Chapter 18:The DATE!

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(CL P.O.V)
What I'm thinking right now:I'm having a date with Suga,I'm having a date with Suga,I'm having a date with Suga,I'm having a date with Suga,and IM HAVING A DATE WITH THE FREAKING CRUSH OF MINE THAT I LOVE SUGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had never been so excited my whole entire life!!I finally have a date with Suga my one and unique crush.I hope that it won't turn awkward since I'm really shy.Yup you heard it right 'The Baddest Female' which is me is shy.SURPRISE!!
"CL!!Dara noona is here with Cheondung!!"Bom screamed happily.
"Coming!!"I shouted and started to ran to Dara noona and hugged her tight.
"Hubby!!I missed you."The goddess said and hugged me back.
"Wifey I miss you more."I said.
"Awww."Minzy said trying to hide herself from blushing.
"Ok!!Enough hugging Minzy,Dara,and I are going to get you ready for your wedding!!"Bom said and pulled me away from Dara noona.
"Ummmm Bom isn't it for a date not a wedding."Minzy said.
"Whatever!!"Bom said.
"Can I help out too?"Cheondung said.
"Let's see how about.........NO!!"Bom said.
"How are you going to help anyways."Dara noona said to her brother while rolling her eyes.
"I can do anything you want."Cheondung said.
"Ok you can help by.............BUYING ME CORN!!"Bom said happily.
"Fine."Cheondung said and waddled out and went to buy corn for Bom.
"Ok first we have to make you look like goddess like Dara noona but a sexy and hot goddess."Minzy said.
"Wait a minute what kind of goddess am I?"Dara noona said pointing at herself.
"Your the cute and beautiful goddess."Bom said.
"Oh ok."Dara noona said and smiled happily to herself
"Ok let's turn CL into a goddess!!"Bom said.
Bom was doing my makeup while she was eating corn.Dara was doing my hair.Minzy was picking of what should I wear for my date.Cheondung was just sitting down and watching 'Two Yoo project Sugarman.'
"We're finally done."Bom said tired.
It literally took 1 hour to get me ready for my date.
"Oh my fluffiness!!Is that you CL?!?!?"Minzy said surprised.
"Of course it is me Minzy you pabo!!"I said and laughed at Minzy who was pretending to faint.
"Wow!!CL you transformed into a goddess."Dara noona said and was about to tear up.
"Why are you going to cry?"I asked Dara noona.
"I'm going to cry because you're going to have your first boyfriend!!"Dara noona said and was crying tears of joy.
"Wow......our CL is sure growing up."Bom said and smiled.
"I'm sure am."I thought and smiled.
(Suga P.O.V)
What I'm thinking right now:I'm having a date with CL,I'm having a date with CL,I'm having a date with CL,I'm having a date with CL,and IM HAVING A FREAKING DATE WITH SOMEONE THAT I DONT EVEN LIKE WHICH IS CL!!!!!!
"Suga give her a chance come on."V said.
"Your just happy because you'll have a chance with Dara noona!!"I said angry at V.
"V is right you just can't dump CL like that your going to be a jerk like..........beef jerky."JungKookie said.
"All of you are happy in the inside right?Your happy that I will be having a date with CL because one of you guys will have a chance with Dara noona."I said in disbelief.
"Come on CL is nice girl."RapMon said.
"Why won't you date her then?"I shot back.
"Hey!!CL doesn't want me she wants YOU!!"RapMon said.
""I said.
"Just give her a chance Suga."Jin.
"Shaddup you pink princess lover!!"I said.
"Don't you ever say that."Jin said.
"I already did."I shot back.
"Why you little-"Jin but was cut off by J-Hope backing him up.
"No!!Not DESTROYMON!!"J-Hope said and ran to hide.
Then everybody else started to hide too except RapMon and I were just shooting back death glares.
"I still don't care."I said not giving a flying fluff.
"Well you asked for it."RapMon said.
My heart was beating fast inside I was really scared because when RapMon turns into DestroyMon it's not funny.I remember when people were bullying us DestroyMon broke the Bully's necks and they need a whole lot of surgeries on their neck.
"3......2......."RapMon said.
"Ok I give up!!I will go on a date with CL!!"I said in defeat.
"Woohooo!!Hooray!!"BTS screamed happily.
"Let's get you ready."J-Hope said.
All they needed to do to me was do my hair and make me wear a suit.
"Finished!!"V said.
"Suga you sure look handsome."RapMon said.
"What do you mean?Im always handsome."I said.
"Pfft-"J-Hope was trying not to laugh.
"Hahahahahaahaha!!"BTS was laughing so hard.
"Yah!"I screamed.
"Guys are you forgetting something Suga has to pick up CL right now!!"Jin said staring at his watch.
"Suga you go pick up CL right now!!"V said.
I dashed out of BTS dorm and quickly went to 2NE1's dorm which where CL is at.
(CL P.O.V)
"CL!!Your soon to be boyfriend is here!!"Bom screamed.
I giggled about the thought of  Suga as my boyfriend.So then when I ran to the door I saw my crush Suga staring at me.
"You look fine."Suga said.
"Ok!!CL you look like a goddess.Come on lets get this date over with."Suga said.
Then Suga and I went straight to his car and opened his door for me.
"Thanks."I said and smiled.
"No problem."Suga said and gave me a smile.
Suga's smile makes me feel soooooo giddy I'm about to faint!!So then we went to a fancy restaurant.When we got inside people were staring at us.
"Why are they staring at us?"I asked Suga while I was trying not to blush at his handsome face.
"They're staring at my face that's why."Suga said while holding my hand.
"May I take you to your seats?"The lady asked.
"Yup."I said.
Then we were seated at a private seating area.
"CL so what you gonna order?"Suga asked.
"So first I'm going to have a sprite for my drink and I'm going to eat some chicken with fries."I said.
"How did you know?"Suga asked by looking surprised.
"Know what?"I asked totally confused.
"Did you read my mind because I'm getting the same thing as you."Suga said.
Im like sitting there and my face was like 'Well thats a coincedance.'
"Are you guys ready to order."The lady asked.
"Yup."Suga and I said at the same time.
"Both of us going to have sprite.Also both of us will be having chicken and fries please."I said.
"Anything else?"The lady asked.
"Nope."Suga and I said at the same time again.
"We gotta stop saying thing at the same time."Suga said and giggled.
"Yeah."I giggled back.
(Dara P.O.V)
Well sorry to break it but BTS and 2NE1 decided we should spy on their date.Hey!It wasnt my idea it was corn Bom idea.
"Guys!!Come on we have to be really quiet."Bom whispered.
All of us were right infront of the entrance.I was standing next to V.
"Dara noona do you want to hide somewhere with me?"V asked.
"Sure but where?"I asked.
"Well I know this restaurant.I have been here before with my family.So i know where we can hide since Suga and CL are in the private area."V said.
"Ok."I said and smiled.
Once we were in the restaurant Bom told us the plan.
"Ok!!All of us are going to split up and find a hiding spot near the wedding couple and just watch their every move."Bom said.
"Bom don't you mean couple not wedding couple?"JungKooie asked confused.
"Whatever lets just do the plan."Bom said.
V grabbed my hand and both of us went to a hiding spot which is.........THE BATHROOM!??!
"V why are we in the bathroom!!??"I said.
"This is where the secret hiding spot is."V said and pointed to the plain wall.
"We cant even see-"I was cut off when V touched the wall and it showed a hole that can see through the private which is where Suga and CL is at!!
"How did you know this!?"I asked V surprised.
" of my family members are a spy so they kinda showed me where are the secret hiding spots here."V said blushing.
"Cool."I said.
So V and I were sitting there staring throught the hole until someone knocked on the bathroom door we were in.
"Excuse me!!Can you hurry up in there youve been in here for an hour!!"The lady screamed.
"What now?"I whispered to V.
"Well there is more hiding spots."V said.
So then when we got out the bathroom together the lady gave us a look.
"What were you two doing in there anyways?"The lady asked.
"Nothing."I said.
"Something naughty."The lady said.
"Nope!"V said and was blushing really hard.
"Kids these day cant just admit it."The lady said.
"Well.......that was close."I said.
"Yup."V said.
So then the other hiding spot was at the private area.
"You see that big rose bush behind Suga we are going to hide there."V said.
So both of us were hiding behind the big red bush.
(Suga P.O.V)
"So had you heard?"I asked.
"About what?"CL asked.
"People are saying we look alike."I said.
"Really?Hahaaha."CL laughed.
"So how do I look?"I asked.
"You look honestly handsome."CL said blushing.
"Well thank you madam."I said.
"Ummm Suga so remember when i confessed my feelings to you?"CL asked.
"Im sorry."I said looking down.
"Its ok.Im happy right now having moments with you."CL said smiling.
"You have a nice smile."I said loving her smile.
"Thanks."CL said.
So then when are food came both of is started to eat really fast.When we were finished suddenly CL and I heard a loud *thud.*
"What was that?"CL said.
"Lets find out."I said
Both of us slowly walk towards the bush when i looked behind the rose bush there was nothing.
"Theres nothing."I assured CL.
Then both of us sat down and started talking again about our life with BTS and 2NE1.
(Dara P.O.V)
So your wondering where that *thud* came from right?Well its real obvious since we were hiding the waiter almost saw us then V grabbed my waist and i fell down to his chest and both of us were hiding under the bush while im on his chest.
"Dara noona im sorry........"V said trying to turn away since we are face to face.
"Its ok atleast were not caught right."I said blushing due to our closeness.
"yeah......"V said.
Then suddenly someone removed the red bush it was CL.
"Ummmmm."I said.
"Are you guys doing-"CL was cut off by V.
"No its not what you think."V said.
"Sure it is."Suga said rolling his eyes.
"Are you guys spying on us because its pretty obvious."CL said.
"Fine."I said.
"Ok you guys get out before I call security."CL said.
Next V and I walked out to find the rest of BTS and 2NE1.So when we found everyone.All of us went out.So then we invited BTS to come to our dorm to hang out while Suga and CL are on their date.
(CL P.O.V)
When we got out the restaurant.I told to Suga we should walk to my dorm since its just a mile away from the restaurant.
"Sooo ummm remember about Dara noona and V?"I asked.
"Yup!Do you think Dara noona is dating V?"Suga asked.
"I dont know but since Dara noona was on top on................his chest so maybe."I said.
So when were almost to my dorm Suga suddenly hold both of my hands and stared at me.
"CL I finally realized that I love you more than Dara noona."Suga said serious looking into my eyes.
"You do?"I said.
"Do you want me prove it?"Suga said.
"Yup."I said.
Then my whole world stopped when Suga kissed me on the cheek.
"Awwwwwww!!"Bom said.
Yup BTS and 2NE1 was watching us the whole time.
"GET MARRIED ALREADY!!"Dara noona said laughing.
"How long have you guys been watching us?"Suga asked.
"LIKE FOREVER!!"Minzy said.
Then all of us went inside and sat down in the living room.
Suga I Love You.

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