Chapter 25 - Waves come Crashing In

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Chapter 25 – Waves come Crashing In

2013@ Aerynsun All Rights Reserved

 Sam walked out on the patio terrace, arms full of bandages, creams, and medicine bottles within a first aid satchel.  Her bikini straps flapped around her as the sea breeze caressed her. It was late afternoon and only the sound of the waves surrounded her.  She loved the tranquility of Scott's residential area, something that had allowed her to lose herself in thought lately.

She looked over at the shoreline where a silhouette marked its energetic path.  She now recognized the profile easily.  Ever since Scott had arrived at the beach house and had been able to walk on his own, he had taken to the beach to regain his strength. 

Like clockwork, every day a few hours before dusk Sam watched Scott march down to the beach and start his 2nd workout.  She usually watched him through the glass door that led to the terrace.  She marveled at his determination, never failing a workout even if it rained.  And it had in the last few days to her surprise.

His strength was back in full force, she could almost see his face light up as he kept his powerful stride on the sand.  His muscles had only gotten more defined as the days went by, his thighs stronger, his arms corded and his torso ...well...

Sam lowered her head, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks as the image of his chest and abs crossed her mind.   She really needed to get a grip on herself, her thoughts turning to him too frequently.  And it was getting more difficult to not think of him.

She lifted her head, her eyes looking at a running Scott on the shoreline once again.  She couldn’t hide the smile that graced her face as she thought of him.  They had become very close in the last few weeks, hanging around each other.  They could talk for hours while cleaning up the kitchen, watching TV, etc.

She could see his blue eyes light up every time he looked at her.  She had to admit she loved having all that undivided attention from Scott.  Yes, his attention lately was a bit crazy, with constant riling comments intermixed with flirty ones that only had her off balance.  It was driving her up the wall, infuriating her more than she ever expected.  But in all earnest she would take it, since it was probably all she would ever get to have from Scott.

She shook her head, her smile disappearing almost instantly.  She had to push those thoughts away and concentrate on the task at hand.  She had a job to do, one she had volunteered for and she was going to do her damn best.  She had promised Quinn, but more than that she owed it to Scott.

She emptied her hands of the first aid satchel on the patio table, and walked over to the edge of the patio.  She waved over to Scott trying to catch his attention.

“Scott! Scott!”

“Hey, you! Knucklehead!  It’s time!”

Scott stopped his trek along the beach, looking up to the patio terrace.  He smiled as he saw Sam, leaning against the patio railing.  He jogged over to her grabbing a towel from a nearby chair.  With the towel in hand, he swept it over his forehead, draping it around his neck.  He glanced back at Sam with his brows furrowed. 

“So now I’m back to a knucklehead? What did I do know?!” he teased back at Sam.

“C’mon, you know it’s time to change your bandages.  You know we have to do this.  It has healed nicely, no infections so we need to keep at it so…”

“Yes, you are right and it’s all thanks to you, Sam my beautiful nurse.  That’s why it has healed so well.”   Scott cut Sam’s nervous rant, smiling back while his finger lazily grazed her cheek. 

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