(ғɪʀsᴛ ғᴀɴғɪᴄ)❤︎
How can one girl fall down face flat and accidentally be surrounded by Korea's hottest boyband,BTS?
Sandara Park goes through thick and thin looking for her love as each of the boys soon fall for her sweet and goddess figure.Hear...
(Cheondung P.O.V) Can't believe my sister never told me about this!! I should have not agreed to live with BTS!! Now I found out that my sister kissed that jamless kid Jimin!! "Wait until I find you Jimin for sure your not going to court my one and only sister Dara!!"I screamed. "Cheondung shut up I'm trying to sleep with your loud mouth!!"Seungri screamed. "Oops!Sorry."I said. Where was I? Oh Jimin once I see you.You will be in a hospital and thinking to not go near my sister or even kiss her ever again!! (Jimin P.O.V) I woke up smiling at myself. "Dara....Dara......all I think is Dara....she's cute...she's sweet and she's......only for me."I sang happily. I'm a happy man today.I got up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine as in take a bath,brush my teeth,and dress up. When I was finished I looked in the mirror to see my handsome face that girls would fall for.(Literally) As I walked out to the hallway.I went to look for Dara because of that deal JungKookie,V,and I made. As I was looking for Dara I saw Cheondung walking towards me angrily. Before I could even say'Hi'I felt a huge impact on my face. "Cheondung!!"I heard Taeyang scream. As I was on the floor I saw my lip bleeding as I tasted it it tasted bad and I spit it out as I cough out blood.Then I saw Cheondung being dragged away from Taeyang. "What the heck just happened?"I muttered. Then my vision was blurred. (Taeyang P.O.V) I'm so pissed off right now.Cheondung's going to ruin our plan!!As I was dragging Cheondung.I went back to our room and pushed him on the bed. "What the fluffiness Cheondung!!"I screamed. "What?!I just teach Jimin a lesson."Cheondung simply said with no emotion at all. "YOU ARE GOING TO RUIN OUR PLAN!!"I screamed. "Well you got to shut up.People might hear your loud mouth especially my sister Dara."Cheondung said smirking. "Fine but don't do that again or your out."I said. "Fine."Cheondung said laying down on the bed looking up to the ceiling.Once I got out the door to the hallway.I went to find Jimin since he got the 'CHEONDUNG ULTRA PUNCH!!' I found Jimin but I chose to spy on him instead since I already saw Dara there helping him.Then I took my phone out to record the whole thing so I can show the rest of the BIGBANG members.For sure I'm not going to show Cheondung after what happened...... (Dara P.O.V) When I was in my bedroom I was texting Bom since I missed her so much.
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To:Krungy From:Bom🌽 I heard from CL about BTS.😏 To:Bom🌽 From:Krungy Wait CL told you!? From:Bom🌽 To:Krungy CL told me the whole thing. To:Bom🌽 From:Krungy Aish never mind then. To: Krungy From:Bom🌽 So who do you like from BTS?😉 To:Bom🌽 From:Krungy I'm not sure. From:Bom🌽 To:Krungy Fine I understand also I might come and visit same with Minzy and her boyfriend since I need a vacation.😎 To:Bom🌽 From:Krungy Wait Minzy has a boyfriend!?😳😱 From:Bom🌽 To:Krungy Oops!!Please don't tell Minzy that I told you.🙇🏻🙅🏻 To:Bom🌽 From:Krungy Ok your secret safe with me.❤️🔑 From:Bom🌽 To:Krungy Thanks.Anyways gtg I'm going to the mall with Minzy.Bye!!🤗 P.S Good luck with BTS if you know what I mean.😉 To:Bom🌽 From:Krungy Ok byeeeeee. Then I turned off my phone.I went out the hallway only to find Jimin laying on the floor hurt. "Oh my gosh!!Jimin what happened!!"I screamed. My heart was beating fast once I saw blood on the floor. Jimin still looked hurt so I help him stand up and we went to our room. Once we got inside I gently put Jimin on the bed. "Jimin can you tell me what happened?"I said. I was very curious since yesterday V and JungKookie gave him a punch and now another punch from an unknown person but I will soon find out. "W-well I was walking and saw Cheondung walking towards me and just punched me on the face and I guess I fell asleep."Jimin said. My brother Cheondung the overprotective brother of mine.I'm used of him protecting me from my admirers but this crossed the line.Im confronting him face to the goddess face of mine. "Jimin wait here.I got something to do."I said. Jimin smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I went to my brother's room which is where he stays with BIGBANG.I knocked about 5 times impatiently.What the heck is taking so long?!I was still standing there angry of how my brother would go to far of protecting me. "Dara?" I turned my back only to see G-Dragon smiling at me. "Oh hi."I said. "What are you doing here?"G-Dragon said. "Well I'm looking for my brother.I have something serious I want to tell him."I said looking down. "Oh." "Have you seen him?"I asked. "Well I think he went swimming with Taeyang since I saw them together wearing their swimsuits."G-Dragon said. "Thanks."I said. Before I could go I felt G-Dragons's hand on my wrist.He pulled me close to him and whispered. "Watch out." Then I quickly ran to find my brother.That was unexpected. I went back to my room where Jimin is at to get my swimsuit since I'm going to find my brother. Once I got inside I saw Jimin half naked with a towel on his waist.Jimin was fresh out the shower.Good thing he didn't notice me......yet. I quietly went back to the hallway and closed the door quietly and hoping Jimin wouldn't notice.So once I closed the door I counted to three and knocked the door. That was really close I got to remember to knock first before budging in. Then I heard Jimin open the door still with a towel on his waist!! "J-jimin."I muttered. I'm a blushing mess right now.Jimin has very nice abs.No Dara your turning into a pervert!! "I just took a bath."Jimin said smiling at me. Jimin why are you doing this to me?!I don't want to become a pervert. "C-can you put some clothes on."I said looking down fiddling with my fingers. "Oh sorry."Jimin said and closed the door. Wooo that was a close one.While I was waiting I saw JungKookie with V.Once they saw they ran happily to me and gave me a hug. "Dara want to go exploring with us?"JungKookie asked. "I got to talk with Cheondung first."I said. Then the door opened with a Jimin only wearing a short for swimming showing his abs. Once Jimin saw V and JungKookie he looked at me and put his shoulder around me and hugged me. I'm totally blushing right now I'm packed up with emotions.Jimin is the first man to ever hug me with his.........shirt off. "What the heck Jimin we are talking to her."V said. "Your such a byuntae.Jungkookie said. Jimin let go of me and stuck his tongue out at V and JungKookie before leaving. "Dara are you alright?"JungKookie said hugging me. "Dara is not going to be alright because your suffocating her with your kookiness."V said and giggled. "Yah!"JungKookie screamed. "It's alright JungKookie as I tapped his shoulder. Then I remembered I got to get my swimsuit so I told them to wait then I went into the room. I quickly change into my swimsuit and got out my room. "Ok let's go explore!!"JungKookie said clapping his hands. "Ok we can do that while we find my brother."I said. "Ok."JungKookie said smiling. Then when we started walking toward the water park I felt a hand intertwining with my hand.I looked up and I saw V looking forward blankly but when he saw me looking at him he smiled.i quickly turned my head and blushed. "Lets explore!!"JungKookie screamed.