Kailar - Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Terra's POV


I was alone when I woke and Kailar was downstairs making breakfast while Colton was moving his bags into the guest bedroom.

I didn't bother changing out of my pajamas as I didn't plan on leaving for a while, but I went ahead and did my morning routine before heading downstairs.

"Morning, you slept in late." Kailar spoke as I sat in a chair at the kitchen island.

I looked at the time noticing that it was almost twelve.

"I must have been tired, though I have stuff to prepare." I responded as he fixed me a plate with eggs, bacon, buttered toast and a glass of water, before sitting beside me with his plate.

"How are you feeling?" He took a bite of his food before looking at me.

"The same, just tired really but that's expected." I stated before eating some of the food.

"You should rest don't stress yourself out. You have the ladies and Colton for now to help." he spoke as I nodded softly.

"Resting will be hard with you gone." I took a sip of water before I continued eating.

"It won't be long, darling." He tried to assure me but to females especially during pregnancy they need their mate because their wolves are restless without them.

"Sure Emery." I responded before Colton came in.

"Morning Terra." he greeted as he poured himself a glass or orange juice.

"Good morning Colt settled in good?" I asked before finishing up after Kailar and putting our plates in the sink.

"Yes I am the room is fantastic thank you for setting it up."

"Not a problem, it is just great to have you back." I responded before he told us he would see us later and headed back upstairs.

"I am going to go finish some work, and then we can relax before I leave I can cook dinner tonight."

"Sounds good, I will just be here doing nothing like always."

He laughed "Well once you have the pups you can start doing some luna activities okay?"

"Would be nice." I responded as he gave me a kiss before grabbing his reports and leaving.

I went back to my room and decided that I would just send part of my food list for the party to the palace cooks so that I wouldn't have much to do. I still had three days till the day of the party so I had enough time to start preparing.

I went and changed out of my pajamas and into a black jersey knit dress, and flats and a cardigan, before I fixed my hair to make it more presentable.

It wasn't hard but it was enough to catch me off guard as I felt a slight pain in my stomach which I knew wasn't a kick. Taking a few deep breaths while leaning on the counter for a few I shook it off and started back on my hair.

I was glad it didn't happen again and that I was able to finish what I was doing, as I exited my room and went downstairs to finish the decorating.

It was now lonely doing this by myself. I had given my ladies time off, Nathan was out with a girl he met which meant we rarely seen him anymore, and my other girls were now off being parents. I was looking forward to my brother and Lelana coming tomorrow so that brightened my spirits.

I hung more garlands and finished wrapping the presents that I had ordered while watching the news and eating some celery and peanut butter.

"You need some help?" Colton asked coming down an hour later as he seen I was still wrapping presents.

"Sure if you aren't busy. Company can be nice we still have some catching up to do." I patted a seat for him on the couch beside me.

He asked me some questions on what presents went where before starting.

"So how has your pack been? I know they probably hate your away so much." I asked while showing a few items in a stocking.

"They do but my beta is a great help, my son doesn't like it much but my sister takes care of him when I can't." he responded as I stopped stuffing stockings.

"You have a son, how come you never mentioned it?"

"I thought I did but I was mistaken." He spoke. "His name is Aiden he is 4, and a ball of energy at that." He laughed.

"Is his mother your umm, mate?"

"No, no I was young made some mistakes. I didn't want a mate at first so I had flings thought I was going to settle down with this girl it went well for a little while. When I found my mate she was furious, I was in love with my mate of course don't get me wrong I felt bad about it." He spoke finishing up one of the gifts.

"So the mother she is still there?"

"I wish. She left Aiden with me, said it was to much of a shame to walk around the pack anymore with a son and no mate. I tried to stop the name callings and taunts but in the end she left and I haven't seen her since."

"I am sorry."

"Don't be I got the best gift a guy could ask for. He is the splitting image of myself I just hope he doesn't make my mistakes though."

"He won't you seem like you would be a great father." I spoke before I let out a small gasp from shock and touched my stomach.

Colton was on full alert as he shifted looking at me.

"Are you okay? Hurt?" I laughed slightly as I took his hand and laid it on my stomach waiting for the next kick. When one baby kicked the other would kick a few seconds afterwards but they were getting stronger which made me happy.

Right on cue he felt the next kick as he smiled softly.

"That is something very strong."

"Did Kailar tell you?"

"About what?" He asked removing his hand looking at me intently with worry.

"The night I was poisoned, apparently they didn't get it all and somewhere in my system is wolfsbane, which is hurting the girl." I knew this would bother him because he cared for the pups almost as deeply as I did.

"Terra, what is happening?"

"We don't know, either something happens to the pup or something happens to me. Hopefully we get lucky and were all okay."

"What does Kailar has to say about this?"

"He is getting some of the best doctors we have here, but he won't agree with my wishes."

"Which are to save the pups not yourself... Right?"

I nodded sadly.

"That is why I am grateful to feel them kick and not feel the pain which will only get worse as I get closer to delivery."

"Terra, what is Kailar going to do without you if something was to happen?"

"He will be sad but I would hope he could move on like you, in time. He will be angry but I have already made my decision, not only for me." I responded looking at him deeply.

"Terra were not even sure what this is." He growled out. "Please think this over, yes it will hurt but I will be okay." I sighed.

"I will think about it, but I am pretty set on my choice Colton." I responded as he nodded before we finished up the gifts.

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