(ғɪʀsᴛ ғᴀɴғɪᴄ)❤︎
How can one girl fall down face flat and accidentally be surrounded by Korea's hottest boyband,BTS?
Sandara Park goes through thick and thin looking for her love as each of the boys soon fall for her sweet and goddess figure.Hear...
(Third Person P.O.V) The church was filled with screams of horror.V was on the floor unconscious with his wedding attire blood stained and blood was seeping out. "V!!Dara screamed as tears came out. People went to look at the culprit but he had a kerchief wrapped over his mouth and had a gun on his right hand.Then he walked closer to Dara and no dared to make a move.CL went with Suga quietly to go call the police before more people get hurt by the unknown person. "Lets go through the backdoor."Suga said quietly and off they went slowly went until they reached the backdoor which leads to the back of the church.Once they opened the door.Two men pulled them before Suga and CL can utter a word. CL tried to scream but a man shut her mouth by punching on her on the face. That is when Suga had lost it and kicked the man who is strangling him in the balls.Then once the man letted go Suga jumped and did a SUPERR MEGAAA KICKK on the guy who dared to punch his girl's face. "Lets go!!"Suga screamed. Then CL and Suga got out of church once they were far enough they went to call the police. Back to Dara~ "W-who are you?"Dara asked afraid as she knelt down next to V. "The name is Kim Soo Hyun."Soo Hyun said and removed his handkerchief from his mouth.
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Dara stared at the man who dared to shoot the man she loves in front of her eyes and slapped Soo Hyun on the face so hard that he stumbled back. "I'm not afraid.Cause I just realized that I should not be afraid of people like you."Dara said confidently. Bom then joined with Dara. "So who do you think you are to ruin the most precious moment of Dara's life?"Bom asked but then got a piece of corn on her purse then quickly ate it. "MEGAAA CORNN PUNCHH!!"Bom screamed and punched Soo Hyun on the face really hard that he did a double flip and fell on the ground.Once Dara and Bom saw Soo Hyun unconscious Minzy came over with her phone. "JungKookie is held captive!!"Minzy screamed worriedly as tears came out. "Wait did an unknown person send a message to you?"Bom asked. "Not just a message...a video too of a gang of men torturing JungKookie!!"Minzy screamed as her tears started to turn into a puddle. Bom went to comfort her. "We need to call some help."Dara said and right when she said that she went straight to Soo Hyun and kneeled down. "Why would you do this?"Dara asked as she tried not to let a tear out. "Why?Why you ask me!!Your husband killed my brother!!"Soo Hyun shouted angrily. Dara was shocked that she couldn't utter a word for a minute but then she spoke up. "How would you know that my husband would do such thing?"Dara asked. "Cause a guy told me that he was the one who killed my brother and I believed him so I went to avenge for my brother!!"Soo Hyun screamed as he grabbed his gun from the floor and shot Dara on the knee angrily. "Ahhhhhhhhh!!"Dara screamed as a waterfall of tears came out. Jimin was watching the whole thing and he ripped off his black suit and kicked Soo Hyun on the face which made Soo Hyun spit blood out on the floor. "Don't you dare hurt anyone else!!"Jimin screamed and punched Soo Hyun on the face. "Who told you that V would kill your brother?"Jimin asked. Soo Hyun went silent not saying a word. "Who told you that V killed your brother?Tell me!!"Jimin asked once again. Everyone was silent even YG and SM their self. "So is the day of K-POP going to happen today?"SM whispered in YG's ear. "No stupid!!Look what is going on here.Also the day of K-POP can't happen if the groom is injured."YG whispered screamed into SM's ear which almost made his ears bleed. "Aish!!I was just asking,Jeez!!"SM said as he pouted. While YG just rolled his eyes. Back to Jimin's jams drama~ "So who told you?"Jimin asked more politely even though his veins are showing while he had a grin on his face. (A/N:Jimin calm your jams down!!) "I c-can't tell you."Soo Hyun said. "Why not?"Jimin asked as he cracks his knuckles which made Dara look at Jimin's muscles which keeps on pumping in and out which made our goddess Dara to blush which also made her forgot about her bleeding knee. "I-I'm sorry I just can't."Soo Hyun. "JUST TELL MEE!!"Jimin screamed so loud that a window shattered into pieces. Soo Hyun was now in sweat that was trinkling down his forehead and then he started crying. "Fine I will t-tell you....."Soo Hyun said as he shed a tear. Everyone wanted to hear and everything was silent while Bom was just munching on her corn. (A/N:Bruh!😂) "JYP entertainment told me too."Soo Hyun said. SM fainted onto YG's arms and YG has his mouth wide open since JYP was one of his best friends. Then all of a sudden there were police sirens everywhere and about 50 police cars and 10 helicopters had finally came after a full 30 minutes of drama. The guests were happy that the polices had finally came after minutes of drama. Dara was picked up and carried by Jimin.While Dara just blushed but her knee was hurting badly and she let a tear drop out once she saw V getting into an emergency van. "V..."Dara mumbled and cried as she was being taken away by Jimin to his car.RapMon and Jin was at the back with Dara while Jimin was next to his butler who was driving his car. Dara fell asleep and Jin tilted her head to his shoulder.RapMon saw what he was doing so he did the same thing.Now they were fighting for Dara's gorgeous head to be on their shoulder.Jimin started to get annoyed and screamed at them and Jin and RapMon didn't move for the whole ride. Once they got into the hospital.RapMon carried Dara to the nursery room which was not that far while Dara was just sleeping soundly in RapMon's arms. Once RapMon,Jimin,Jin,and Dara were in the nursery room. Jin waked Dara up by tickling her and Dara giggled cutely as she opened her eyes. "We are going to get that knee patched up."Jin said and pointed at Dara's knee which had a medium sized hole of blood going out. "Aigoo it hurts!!"Dara complained. "Now I won't have beautiful legs anymore...."Dara mumbled. Then a nurse came in and Jimin,Jin,and RapMon had to leave the room for 40 minutes until the nurse was finally finished and letted them in. "Come in."The nurse said nicely. Then they all came in and saw Dara with a long patient gown but the thing is she looked cute in it. Then Jimin looked down to see the goddess Dara's heavenly legs but the left of her knee was patched up since the jerk Soo Hyun had to shoot a bullet in her knee!! Jin went to sit next to Dara and comfort her.Then RapMon and Jimin went to do the same thing.Since they all know each tear drop was for V. "Where is J-Hope?"Dara asked as she wiped her tears. "He went to check on V."RapMon said. Then Dara quickly stood up and wanted to run to her love but she couldn't since her knee had a hole which couldn't let her walk.Jimin saw how sad Dara was so he went to ask the nurse for a wheelchair and the nurse quickly gave him a wheelchair since Jimin is from her fave boy group,BTS!! Then Jimin quickly went back to the nursery room where RapMon,Jin,and Dara was.Then he told Jin to carry Dara gently on the wheelchair and Jin did it as fast also as gently as he could.Then Jimin went to push the wheelchair to go where V's room is which was the room number,368.Since he called J-Hope to ask what is V's room number.So RapMon and Jin was trailing behind.Then when they finally got into V's room V wasn't in there just J-Hope who was crying his eyes out that his eyes turned red. "What happened?"Dara asked worriedly. J-Hope looked at her and shakes his head. "V went to the emergency room full of doctors and nurses since his heart wasn't beating that fast it was beating slow that he almost died.So they took him and I had to stay here."J-Hope said as a tear trickled down his cheek. Dara wheeled in close to J-Hope and patted his back then hugged him. "Don't cry J-Hope we need hope in us and faith that V is going to be fine."Dara said as she rubbed J-Hope's back gently. Then all of the sudden the door bursted open with CL and Suga.Suga had blood rolling down his forehead and CL had a black eye. "What the heck happened to the both of you!!"RapMon screamed. "We went to save JungKookie but there were too many gangsters who had guns and knives."Suga said as he was sweating. "Is JungKookie okay?"Dara said and cried of the thought of JungKookie being hurt. "No."CL said as she shakes her head sadly. "We need to save him!!"Dara screamed. "I will go to save JungKookie."Jimin said confidently. "I'm coming too."Jin said and joined in. "Same here."RapMon said and patted Jin's back. Then everyone agreed until it trailed down to Dara. "Can I please come?"Dara asked. Then everybody agreed for her to not go since Dara's knee needs healing but Dara wanted to go. "You stay here your leg isn't barely healed yet."CL said. "Just stay here and wait for the results for V."Jin said. Then Dara nodded her head. Then they all left and Dara was just on her wheelchair looking at the clock.Then 2 hours past by.Now 5...... "Wonder what is going on there?"Dara exclaimed. BTS and 2NE1~ They were walking fast down the hallway then CL saw her two other members Minzy and Bom,and told them what happened.They both agreed to join the fight. "We will need more recruits."Suga said sternly. "Why are there millions of gangs?"Jimin asked. "Not that much but a lot of people that we couldn't even make it through the first door."Suga said. "True."CL said. "So who are we going to recruit EXO?"J-Hope asked. "Sure since I know that Tao can do fighting with that wushu stick of his."Suga joked. Jimin just shakes his head in disappointment.Suga just rolled his eyes playfully and smiled. "Ok EXO who else?"Jimin asked. "How about BIGBANG?!"Jin asked excitedly. "Yes!!"RapMon screamed. "Ok let's go pick them up!!"Suga said and pumped his fists up. Then all of them went inside into a huge van that can fit about 27 people!! They first went to EXO and EXO came out with baseball bats and even some pocket knives in their pockets.Tao was the only one who had a wushu stick. "I knew Tao would bring his wushu stick."Suga thought. "I'm only doing this for Dara."Chanyeol said even though he knows Dara loves V. "Whatever."Kris said and rolled his eyes. Chanyeol just pouted but then smacked the back of Kris's head. "Yah!!"Kris screamed. "Whatever."Chanyeol said and smirked as he hopped into the van. Kai was the last one to get on and he quickly told his members to scoot since he wants to sit next to his girlfriend,Minzy.Minzy smiled as she leaned next to Kai's shoulder as she smiled.While Bom was munching on her corn.All her corn crumbs was on poor D.O's new shirt. "Next stop,BIGBANG!!"All of them chimed together as the van drove off to their destination. "Yah!!Luhan stop touching my ears!!"Chanyeol screamed. "Sorry it is just they are so big."Luhan said as he gazed at Chanyeol's yoda ears. Baekhyun started laughing. Chanyeol was fuming with anger. "Yoda Chan-chan!"Baekhyun joked as everyone laughed at the fuming Chanyeol. "Guys we are here at our destination."Jin said and pointed at where BIGBANG was waiting at.Seungri came with a leather jacket and had a gun with a strap. Then Seungri happily went in and sat next to Sehun who remembered when Seungri sat on him at MAMA 2016.