He Touched My Butt!

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"Braden," my breathing was all over, my body was on fire from his hands on me, his skin so heated. "Lila,"" his breathing was all over as well and my ears were ringing, I could hardly hear. "Stop?" I questioned because I didn't know if I wanted him too.

He stood still, pressed against me and I froze too, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He cleared his throat and I swear I could've melted from how his vocals cracked.

"No, it's okay." I reassure him. I tried to get my breathing under control but it didn't happen, I was so out of breath. My heart was beating so loud that I could've sworn he could hear it pounding against my chest.

"So you've got the punch down, I think you can figure out the kick on your own." he started to step back away from me, the cold engulfed me as I turned to look at him, my eyes began to water, "Thanks Braden. I think I'm going to go and change now." My voice almost inaudible.

"Yeah, okay." he was unsure what to say, and so was I.

Scurrying away to the girls locker room I had this odd feeling of being watched, turning around at the last minute he was watching me and I swear the look on his face could've killed me, hurt and awe was written all over it.


After changing and grabbing the supplies I went back out to the gym to decorate and he wasn't there. I think I was happy about that so I could focus but I was sad because I wanted to see him more, to talk to him about what had just happened.

Dropping my bag I went to the janitors closest and got the only ladder there, I hope I don't need anyones' help with this.

Carrying it back was a lot more work than I anticipated but I could handle it.

Setting up the ladder was harder than I had hoped for but I was able to do it.

Decorating was easy but a pain because there was so much to decorate I almost had a melt down because of it. Our gym is huge! And has a ridiculously high ceiling for no apparent reason, maybe to hold a circus inside, I don't know but it's ridiculously high.

So as I'm trying to decorate the ceiling as high as I can I could hear someone come in and walk towards me, not wanting to look down and see how high I was, I ignored them and continued.

But when I felt the ladder wiggle I shrieked, "What the hell do  you think you're doing?!" I yell turning, holding onto the ladder and looking down, "BRADEN STOP IT!!" I yell more when he made it wiggle some more.

"Oh stop you're fine." he chuckled and steadied the ladder and started to climb up, "What on Earth are you fucking doing?" I ask as he gets closer to me. "To help you of course." he shrugged and continued to climb up the ladder, "Stop! You're going to break this! Let me climb down first and then you can! Please!" I beg to panic.

I don't do well with highs and he better not make me fall. Oh, my god I will scream.

"Okay, Okay. Relax, Lila." He soothed and climbed back down. After he was off I started to climb down faster than I should've and I was panicked. He freaked me out and I can't get a grip on the ladder.

My hands were sweating and my heart was racing, "I fucking hate you." I say as I stepped on the last step and whipped around with a glare set on my face.

"You say fuck a lot." He nods at me with a slight smirk on his lips. "This is not about me right now," I say putting a finger to his chest, "This is about YOU," I slam my hand to his chest, "And how you could've killed the both of us!" My hand kept hitting him as my eyes closed, my body shaking.

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