(ғɪʀsᴛ ғᴀɴғɪᴄ)❤︎
How can one girl fall down face flat and accidentally be surrounded by Korea's hottest boyband,BTS?
Sandara Park goes through thick and thin looking for her love as each of the boys soon fall for her sweet and goddess figure.Hear...
(Dara P.O.V) Here I am Infront of one of the biggest companies SM entertainment. "Aren't you excited?"Chanyeol asked as he give me a big smile. "I-I'm excited..."I stuttered. "Are you ok?"Chanyeol asked as he cupped my cheeks in his palms. I took a breath. "Well my boss YG might be mad at me if I visit SM entertainment or any other entertainment..."I said. "Oh cause our companies are rivals...."Chanyeol said looking down. Then Chanyeol hugged me out of the blue while people were staring at us. "I don't care about that...I care about you."Chanyeol said. I lightly blushed and sighed. "Shall we go inside then?"I asked. "Yes." With that we were holding hands.Once we went inside I saw familiar faces. "Dara is that you?" I looked to my left and saw Onew. "Hi Onew!!"I said and waved my hand. Onew waved his hand too and smiled. "Are you guys dating?"Onew asked with wide eyes. "Why do you say that? "Well since both of you are holding hands."Onew said as he was pointing at our hands. "Oh."Chanyeol said. "So your not dating?"Onew asked. "Well I would like to have a date with Dara but that is up to her...."Chanyeol said as he winked at me. I just stood there and blushed. "Ohhhh..."Onew said and smirked. "What are you guys doing here anyways?"Onew asked. "Well I came here with my beloved Dara because I want to introduce her to EXO so my members can except her to be with me."Chanyeol said and smiled. Oh my gosh I couldn't take this anymore I'm already blushing so hard!!Calm down Dara don't get too many feels. "Ok I guess I will go.I need to eat my bucket of chicken.Bye!"Onew said and left. (Onew P.O.V) *Chicken chicken* I went to take out my phone. "Hello?"I said. "Thanks Onew!!"Seungri said. "No problem!!"I said. "So do you have information if Dara have more suitors yet?"Seungri asked. Oh my chicken!!I forgot to follow them!! "Ummm Seungri.."I said. "Yes."Seungri said. "I'm sorry.I forgot to follow them!!"I said. "Ok."Seungri said. "Aren't you going to get mad at me?"I asked. "I don't need to get mad out you because I will tell everything that is related to chicken to never give chicken to you!!"Seungri screamed. "No!Not chicken!!"I screamed. "You better follow them or say goodbye to your precious chicken."Seungri said and hanged up. I have to do this for CHICKEN!! (Dara P.O.V) We were in the elevator going up. "I'm very excited to introduce you to EXO!!"Chanyeol screamed. "I'm very excited too."I said and smiled. Once the elevator stopped we went out.Chanyeol went and knocked on the door to reveal 8 guys. "Come in."Chanyeol said and grabbed my hand. I looked around the room this must be where they practice.. "We were just practicing our new choreography."Suho said. "Sorry for interrupting."I said with my head low. "It's ok."Suho said and smiled. I smiled and nodded. "Shall we introduce ourselves?"Suho said. "Yes!!"Everyone screamed. "Well I'm EXO-K leader Suho."Suho said and bowed. "I'm Sehun....I LOVE BUBBLETEA!!!!"Sehun screamed. "Sehun calm down!!"Chanyeol screamed/whispered in Sehun's ear. "Sorry.."Sehun said and bowed. "It is ok."I said and patted him on the top of his head. Sehun stood there and shyly smiled. "Anywhoooo I'm Kris the leader of EXO-M."Kris said behind Sehun and bowed. "I'm Xiumin and I love baozi!!"Xiumin said eating baozi then stood up and bowed. "I'm Tao the Kung fu panda."Tao said and bowed. "I'm Lay the unicorn."Lay said and bowed. "I'm Luhan and I'm manly!!"Luhan said and bowed. "I'm Chen and Chanyeol likes you."Chen said and grinned then bowed. "Yah!!"Chanyeol screamed as he jumped high and kicked Chen in the face. "Ahhhhhhh!!"Chen screamed and fell on the hardwood floor. "Hey!!Calm down!!"Kris screamed. Everyone was just staring at Kris as he pulled Chanyeol by the ear. "Ouch...ow...stop it."Chanyeol pleads. "Go say sorry to Chen!!"Kris screamed. Chanyeol went straight to Chen and quickly say sorry. Chen forgives Chanyeol as he went the bathroom. "So Chanyeol where is D.O,Baekhyun,and Kai."Suho said as he crossed his arms. "They are at the Bang Bang Vacay."I said and smiled. "They were talking to me not you."Chanyeol said and laughed. "Oh."I said. "So cute..."Suho said as he put his hands around my cheeks. I blushed from his sudden closeness. Suddenly Chanyeol took me away from Suho's touch and hugged me as he stick his tongue out to his other members. "I just want to say that Dara is mine!!"Chanyeol said as he kissed my forehead. I stood there in his warmth and blushed. "Ok fine I was just teasing you Chanyeol because we all know you have a crush on Dara."Suho said and chuckled. "True Chanyeol would always have your photos in his photo library."Xiumin said as he joined in. It was at this time I saw Chanyeol blushing. "Chanyeol?Is that true?"I asked as I looked up at him. "Well.....yes."Chanyeol said and looked down to the floor. "It is ok Chanyeol cause your my favorite fanboy!!"I said and started to squish his cheeks softly as Chanyeol blushed. "Awwwwww what a cute couple!!"Kris said giddily with puffy cheeks. EXO was surprised seeing Kris acting cute it was very unexpected and they started to laugh including me. "Hey quite down!!"Kris said as he looked embarrassed. "That was very unexpected!!"Suho screamed as he laughed including everyone. Then Chen came out of the bathroom not knowing what was going on. "What so funny?"Chen said as he looked at everyone on the floor except me I was just standing and laughing. "KRIS JUST ACTED CUTE!!"Xiumin said laughing while rolling on the floor. Kris just rolled his eyes and sat down on the couch. Then Chen started laughing with everyone else. "Umm guys i forgot to introduce myself."I said. Then all eyes were on me. "Hi I'm Dara from 2NE1."I said and bowed. "Ok since we are done introducing ourselves....what do you guys want to do?"Suho said while staring at everyone for an answer. "I don't know maybe all of us can go to Bang Bang Vacay..."Lay said. "Only a few can go.."Kris said as he stood up from the couch. "So who wants to go?"Suho said. Well of course everybody wants to go.Come on who doesn't want to go to a big waterpark with a free hotel with a good price.Also the creators were one of the biggest K-POP groups which is BIG BANG!! "Well since 4 EXO members went to Bang Bang Vacay maybe 4 more can go..."Suho said. "Suho and I are going to pick who can go."Kris said. 30 minutes later~ "Suho and I picked the members who can go."Kris said. "WOOHOO!!"Lay screamed. "Also Lay isn't the one who isn't going to go."Kris said. "Wait what?"Lay said dumbfounded. "Ok I'm going to tell the first member who is going."Suho said. "Ok the first member who is going is obviously me."Suho said sassily. Everyone just rolled their eyes. "The second one is Xiumin."Kris said. "The third one is Tao."Kris said. "Can I bring my wushu stick?"Tao said. "No or your not going!"Kris screamed. Tao just pouted. "Finally the last member who is going is- "MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!"Chen screamed. "What?"Suho said. "Actually that is right Chen is the one who is going."Kris said. "Woohoo!!"Chen keeps jumping around then suddenly smirked at Chanyeol. Chen came close to me and hugged me suddenly. "What do you think your doing?"Chanyeol said through gritted teeth. "Hugging Dara.You dumbo yoda."Chen said as he sticker his tongue out. "Yah!!"Chanyeol screamed. "Back it up!!Back it up!!"Suho screamed as he pulled Chen to sit down on the couch. "I was just trying to get revenge.."Chen mumbled. "Revenge my ass!!"Kris screamed. "We all know the rules:No fighting!!"Suho screamed. Everyone just stood quite.No one dared to make a sound but someone broke the silence with a fart.That someone was Kris. All the sudden everybody forgot what happened and just started to laugh. "Not again.."Kris mumbled. "Hahahaha Kris what did you eat today?"Suho said. "Beef.."Kris said staring at 'the wall of embarrassment.' "No wonder."Chanyeol said and laughed. "Anyways the rest of the EXO members won't be going...."Suho said. "Sorry to interrupt but can we play tag?"I said. "Why?"Tao asked. "Well I feel like running.."I said. "Ok let's play tag!!"Chanyeol said as he pointed to Xiumin who was eating his baozi. "Why your pointing at me for?"Xiumin asked as he was munching on his baozi. Come to think of it Xiumin reminds me of Bom since both of them love one certain food.Bom loves corn and Xiumin loves baozi. "Your it!!"Chanyeol screamed. Then everyone started running around. Xiumin was aiming for Kris. "Oh nooooo..."Kris screamed but then he suddenly farted. "Oops."Kris said as once again he stared at 'the wall of embarrassment.' Xiumin just gave up his aim for Kris and looked at me. I think I know where this is going....... I started to run and jump then when Xiumin almost got me I jumped over the couch unexpectedly. "I had no idea I could do that.."I mumbled. Everyone stared at me astonished. "Wow!!Dara can you teach me that!!EXO would finally think I'm manly if I can do that!!"Luhan said jumping. "I didn't know I can do that.."I said. Suddenly the door bursted open.It was Onew who looked very angry. "Who.....ate my chicken?"Onew said. "Chicken?"Xiumin said. Xiumin shouldn't have said that. "You!!"Onew screamed then jumped on Xiumin. "Get off of me!!"Xiumin screamed. "CHICKEN!!!I must avenge for my beloved chicken!!"Onew screamed. "Everyone who is going to Bang Bang Vacay go!!"Kris screamed as he pushed Onew off of Xiumin. "Go Xiumin!!"Kris screamed. "CHICKEEEEEEEEEEN....."Onew said as he automatically stood up. A chill went down my spine as everyone ran out. "I have to go to help Kris!!"Suho screamed. "Noooo Suho just go!!"Kris screamed. While the other 4 members were holding Onew.Then tears went down Onew's face as he wept and cried for his precious chicken.
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"I'm very sorry about your chicken...."Luhan said. "CHICKEEEEEEEEEEN!!"Onew screamed. "I guess we will be going now....."Suho said. Then we went to Bang Bang Vacay.Once we got there I saw Bom waving with BTS and D.O and Baekhyun. "Daraaaaaa!!"Jimin screamed and hugged me once I got out the van. "Dara I didn't know you have a boyfriend."Xiumin said. "No actually I'm her soon to be boyfriend!!"Chanyeol said as he gave a death glare to Jimin who was just rolling his eyes. "Whatever."Jimin said. "Dara where have you been?"V said and cupped my cheeks. "I just went with Chanyeol to meet the rest of EXO."I said. "Hey!!Chanyeol why didn't you bring us!!"Baekhyun screamed with an angry D.O next to him. "Cause I didn't want too."Chanyeol said and sticked his tongue out. D.O and Baekhyun were pouting. "Let's quit standing here my feet are tired."Suho said and all of us went inside. (G-Dragon P.O.V) 2 weeks just 2 weeks left!! Please lord no bad news today as I sat down on my chair doing paperwork. "GD!!"TOP screamed with Seungri behind his back. "What?"I said exhausted. "Seungri wants to you something that is somewhat good news and bad news."TOP said. "I just want to here the good news first."I said. "Well the good news is that we might just need to add one more suitor." "No!!No more suitors we already have freaking 6 already and we only have 2 weeks left!!"I screamed furiously. TOP and Seungri stared at me in horror. "GD you haven't been yourself lately."TOP said. "True."Seungri said pouting. "YG gave us this mission and I have to give it my all since it will be a very important day for K-POP you two know that right?"I said. "Ok."TOP and Seungri said. "I'm sorry for all of you guys."I said and looked down. "It is ok GD we understand you have been working very hard."Seungri said. "Can you continue about the bad news.."I said. "Well we might have 4 more suitors left since Onew have told me that he saw the members with Dara...."Seungri said. "Onew is helping us?"I said. "Yeah since I gave him a bucket of chicken."Seungri said and smirked. "Chicken?Hahahahaha!!"TOP started to laugh. Then I found myself laughing too. We hadn't laughed for a long time....... ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️ Hi guys!Sorry for not updating much.Also what do you think is the important day of K-POP is about? DON'T FORGET TO VOMMENT!! ☁️☁️☁️☁️FluffySway☁️☁️☁️☁️