(Jungkookie P.O.V)
Am I alive?I thought.
Wait now that I remember.......as I scratched my nape BTS and I fainted.The problem is why did we faint?
1 hour later~
Now that I remember BTS and I fainted because Dara Noona showed her abs!!
I wonder where BTS is since we fainted......
As I got out my bedroom....I saw everyone running around and cleaning the dorm.
"What the heck is going on here!?"I yelled.
"BIGBANG IS COMING!!"Jimin yelled happily.
"What really!?Does this mean I could meet G-Dragon!!"I jumped excitedly.
"Yes!!I could meet Taeyang!!"Jimin said hugging himself.
"So...why you guys cleaning the dorm then?"I said.
"Pabo!!BigBang is coming and they're our seniors don't you think they want to be greeted with a CLEAN house!!"Jin said sweeping the floor.
"Why're they coming here?"I said.
"Dara Noona invited them over."V said.
"Oh."I said
"JungKookie can you not just stand there asking us questions when you should be helping us CLEAN!!"RapMon said rolling his eyes.
"Ok."I said pouting.
"Hey!!RapMon don't make JungKookie sad!!Also last time I had to clean the toilet while you're barely mopping the damn floor!!"Jimin said.
"Jeez no wonder you got no jams."RapMon said shrugging his shoulders.
"Never mind!!Don't worry I have jams."Jimin said faking a smile.
"That's what I thought."RapMon murmured to himself smiling.
"Hurry up Dara Noona is waiting for meeeee."Seungri screamed carrying his luggage.
"Seungri we all know the goddess is waiting for me.Come on look at this face."TOP said pointing to himself.
"Well she's waiting for me MORE!!"Daesung said.
"Please Daesung!!Last time Cheondung beat you up after you were with Dara Noona!!"Taeyang chuckled.
"Will you guys shut up!!The more you guys argue the more Dara Noona waits for me!!"G-Dragon screamed.
"Ok gosh."Seungri said.
Once BigBang was at BTS dorm they went upstairs to be greeted by Cheondung.
"Nice to meet you."Cheondung smiled.
"Nice to meet you too."Daesung said.
Before BIGBANG can even go inside Cheondung told BIGBANG something that send a chill down their butt.
"Remember if you go close to my Noona you'll never see daylight again."Cheondung smiled.
BIGBANG smiled but inside they were really scared.
(Third person P.O.V)
"BIGBANG is here!!!"Jimin screamed.
"Hi we're BIGBANG nice to meet you."
"Hi we're BTS nice to meet you too."
"Hi as you'll know it's me Dara."Dara said smiling.
"Dara Noona!!"Seungri said and hugged Dara.
"Excuse me."Cheondung 'accidentally' pushed Seungri which caused him to fall down.
"Yah!!"Seungri screamed.
"Oops sorry."Cheondung said giving Seungri a death glare.
"Are you ok."The sweet goddess Dara said while helping Seungri up."
"Y-yes."Seungri smiled.
Seungri felt like he's in heaven.V the alien noticed this and was beginning to feel a peck of jealousy through his veins.
"So as you all know I have invited BIGBANG over because they've a surprise for all of us!!"Dara announced.
"Wooohoooo surprise."J-Hope thought.
"So I G-Dragon wants to say that all of you are invited to go to 'BANG BANG BANG RESORT!!"G-Dragon screamed happily.
"What's 'BANG BANG BANG RESORT?"Jimin asked.
"Well BIGBANG and I created a resort that's worth 90 million dollars."Taeyang said.
BTS eyes were bulging out so was Dara's.
"So everyone go pack up your things so we can have fun!!"Daesung said while jumping around.
So then everyone was running around packing their stuff.
Jimin:Jams,Taeyang merchandise,and Dara Noona snapback.
Suga:Pillows,blankets,teddy bear,and CL pics.
RapMon:Shades,Guide to how not to destroy everything book.
Jin:Mario plushy,Disney Princess DVDS,packing EVERYONES clothes and necessitys.
JungKookie:Kookies,G-Dragon merchandise,and his diary.
V:Random stuff
J-Hope:Packing EVERYONES electronics.
Taeyang:Things he needs
Seungri:Plushy toys
TOP:Mirror to look at himself
GD:TOP,Daesung,Seungri,and his clothes.
Dara:Face masks,electronics,clothes,pillow.
Cheondung:Pillow,blanket,Packing everyone's swimsuits.
"We're done!!"Everyone screamed.
"C-can somebody help me please?"Dara said while carrying her luggage.
Then everyone ran to Dara.
"G-guys I'm getting smushed."Dara trying to call out but everyone is squishing her.
"Stop!!"Cheondung screamed.
"Oops sorry."Everyone bowed down to Cheondung.
'Yeah that's right bow down to me mwahahahaa.'Cheondung thought.
"I'll be carrying Dara's luggage."Jimin said while holding the handle.
"No me!!"JungKookie said and snatched away the luggage from Jimin.
"Haha I got Dara's luggage."JungKookie said while sticking his tongue out.
"That little brat!!Come here!!"Jimin said while chasing around the maknae.
"Haha you can't catch me!!"
"Come here!!You beach."Jimin said.
"Haha BEACH!!"JungKookie stopped and started laughing.
"Jimin doesn't even know how to say bad words!!"JungKookie said.
"No wonder he got no jams."RapMon laughed with JungKookie.
'I will have jams once Dara and I are together.'Jimin thought.
"Come on!!Lets go!!"G-Dragon said.
"Ok!!"Everyone said.
"Wait I've to put Dara's luggage away."JungKookie said.
While JungKookie was putting the luggage in the trunk G-Dragon went to him.
"Omo!Hi G-Dragon!!"JungKookie said.
"Hi."G-Dragon smiled.
"So how long will be the ride?"
"Probably 2 hours."
"Oh."JungKookie said.
"So lets go inside?"G-Dragon said.
"Yeah!!"JungKookie said with his fist up.
Then they went inside.
•Seating Arrangements•
"Okay!Lets go!"TOP said then he started driving.
"Woohoo!"Everyone screamed.
20 minutes later....
"Wait has anyone seen my cookies?"Dara said.
"Im right here."JungKookie said.
"No I mean the ones you eat."Dara said?
"You can eat me."JungKookie smirked.
Dara felt her cheeks she was blushing.
"Your too cute to eat."Dara said and poked JungKookie cheek.
Lucky JungKookie was blushing.
"Ok whatever you say but you can eat me cause I'm your Kookie."JungKookie said and winked at Dara.
"O-ok."Dara said and blushed.
G-Dragon noticed this and Seungri noticed it too.Both of them smirked.
'We'll soon know who's for the goddess.'They thought.
Since Cheondung was watching JungKookie actions towards his noona he got angry and asked JungKookie a question.
"JungKook do you want to switch seats with me?"Cheondung said nicely but really this boy is angry.
"No I want to sit beside my goddess."JungKookie said and hold Dara's hand.
Dara was containing her feels she doesn't want to drown of too much butterflys.
"Fine then."Cheondung said he was fuming with anger.
'That little Kookie!!I swear I'm going to punch him.He even dares to put his hand on my noona!!"Cheondung thought.
Meanwhile beside Cheondung's anger,JungKookie and Dara were just having fun.While in the front TOP was wearing a big coat and pants.
"Ummm TOP aren't you hot?"RapMon said.
"Actually he doesn't like to show his skin."Taeyang said.
"So does Suga like to sleep?"Taeyang asked.
"Yes."RapMon said.
"Oh I asked cause once he got on the van he quickly fell asleep."Taeyang said.
"It's because he got JAMS."RapMon said.
"What's JAMS?"Taeyang said.
RapMon's world went crashing down.
'Taeyang....doesn't....know...what..JAMS..Is!!'RapMon thought.
"Hello RapMon are you ok?"Taeyang said waving his hand In front RapMon's face.
"I-I'm fine don't worry."RapMon said but deep inside he was going mad.Like who doesn't know what jams is?!
Meanwhile in the Middle........
'That freaking JungKookie!!First he didn't lemme carry Dara's luggage.Now he's sitting next to her!!Argh!!'Jimin thought.
'Why can't I sit next to Dara.Come on that JungKookie is going to take her away from me!!'V thought.
'Touch my body!!'J-Hope thought.
Suddenly the van stopped.
"We're here!!"Taeyang screamed.
"Yasssssss!!"JungKookie said.
Everyone got off and get their luggage.Once Jimin got off he ran straight to the trunk to get his luggage and Dara's.
'Finally I get to carry Dara's luggage!!'Jimin thought.
Then they went inside to get checked in.
"Guys we need to plan out who's going to be in the same room."Seungri said.
Once BTS heard what Seungri said they screamed they want to be with Dara.
"Also we only have two rooms."TOP said.
"We have so many customers!!"Daesung said.
"True."G-Dragon said and flipped his hair.
"So who's is going with who?"RapMon said.
"Well in the first room there is only 4 beds and the second room has only 3 beds."Seungri said.
"Can't we share beds?"Cheondung said hoping they'll say yes.
"Good idea!!"Taeyang said.
"How many are we anyways?"Jin said.
"About 14."V said.
"I know in the first room there will be V,Jin,Suga,Dara,J-Hope,RapMon,JungKookie,and Jimin.The second room will have the rest of BIGBANG and Cheondung."G-Dragon said.
"Ok.Lets get checked in so we could swim!!"Daesung said jumping around.
Once they finished everyone went to get their swimsuits so they could swim.
"What is taking Dara so long?"Seungri said scratching his nape.
"I don't know."Taeyang shrugged.
"I'm so excited!!"Jimin said.
"Why."V said.
"What if Dara is wearing a bikini."Jimin said unleashing his feels.
"Byuntae!!"V screamed.
"I know you want to see it."Jimin smirked.
"Don't make me tell Cheondung!!"V said then he smirked.
"O-ok fine just don't tell Cheondung."Jimin said.
"Whatever I'm going down the water slide!!"V said running to the
(V P.O.V)
Jimin is such a byuntae!!My goddess needs to stay away from him for sure.
Hooray it's my turn!!
"Sir I'm so sorry but we need for you and the lady behind you to go down the slide together."
Once I looked behind my back.I was shocked Dara wasn't wearing a bikini but a royal blue takini with her hair tied up into a ponytail.
"Oh hi V guess we have to go down the water slide together."Dara said.
"Y-yeah."I managed to say it's just I see a beautiful goddess right before my eyes.
"Is there something on my face."Dara said touching her face.
"No your fine."I said she's so cute.
"Oh ok."Dara said and grabbed my hand.
"Let's go!"I said.
We had to go together in one tube.Since there were no more tubes.I had to sit down first then Dara had to sit on my lap while I'm holding her waist.I had a blank expression in the outside but in the inside I was in heaven.
"Yes!!"Both of us said.
Then we went down.Mostly I was screaming while Dara was just putting her hands in the air.
"Woohooo!!"Dara screamed.
Once we were almost to the bottom,I hugged Dara's waist cause I felt scared that tube might flip over.
"We're almost to the bottom.I could see the water from here!!"Dara screamed.
She sure is having fun.Except me....
'Splash!'We finally were just floating at the water.
"Let's do it again!!"Dara said happily.
I couldn't say no because Dara was so happy.
"Ok few more rounds and that's it."I said.
"Thank you."Dara said and hugged me.
Ugh here we go again.
Once we were going for the last round of the water slide I saw Jimin waiting for his turn.
This is my chance Dara and Jimin can go together!!I ran to Jimin and told him about and he obviously said yes.Then I left.
(Jimin P.O.V)
Yass I'm going to go to the slide together with Dara.Once I saw her with her takini I just wanted to run away to happy land.For sure RapMon will give me jams.
"So lets go."I said.
"Where's V?"Dara said looking behind her.
What should I say?!
"Ummm he probably went to theeee bathroom right bathroom!!"I said.
"Oh so can you go down the slide with me?"Dara said.
"Yes!Of course!"I said.
"Okay next in line please."
"It's our turn!!"Dara said jumping around.
Dara sure likes waterslides.
"Let's go!!"I said.
I went on the tube first then Dara sat on my lap.
"I'm so excited!!"Dara said.
"Me too!!"I said.
I love waterslides too.
"Are you guys ready?"
"Yassssssss!!"Both of us screamed.
We were screaming the whole entire time.It was so fun.Once we were almost to the bottom I felt a thump then the tube flipped over.
Dara and I were screaming we flipped over and got splashed hard on the water.
"Lets not go on a water slide for now."Dara said.
"Right."I said.
"Hey!!Dara where were you?"Cheondung said while swimming towards us.
The pool was big it could fit like 100s of people for sure.
"Well I was just talking with CL on the phone."Dara said.
"CL!!"Suga said,"Where!!"
"Oh CL said she might come over tomorrow since she wants to hang out with you."Dara said.
"Really?!"Suga said.
"Yup."Dara said.
"Woohoo."Suga said.
"Suga sure loves his girlfriend."I said.
"Yeah."Dara said.
"I'll be going to the waterslides now.See you!!"Suga said and was happily waddling away.
"Where else were you?"Cheondung said crossing his arms.
"Well Dara and I went to the slide together."I said and smirked at Cheondung.
"Together?!"Cheondung screamed.
"Brother calm down we were just having fun."Dara said and patted Cheondung's shoulder.
"Fine."Cheondung said swimming away.
"So what should we do now?"I said.
Dara smirked at me and started splashing water at me.
"Hey!!"I said.
Then we were battling splashing each other.Then all of the sudden RapMon came and I purposely splashed water on his face.
"Hey!!"RapMon said but suddenly stopped when he saw Dara.
"Hey Dara how are you doing?"RapMon said.
I was feeling angry RapMon is ruining my moment with Dara.Then all of the sudden when I was getting angry.Dara just smiled and winked at me and splashed water at RapMon.Then I joined her and splashed water on RapMon too.
"That's it."RapMon said.
Dara and I were surprised RapMon was forming a big wave then it splashed right on my face!!
"Jimin!!"Dara screamed then I closed my eyes.
(Dara P.O.V)
"Jimin!!"I screamed.
Jimin was drowning down.I swimmer under and grabbed him from his waist.Jimin was sure heavy.Thank God RapMon came to help me.
"Do you know CPR?"RapMon said once we put Jimin on the ground.
"Yes."I said.
"Ok."RapMon said.
So then when I was about to do CPR to Jimin.A guy in his 40s who was a lifeguard ran to us.
"I have to do CPR on him!!"The guy said.
"Don't worry I'll do it."I said.
"Oh thank you."The guy said and left.
"Your welcome!!"I screamed back.
So then I started to do CPR to Jimin.I took a breathe when I have to do the mouth part.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"RapMon said.
"Yes because I'm the one who started splashing Jimin so I'm going to do it."I said.
So then I used my hands to open Jimin's mouth.Then I closed my eyes.Then I put my mouth to his mouth and started to breathe much air to his mouth.When suddenly I felt a hand behind my neck and pushed me closer to Jimin.Then Jimin opened his eyes and started kissing me on my lips.I quickly pushed away and slap a hand over my mouth.RapMon looked at me shocked he looked sad and left.
Hi guys!!Im sorry for not updating for years.So I managed to give you a chapter.

(OIKAMB)Oops I Krungy Accidentally Met BTS
Fanfic(ғɪʀsᴛ ғᴀɴғɪᴄ)❤︎ How can one girl fall down face flat and accidentally be surrounded by Korea's hottest boyband,BTS? Sandara Park goes through thick and thin looking for her love as each of the boys soon fall for her sweet and goddess figure.Hear...