Kailar - Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Terra's POV


"So are you ready to talk?" Kailar asked as he washed up his dish and I placed the leftovers in the fridge.

I rolled my eyes and returned to the spot I was sitting.

"Look I just don't want to ruin the holiday over something that may not be true." I confessed.

" I would still like to know what is going on I am the king it is my responsibility to handle situations." He sighed leaning beside me against the counter.

"Look if I am going to tell you just sit down, and promise me not to get angry."

He let out a short breath and sat on the stool beside me staring into my eyes. I contemplated if I should just lie but realized he would be able to tell so there was no way out.

"Now." he commanded as I glared my eyes at him.

"It was earlier... I was talking to Hazel and Rose your mother came up apparently she isn't the nicest to them."

"That has came up on times she has her moments."

"Mhm, but they heard about the case against her. Your mother knows also, and apparently they were snooping."

"So they are prying into other peoples stuff now?" Kailar almost growled.

"Don't get mad I think it is good they did so.. They found out money has been sent to an anonymous person, that was stolen from the packs account. They heard that your mother was paying someone to protect Julia, she plans on having her back soon I guess." I could see Kailar's fist clench slightly, but I kept my head down.

"Is that it?" He asked through gritted teeth. I could feel his gazed on my as I tried to fight the bond so I would stray from the last piece of information.

"Spit it out Terra Elizabeth. Now."

"She.. has been seeing another alpha from a pack in the west. Alpha Maxwell"

"No she isn't. She can't be I mean father just died."

"That's the thing though Kailar they said they found letters dated back a years."

He stood up abruptly. "I don't believe it, and I don't believe you!. I am sorry but this makes no sense at all." He yelled storming out the kitchen towards the front door.

"Kailar! Where the hell are you going?" I growled, feeling upset at him and mostly myself. My wolf was livid that he would talk to us that was but she was also mad at me for upsetting our mate.

"To find those damn letters! You claim are in there." He gritted out before slamming the door behind him.

I tried my best to not cry but I could feel the pain the Kailar was feeling and I'm sure he felt mine also.

Is everything okay? I could hear a door slamming abnormally hard, sounded like it came from your direction. Nina asked me through the mindlink.

I am, Kailar isn't, he found out some stuff. I responded sadly.

I'm coming over! Stephen will go check on Kailar. She responded in a hurry

No- I tried to say quickly but she blocked me out as I let out a sigh and continued to cry. My wolf felt rejected and was going through that pain while I was dealing with my own.

I was beyond worried about Kailar was about to do, his mother would definitely hate me now if she already didn't, I made my way over to the couch to take deep breaths after feeling sick again but it was different with a sharp pain on my sides.

I calmed myself down before laying down on the couch rubbing my stomach hoping that would help.

"Terra, what happened?" Nina rushed it through the door, and finding me on the couch. She wobbled over to where I was and sat beside my head on the couch, and started rubbing my hair.

I explained the events of today to her, while she tried to calm me down.

"I can understand that he was angry, and I wouldn't be to sure to trust what the maids say but he shouldn't have went off like that. Your wolf is going to take some time the pain felt between mates is more intense in royals."

I took a deep breath as I felt a slight pain again but they were getting dull now. "Have you experienced any pains through your pregnancy?"

She looked at me sadly for a short second. "No, are you okay?"

I nodded softly

We stayed on the couch for a while until Stephen came in.

"Where is Kailar?" I asked sitting up rubbing my eyes.

He shook his head. "Found what he was looking for... His wolf took over and, he went storming out of the place he is infuriated."

"Stephen, why aren't you with him he shouldn't be by himself like that!" Nina scolded.

"He won't listen to me in that state, it's a betas job now. I just watch over everything here until he returns, don't worry all the warriors are on watch he won't cause any damage he will probably run it off for the night." Stephen informed us. "How are you feeling Terra?"

"I'm okay, it's my fault honestly." I whispered.

"No it was not, you told him what he wanted to hear." Nina tried to assure me, I simply shrugged.

Stephen placed a stack of papers he tool out of his jacket onto the living room table.

"It was for the best the faster we figure this out the faster things can get back to normal around here." Stephen responded.

"Thank you guys I think I am going to go to bed, I feel drained." Nina rested her hand on mine before standing up.

"We will check on you tomorrow okay?"

I nodded, giving a small smile

"Night Terra. There will be two royal guard warriors placed outside your room, just a precaution."

"Thanks again." They bowed slightly before leaving. I got up and trekked my way to our bathroom and ran a warm bath to relax in, before I headed to bed.

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