Kailar - Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Terra's POV


When we finished putting away the stockings and gifts Colton headed out to the city where he said he was meeting some friends.

When Kailar came back he started making dinner which was pasta with chicken and a side of green beans. We enjoyed the meal before we spent some time in our quarters together and went over our holiday plans. He gave me an early gift which was a basket of at home spa things he though would be good to use to relax.

"Have you thought of names?" I asked him as I laid against his chest while we sat in the chair by the fireplace in our room.

"Not really everything is just moving so fast haven't had the time to honestly always like the name Damon or Kace for a boy Lilith for a girl."

"I actually really like that Lilith Ivory Legett"

"I think Ivory alone is nice maybe your middle name as hers."

"Ivory Elizabeth Legett....Kace Emory Legett." I spoke aloud letting my thoughts go.

"You like those?" I nodded smiling at him as he rubbed my bump.

"Well then it's settled." He responded kissing my cheek.

We continued to talk until we both fell asleep peacefully.

. . . .

When I woke up Kailar was getting ready for his departure. I got up and ready for the day before putting on a maternity dress that was comfortable and pulling my hair into a bun.

Kailar grabbed his bags and we walked out to the front of the palace where a truck was waiting for the guys with extra security. Since Nina had just had her baby Logan decided to stay and now another warrior was taking his place.

"I will link you as soon as I can. Take care of yourself and don't over do it love." He spoke in my ear as I hugged him because pulling away and kissing him.

"I will relax trust me, I can't do too much like this." I laughed before he kissed me again and got into the car. I waved bye to Nathan who returned it before getting in with the other warrior.

Heading back inside out of the cold I headed back to my room where I made a cup of tea and sat down by the fireplace reading a book.

I was so into my book I didn't realize there was a knock at the door until Colton came in.

"Sorry was to focused on this book."

"It is fine, just wanted to let you know that Leon and his mate are here, and settling into their quarters. I also brought you your lunch and vitamins since you haven't came down." he responded sitting a bowl of oatmeal and fruit on the table.

"You really didn't have to. Thank you."

"No problem, just relax I will be in my room working on reports."

"Hey, Colton you said you were staying through the holidays right?"

"Yeah, I was."

"Well feel free to invite your family and your son. I would love to meet them." I responded as he gave a smile.

"I will extend the invitation, thank you." He spoke before exiting my room.

I ate my food which was delicious and took my vitamin. I sent a quick text to Leon and told him that I would see them later tonight if they wanted to eat dinner.

Once, I got a reply I decided to take a nap because I could already feel myself getting sick from what I just ate.

When I woke up I felt slightly better but I found myself emptying out what I had eaten along with about two sharp pains. I sat on the floor of the bathroom which had became my natural spot for when i was alone. I sighed laying my head again the wall as I found myself crying. It was the first in a long time but I just needed the time to feel sorry for myself. I worried twenty-four, seven about my pups more than myself and my wolf was drained from making sure we were okay I felt like I was neglecting her. I dried my tears and reapplied a little bit of makeup before I went down for dinner with Leon, Lelana, and Colton.

. . . .

The next day I spent my time with Lelana for most of the day talking about things that have happened, and playing a few games on the consoles that we had here.

I wasn't shocked find out that Leon had proposed, but was glad they were happy with their new life and pack which was running well.

I learned more about her family which all used to be rouges and more about how her and Leon met each other.

We went to visit Emma and Nina who both had their hands full but were doing great considering they were new mothers and I only hoped that I could handle it as well as they were.

"You are going to pop anytime I swear you have gotten bigger since I last saw you." Nina spoke as she sat down with Lelana and I.

"I feel like it, they're so heavy to carry around." i spoke with a laugh as I leaned back in the chair.

"Bless you I would have been in bed since the first month. Lelana when are you and Leon going to start a family of your own?"

"Well...." Lelana looked at us with an obvious look.

"Why didn't you tell me oh my congratulations!" I was shocked as I gave her a soft hug.

"How far along are you?" Nina asked in surprise.

"Three weeks, Leon still doesnt know I wanted to wait till Christmas to tell him."

"Well I am so happy for you."

"Thank you both, at least while I am here I can get some practice in I have never held a baby in my life, and I am a nervous wreck."

Nina smiled as she sat on the couch beside Lelana who looked scared and excited, as she placed the baby in her arms.

"Gosh he is heavy." lelana gasped as we all laughed.

"That's a head warrior, you will be having an Alpha let that sink in he is 10 pounds now, grows almost everyday but that is normal." Nina stated.

"Can't wait" Lelana nervously stated as she looked at the baby caringly.

We spent another hour with Nina before we all went back to our quarters for the evening.

I was now finishing up with dinner with Colton as we ate on the couch. I grabbed both of our plates reassuring him that I had it and went to wash them up in the kitchen. I started wrapping up the leftovers, when I felt the pains in my side as I bent over in pain and held onto the counter letting tears fall as I grunted as the pain continued.

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