Kailar - Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Terra's POV


After, a couple of days had gone back we were now getting back into the swing of things. Kailar was getting more pack work done while still looking into the investigation with his mother and I was still decorating and setting quarters for Leon and Lelana, with my ladies since I hadn't had much to do and they were the only ones I could spend my time with.

Emma was currently more tired than ever and would often call me to help her if I could so that had been great considering our relationship was getting closer than it was before but in the end she took my advice and got a nanny o helps since I wouldn't be able to be around soon.

I was currently eating lunch with Nina in the sitting room, when Kailar and Logan came in sitting beside us.

"How is work going?" I asked as he ate one of my chips and rested his hand on my stomach, as Logan didn't dare touch Nina's plate.

"Same old stuff. Look I need to ask you something well we do and I know it is late notice-"

"No." I spoke I knew it was going to be something I didn't like so I tried to end it.

"Terra listen please." He laid his hand on mine as I rolled my eyes he knew my emotions were all over the place and he was playing with them.

"No I have an appointment soon, I don't want you to stress me out." I spoke getting up, and walking to the kitchen where I put my plate in the sink.

I could hear Kailars footsteps approach as I turned around.

"Elizabeth it is something we need to discuss now so I can make arrangements. There is an Alpha summit coming up in two days, and it was last minute that they needed me there to help with negotiations among some packs. I would only have to be gone for a day and a half."

"Kailar honestly now, why can't they reschedule it. Tell them you have a wife that is birthing your child soon."

"I did, but they can't reschedule it this late of notice and it is a very needed negotiation. Your brother and Colton will be here so you will be in good hands"

I sighed but nodded

"Thank you I will make it quick as possible." He assured me and kissed me gently on the forehead.

"You better." I growled out slightly

"Come on lets get you to your appointment." He smiled softly.

We walked down with Nina and Logan who soon departed to head out and get some last minute things. She also wasn't happy about Logan leaving but she agreed too.

The appointment went by quickly as she ran more bloodwork and checked to see if they were getting healthier but the prognosis was still the same. I was worried but I had already spoke to her on my wishes on the birth without Kailar because I knew that he would disagree but she was now under my orders if anything happened to save my pups first. Overall, the pains from the wolfbane would only get worse as my due date approached but the fact that they were still kicking and looking healthy was good.

We soon left as he went back to his office where he started making arrangements for his trip and I got to talk to Colton about my plans for the Christmas party next week. Kailar offered the guest room to Colton so he could keep an eye on me while he, Nathan, and Logan were gone. Colton accepted which made me happy because I would have everyone over mainly.

Once, I left I headed back and cleaned up the guest room before I finished unpacking the baby clothes and items. The room was close to being finished but we still needed a few more items though we still recieved gifts daily from Alphas of packs.

I was preparing for the night when I got a mindlink from Nina telling me she went into labor and that Stephen was currently away from the palace. I quickly linked the doctor as I made my way to her quarters where she was sitting on the couch in pain, trying to steady her breathing.

"Come on." I spoke softly helping her up off the couch. "Is Logan on his way?"

She nodded. "He was a pack over, he said it would be about twenty minutes, but I don't think I can wait that long." She grunted when she felt a contraction as I could feel her pain.

I linked Kailar as I helped her down to the infirmary where she was rushed back and they started setting up for her delivery.

"Okay you are close to being fully dilated I am going to give you something for the pain and you should be ready to start pushing soon." The doctor spoke gently as she checked Nina. Nina noddled as I stood beside her but one of the nurses soon brought me a chair.

I rubbed her hair soothing her as she laid there waiting for the medicine to kick in but it wasn't doing much work which I could tell by the clasp she had on my other hand.

"You're going to be a great mother." She spoke through a contraction.

"Nina you're the one giving birth right now." I laughed softly as she gave a slight smile.

"You're the one allowing me to break your hand, and you sit there calm as ever stroking my hair. Thank you."

"You're my best friend, i would only do this for you."

"No you're a luna you would do it for others you just haven't had to yet." She responded as the doctor came back and checked her again.

"I think you are ready to start pushing." She spoke looking up at Nina who gave a nod before looking at me and I nodded. She was sad that Logan wasn't here but she couldn't hold on any longer.

"Okay give me a strong push, Nina." The doctor spoke as Nina responded letting out a soft scream and held my hand tighter. After, three pushes she had finally given birth to a health boy.

"You did great." I whispered as I wiped her tears. They took him to get cleaned up and then brought him back to Nina.

She cried a little when she seen him and held him close.

"He looks so much like Logan." She laughed as he looked at her.

"He does, but he has your eyes." I responded as the baby cried a little.

There was a knock after a couple of minutes as Logan came in, and I told them both I would see them later.

I exited the room and was met with Kailar who leaned against the door frame he looked more tired than earlier.

"Were you with him?" I asked as we headed out of the infirmary. It was dark and only a few lights were on but it lit the palace nicely.

"Yeah, we had just arrived to start a meeting with the alpha about his land usage, when he was linked by Nina. How did it go?"

"It went smoothly she was in some pain but it went away as soon as she held him. He is so beautiful Kailar, definitely going to be a heartbreaker." I laughed as he grabbed my hand not resting on my bump.

"I bet he will, but so will ours." He responded as we stepped on the elevator.

It was quiet afterwards, as we made our way back to our wing and got prepared for bed, I didn't even notice how tired I was and fell asleep a few minutes after I was surrounded in the covers.

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