It Was Him.

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After I left the store with Braden by my side I had this feeling like he was holding something back from me which made him quiet. Not a word was said for two minutes as he walked me back to my dads car. Standing there fumbling with my keys trying to get a grip on them as I failed miserably, Braden took my hands in his as we steadied them.

"Is everything okay, Lila?" He asked, voice soft. Looking up to eyes I saw the worriedness overlapping his features, "Yeah, I'm fine." I lie as I take my hands back and grab the key to unlock the car door, "You sure? Do you want me to come with you?" he asks.

I look at him over my shoulder, "Didn't you drive here? Where's your car?" I question him turning to face him, "I walked here, I only live five minutes away." He states as he fiddles with his hands, not making eye contact with me. "Why did you come here?"

"I was going to buy my little sister a doll house that I was going to make her for her birthday."

"Well, lets go in and look for one, I still have to buy things for the School dance in two weeks." I say with a change of heart. I can't let this past event keep getting to me, I have to let it go. Today is the day I let it go.


After an hour of looking at the doll houses for Bradens' little sister and buying all the little food and chairs and all the little dolls and pets for her, we spent another hour buying decorations for the school dance, Braden was no help there though.

I had to find everything on my own as well as carry everything which was a pain. But I didn't need him for anything, he was there to just walk beside me, not saying a word.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask as we walk to the check out line, "Hmm?" he hums, "What are you thinking about?' I ask again.

"Oh, nothing." he shrugs it off, "It is not nothing if it has you quiet this whole time." I state with little emotion even though I am curious as a dog when it passes a porky pine.

Still no answer.

"Braden, you can talk to me if you want. I'll keep it between us, I have no one to tell." I say as we move forward in line. "Lila it's just.." He pauses and looks to me, "I'll tell you later when we're alone." he says looking around at the people around us as an indication that he didn't want anyone to over hear him.

Taking that as a sign to stay quiet, I didn't say anything else to the subject. When we went through the line and bought everything we went out to my dads car and put everything in the back seat. Leaning away and looking to the sky I saw clouds and sunshine, it was getting warmer now, warm enough to go swimming.

Darting my eyes to Braden, he was looking at me, "Got any plans today?" I ask getting into the car, he followed, "Umm, no not really besides building my sisters doll house." he looks to me, "Why?" he questions.

"Well it's getting hot out and I don't want to do the decoration to the school dance today, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out and go swimming or go eat lunch?"

I start the car with my insides twirling in knots. Not looking at him I pull out and go to the main road, "That sounds fun but you should really do the dance decoration, it's in two weeks, everyone's looking forward to it." his voice  smooth but a hint of excitement was laced in it. "You know, I kind of want to say fuck everything today and do my own thing." my voice relaxed for once.

"Well there is always tomorrow to decorate and plan for the dance as well." I add. He looks at me and nods his head, "True, well let's drop this off first at the school and then go hang out or whatever you want to do, you're the driver this time." he winks and I swear I have never felt my heart hit my rib cage so hard before.

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