(ғɪʀsᴛ ғᴀɴғɪᴄ)❤︎
How can one girl fall down face flat and accidentally be surrounded by Korea's hottest boyband,BTS?
Sandara Park goes through thick and thin looking for her love as each of the boys soon fall for her sweet and goddess figure.Hear...
(Dara P.O.V) Once I got inside in my room with BTS I went straight to my bed since I was very sleepy. "Dara?"JungKookie said. "Yes JungKookie?I asked. "Can I sleep with you?"JungKookie asked and did aegyo. I was caught in surprise.I didn't expect that to come out innocent JungKookie's mouth. "Why would you want to sleep with me?"I asked. "Well....because V won't stop moving around the bed...and I had to sleep at the very edge."JungKookie said and growled. "How about the rest of the members?"I asked. "They already took all the space."JungKookie said as he rolled his eyes at J-Hope who was snoring. "Ok then you can sleep with me."I said and patted his head. "Yay!!"JungKookie squealed. Then JungKookie quickly lay down next to me as I turned to my front seeing the ceiling above. "Dara?"JungKookie said. "Yes."I said. "Can you tell me a story?"JungKookie asked. "Why?"I asked as I turned to face JungKookie. "I can't sleep..."JungKookie said as he turned to face me. I blushed and hide under the blanket since we were too close. "Sorry..."JungKookie said. "I-it's ok."I said as I gave a thumbs up but I was still hiding under the blanket. I heard JungKookie chuckled as he went under the blanket with me. "So are you going to tell me a story?"JungKookie asked as he smiled. "Ok what kind of story do you want me to tell you?"I asked. "A love story..."JungKookie said and he blushed once he look straight towards me. I just laughed and told him a short love story. "Well there was this boy who would always go ask his crush to pick up his pencil he dropped on the floor since 1st grade..."I started off. "Then..."JungKookie said as he got cuddly on his pillow. "Then he would always take pictures of her each day when school is over.."I said. "Is he a stalker?!"JungKookie said. "Well I guess so."I said. "Tell me more."JungKookie said. "Then when they were 18 there was a prom that was coming up..."I said. "It is going lovey dovey here."JungKookie said wiggling his eyebrows. I smiled and nodded. "Before the day of the prom the boy set a surprise for his crush since he wanted to ask her out for prom."I said. "While in class the boy told everyone the plan his crush didn't seem to notice at all he even told the teacher too.So he dropped his pencil then he asked his crush to please pick it up for him th-" "Oh I know what is going to happen!!"JungKookie screamed. "Yah!!Shut up!!"RapMon screamed. "Sorry..."JungKookie said and pouted. "Want me continue the story?"I asked. JungKookie nods his head and I continued on with the story. "Then once the boy's crush picked his pencil everyone ran out the classroom.The girl was like what the heck is going on and she went out the classroom and she was very surprised she saw photos of her on the walls since 1st grade."I said. "Then what?Then what!"JungKookie said getting excited. "Then she went to the cafeteria to see the whole school screaming happily the the boy came out with a paper and pencil and in the paper it said if his crush wanted to go prom with him and there was two dots that said yes or no."I said "Well of course she said yes."JungKookie said rolling his eyes. "She did say yes and in the end th-" "Kissed."JungKookie finished. "Ok JungKookie go to sleep now."I said and cuddled next to him. Then JungKookie pulled me closed to him and hugged me.JungKookie then told me that I felt very warm.I felt flustered but JungKookie smelled really good and I found myself hugging him back.
We snuggled together.Then JungKookie was sniffing my hair.I then tickled him and he giggled and started to tickle me back as revenge.We started to tickle each other for a long time then we eventually fell asleep under the moonlight.
(V P.O.V) Morning~
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