Kailar - Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Terra's POV


The pain was unbearable as I could tell Colton could barely take it in also as he looked in worry, and I continued to push.

The was a moment of silence that came with comfort as I heard the cry of my baby, as I cried with relief and Colton looked at him from beside me.

"It's the boy, he is healthy." Colton spoke with rejoice as he rubbed my hand. I was relieved that he was okay but I was still saddened at the fact that Kailar wasn't here because I went into labor a week early.

"Okay your baby is healthy but we still need you to push again for me, as strong as you can luna." The doctor spoke as she took her position again.

I started pushing the pain coming back the medicine they had given me was only helping so much now since I had went into labor so soon, as I had to stop after a long push trying to steady my breathing.

"Come on Terra you've gotten this far it'll be over soon." Colt reassured and he squeezed my hand.

I pushed again as hard as I could letting out a small scream of pain before I was able to stop.

She didn't cry and I was starting to worry as I looked to Colt in panic. They took her away to a part of the room they had set up as Colt went to check on her immediately leaving me in panic. I closed my eyes praying to the goddess that she would be alright offering myself for her fully in hopes that she would be okay.

He was gone for two minutes until I heard her cry and my wolf was too exhausted to continue fighting and I peacefully let her stop as she disappeared.

"Terra, she is okay they're checking her out now" Colt responded as he looked over into the corner of the room where my pups are.

"What does she look like?" I asked as he sat beside me, I could still feel the pain which didn't subside and I wanted nothing more than to just close my eyes but I had to make sure she was okay.

"Like you fully though she has Kailars nose." He smiled in admiration he was overjoyed, as he looked back at me.

The doctor came back so we could finish up, and she looked worried for a minute, as she called another doctor who left immediately.

"Is something wrong?" Colton asked taking the words from my mouth.

"Terra you are hemorrhaging, badly we need to try to control this but I need you to remain calm. Try contacting your wolf to help the more help the better, Colton you may want to leave the room." The doctor spoke as Colton looked at me with worry debating to listen to her or not.

"No, he can stay." I spoke my voice wavering, as the doctor nodded and went to go grab her things as many nurses were scrambling around the place.

I took deep breaths trying to calm my pacing heart as I tried to bring back my wolf. She was hesitant at first but ultimately took control and started healing with what she had left.

I closed my eyes hoping that this wouldn't be the last, but if it was I was now content with it.

Kailars POV

When I arrived I was met with Logan who gave my guards and I a change of clothes before he headed with me to the infirmary where Nina was sitting with Colton, Leon, and Lelana who looked like he had been through hell.

The doctor soon came as she motioned me to a side of the hallway not to far from the others and explained everything that had happened since the delivery and that as of right now Terra was stable and her wolf was doing its most to help with the healing but that Terra was currently asleep and that she wasn't sure how long she would be out.

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