Kailar - Chapter 9

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Throughout the week Kailar and the guys were out helping the new wolves, train and sitting in on classed to evaluate the current warriors. It was weird not seeing Kailar after spending so much time with him, and now only having him return back to the room late at night was like he was never there.

"Are you going to eat?" Nina asked taking my bag of potato chips. We were currently in the Hall while the guys were sitting in on classes.

"No offence, but I have eaten you just won't stop." I laughed.

"Sorry." She blushed. "I am never full lately. Are you okay though?"

"Just missing Kailar that's all. I hardly see him now." I took a sip of my tea from the cup looking down at the table.

"You have it so lucky." She responded giving me some chips.

"What do you mean, I never see him anymore it is so late when he comes back, and to early when he leaves."

"Well I mean, were lucky. The trainees aren't supposed to be with their mates or partners throughout their times here unless it is a social gathering or a holiday where they get to return home. Kailar gets to come home to you, comfort you. The warriors keep watch over their groups the whole time they are here, I never see Logan. He is missing out on a lot thing he should have been there for." She stated sadly.

"I am sorry Nina; I will make sure you get to see him soon. What has he missed?"

"My birthday, he left the week before it. Um... I found out I am having his son as of three days ago." She game a slight smile.

I grabbed her hand pulling her up, smiling. "Congratulations!" I hugged her. "Now come."

"Where are we going?"

"Kailar is sitting in on Logan's class today, I am sure he could spare a few minutes." I responded walking down the hallway reading the signs on the way there.

"You're going to get into trouble."

"I will be okay, he would dare make me upset. If he did I would move in with you."

We arrived a few minutes as I opened the door to the large class room. It was dark as they stared at a screen with a bunch of history stuff on the screen. I should have known it but hey, I failed history. Twice. I walked quietly as Logan seen Nina come in they shared a glance as she stopped at the door. Logan walked down the pathway and followed Nina out. Kailar soon took his place as I sat down at the table where Kailar was sitting and watched him as he continued to teach about the First Rouge War.

It took the couple about three minutes until Logan came back happy, and looking slightly nervous but went straight back to teaching, as Kailar returned to his spot.

'What was that about?' He asked through the mind link.

'Just something concerning his mate that he needed to know'

'She is in my pack; I need to know what is going on.' I thought over this for a moment

'Tell no one but, Nina is going to have a baby boy.'

'Well, that's good.' He responded.

I inwardly laughed at his response.

'I have to go.' I responded standing up about to exit.

'Hold up.' Kailar stood up with me closing his folder of paperwork, as he walked with me. He held the door open for me as I walked out.

"I've missed you." He stated pulling me up to kiss him. Afterwards I laid my head on his chest.

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