Spirits, Heaven, And Hell

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For the duration of Christianity, we have been told our spirits go to one of the two places, Heaven or Hell. I have heard from friends that they would choose Hell, because by now, atheists are everywhere down there, if it does exist. I agree. It sounds more pleasant than being with a maniac. In the Bible, it says if you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will go to Heaven. This makes it easy for rapists and murderers to get there. So, if you were murdered and went to Heaven, you're murderer could go to Heaven if they accept Him. Now, let's say you attack your murderer, which is a big no-no, you could be cast out of Heaven and straight to the Highway To Hell. Seems fair, right?

Spirits. Spirits cannot be proven or dis-proven. You can't measure spirits. We have never seen spirits either. There have been those few who claim they have, but when it was put in a controlled environment, we don't see a thing. Strange, right?

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