimin said running to get Sugar wait I mean Suga.
"What do you guys want?"Suga said while eating cookies.
"You guys are here because it is the goddesses birthday TODAY!!"I said staring into each and every BTS member.
"Really!?!It is Dara noona birthday!??!"J-Hope said jumping up and down.
"Yes!!"I said.
"So JungKookie tell them your plan."Jimin said.
"First we have to call YG."I said to the BTS members.
"Why?"RapMon said.
"We are going to set up the party there that's why."I said to RapMon who was nodding his head into agreement.
"Let's go call YG now!"The pink princess Jin said.
So I got my phone and dialed YG phone number and called him.
"Hello YG Entertainment speaking."The Big Boss of YG said.
"Um what do I say?"I whispered to Jimin.
"Just give me the phone."Jimin said and I gave him my kookie phone.
"Sir we were wondering if you can please set up a party for Dara noona because it's her birthday today?"Jimin said.
"Anything for the goddess!!"Yang Hyun Suk said cheerfully.
"Ok bye!"Jimin said.
"Well that was fast."Suga said still eating cookies.
"Ok so what do we do now JungKookie?"J-Hope said smiling.
"Ok now I want V,Jimin,and Jin to step up."I said since all of us were sitting on my kookie couch.
"So three of you will go to Dara noona and tell her something real bad happened at YGE and that they need her help.Then once you get there you take her to the floor where the party is at and we're done."I said.
Where is Dara noona anyways?"Jin asked me.
"She went with Cheondung and DoDoong to buy some grocerys and also went to get their luggage since they are going to live with us."I said
"How come I didn't know?"V said pouting.
"They left early in the morning that's why."I said and three of them sat down back at the couch.
"Ok!Suga,RapMon,and J-Hope come on up."I said and three of them went straight towards me.
"You three will come with me to go to YGE to set up the party and I will be the host."I said.
"So we start now?"BTS asked me.
"Yes!Only V,Jimin,and Jin stay since Dara noona is not back with Cheondung and DoDoong yet."I said and three of them sat back down on the couch.
RapMon,J-Hope,Suga and I went straight to YGE.
Once we got to the entrance we saw BIGBANG!!
"Hey you guys are BTS right?"The one and only Taeyang said with his eye smile.
"Yes!"four of us said since they're our idols.
"So what are you guys doing here?"The handsome G-Dragon said.
"Today is Dara noona's birthday and we're going to set up the party here."I said.
"Are we invited?"TOP said with the cutest puppy eyes.
"Of course you are!"Suga said.
"Ok what time is the party tho?"Daesung said.
"It will be at 7:30 pm."RapMon said smiling.
So then each BIGBANG member went to their limousine except Seungri who motioned his hand at BIGBANG to wait.
"What you want to talk about?"I asked the silver hair Seungri.
"You better not hit on with YGE goddess or else."Seungri stared at us with an death glare but then he just smiled and went to the limousine.
"That was weird."Suga said and four of us continued to go to YGE office.
(V P.O.V)
Jimin,Jin,and I were watching 'Running Man' until we heard a knock on the door.
"I'll get it."Jimin said standing up.
"No I'll get it!"Jin said standing up too.
Jimin and Jin wouldn't stop arguing so I went running to the door myself and it revealed CL from 2NE1.
"Hey!V who is it?"Jimin screamed.
"It's CL from 2NE1!"I screamed back.
"Why she's here?"Jin said.
"I'm here to see Suga."CL said while holding a bag which was something for Suga.
"Why you're here to see Suga?"I asked CL who was blushing.
"Ummm sorry but it's private."CL said blushing.
"Sorry CL he's not here."I said and CL was pouting.
"Where is he then?"CL said staring at me without blinking.
"He went to YGE to set up a party for Dara noona's birthday."I said to CL who was now smiling.
"Thank you!!"CL said and ran to who knows where.
"Your welcome!!"I screamed back.
Then I went back to sit down on the couch with Jin and Jimin.
Then after 15 minutes we heard another knock and I went to the door to reveal Dara noona who was carry a bunch of luggage including Tam Tam.
"Need help?"I asked.
"Yes please."Dara noona said and give me some of the luggage.
"Guys!Help Dara noona and I carry the luggage!"I said.
So when we finished putting all the luggage in.Cheondung was putting all the grocerys in the kitchen.Also as always the cat DoDoong was always sleeping.
So now was the time to do the plan JungKookie told us.
"Guys lets do the plan!"I whispered to Jin and Jimin.
"Dara noona we have to go to YGE right now!!"Jin said.
"Why?"Dara noona asked curiously.
"There is an emergency and they need you now!!"I said holding Dara noona's hand and we ran straight to the door.
"Wait!Jin you stay here and tell Cheondung to bring him and DoDoong to the party."I whispered to Jin's ear.
"Ok!"Jin said and ran back to our apartment since we were outside already.
So then we called a taxi driver and went straight to YGE.When we arrived to our destination all of ran straight to the door and went to the floor where the party is at.
"Wait here guys."I said and went inside so the goddess won't peek.
"Are you guys done yet?"I asked JungKookie who was wearing a tuxedo same with the rest of BTS.
Also I saw some of our guests I saw BIGBANG and the whole YG including IKON,WINNER,2NE1,JINUSEAN,etc.
"V come on wear this tuxedo."J-Hope said handing me a beautiful tuxedo.
So then I changed into the tuxedo and went out.Next everybody went to hide so they can surprise the goddess.When we were ready we told JungKookie to call them in.
They came in and then all of screamed,"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARA NOONA!!!"
Dara noona looked so surprised that she cried in tears of joy.
"Thank you."Dara noona said giving everyone a hug INCLUDING ME!!
So then Dara noona went to go to the dressing room and went to change into a white dress with beautiful designs and man she looked dazzling in the dress.
"Dara noona you look like a goddess!"I said giving Dara noona a hug.
"Thank you!!V you look handsome with your tuxedo."Dara noona said and let go of the hug to go to BIGBANG.
(Third Person P.O.V)
When Dara noona was walking to BIGBANG she saw CL crying that her makeup was destroyed.So then Dara noona ran to CL instead who was crying in the corner.
"CL what happened?"Dara noona said while patting CL's back.
"S-Suga."CL stuttered and started crying again.
"What about Suga."Dara noona asked and looked at CL straight in the eye.
"S-Suga I c-confessed t-to S-Suga..."CL stuttered again while crying a flood of tears.
"Confessed what to Suga?"Dara noona asked and CL looked at Dara noona with sad eyes and began to speak.
"When we were preparing the party for you.........I had something for Suga....I walked up to him and told him to come with me so we can talk in private.So we went somewhere private in YGE.T-Then I confessed my feelings to him which that I have a crush on him."CL said and stopped then cried again.
"Then what happened?"Dara noona said.
"S-Suga told me he ready has a crush on someone and not me."CL said looking down.
"Who does Suga has a crush on?"I asked CL.
"Y-You."CL said then went running to the bathroom.
Next Dara noona went running after CL.Dara noona couldn't believe Suga had a crush on her.Once Dara noona reached the girl's restroom she opened the door and searched for the 'not so baddest female.'"
"CL!"Dara noona screamed hoping for CL to come out from one of the bathroom stalls.
CL wouldn't answer so then Dara noona began to speak.
"CL you know I don't really like Suga I just like him as a friend and also for me you two would make a 'Swag couple.'So CL come out this bathroom stall door and prove your 'The Baddest Female!"Dara noona said and with that CL came out and ran to hug Dara noona.
"Thanks."CL said.
"No problem that's why there's a ship called CHAERA."Dara noona smirked.
"Never mind."CL said letting go of Dara noona.
"Come on hubby."Dara noona said while wiggling her eyebrows.
Then both of them started to laugh together.
"CL we have to fix your makeup."Dara noona said.
"Can you do it for me?"CL said while doing aegyo.
"Anything for 'The Baddest Female."Dara noona said.
Then Dara noona did CL's makeup.
"And......were...........DONE!!"Dara noona said while putting the last touch in CL's face.
"Wow thank you Ssantokki!!"CL said and stood up to hug Dara noona.
"Your very welcome CL."Dara noona said and hugged CL back.
"Hey we should go back.People might be looking for you."CL said.
So then CHAERA went back to the party.
"CL I'm going to go talk to BIGBANG."Dara noona said.
"Ok I will just go to Bom who's always eating corn."CL said while laughing because of CORN BOM.
So then Dara noona went walking towards BIGBANG and then sat down next to Seungri.
"Hey!!Birthday girl!"BIGBANG said while each of them hugging Dara noona.
"Hey!"Dara noona said in a girly voice.
"So do you know who planned this party for me?"Dara noona asked BIGBANG.
"It was Jungkook from BTS."Seungri said.
"Really!?!I should say thank you to him right now!!"Dara noona said then ran to where JungKookie was at.
"So guys I got a good feeling that BTS are going to hit on YGE goddess."Seungri said while smirking.
"All of us do."G-Dragon said.
"You know what Yang Hyun Suk says whoever who is going to hit on the goddess they have to pass through us first."Taeyang said while staring at the beautiful goddess.
"True."Daesung said.
"So we have to see who is the right person for the goddess."TOP said and their conversation about Dara noona and BTS was over.
(JungKookie P.O.V)
I saw Dara noona was running toward me.
"Thank you!"Dara noona said while panting.
"For what?"I said confused.
"For planning this party for me."Dara noona said.
"Your welcome."I said smiling.
"So what do I have to do for return?"Dara noona.
"What do you mean?"I said.
"Since you planned this party for me I want to do a favor for you."Dara noona said.
"Well you can hug me."I said opening my arms and then quickly Dara noona hugged me tight.She felt comfy and warm.
Then after the hug I remembered that we have to sing happy birthday to Dara noona.So I got the microphone and started speaking.
"Ok everyone it's time to sing 'Happy Birthday' to Dara noona!!Also bring in the cake!!"I said through the mic and we started to sing to Dara noona and Dara noona blew the candles and made a wish.
Then everybody went to eat the delicious cake that Cheondung made.
After the cake was finished people started dancing on the dance floor.Everybody went dancing with the goddess including me.When the party was over everybody went straight home.Once we got home we slept through the starry night.
Hi guys!!Today is Dara NOONA'S birthday!!!Also on November 21 2NE1 will FINALLY have their comeback!

(OIKAMB)Oops I Krungy Accidentally Met BTS
Fanfiction(ғɪʀsᴛ ғᴀɴғɪᴄ)❤︎ How can one girl fall down face flat and accidentally be surrounded by Korea's hottest boyband,BTS? Sandara Park goes through thick and thin looking for her love as each of the boys soon fall for her sweet and goddess figure.Hear...