Kailar - Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Terra's POV

Just the Beginning

"Morning, darling." I rolled over on my side to see Kailar wrapped in the white satin sheets of the king sized bed. His hair was sprawled in all directions, which I adored.

After the wedding we had the reception in the grand hall. We kept it classic but it didn't stop everyone from getting drunk including Kailar who now looked like he had a hangover.

"Morning, handsome." I rubbed his hair. Instead of going away for our honeymoon we both stayed at the palace, in the master suite.

"What's on our agenda for today? I questioned.

"I just want to lay here with you, have breakfast brought up and just enjoy our alone time." He sat up, and stretched. "What do you want for breakfast?" He smirked.

"You." I blushed and bit my lower lip.

"Really my queen?" He teased moving on top of me, kissing my lips.

"I want food to." I mumbled as he laughed getting up.

"I shall surprise you." He smiled.

"Good luck." I replied as he left the room. I turned on the television, and then went to the bathroom to get ready. Once, done I changed into baby blue pants, a pink sweater with a white collar, and tan shoes. I went to the big vanity mirror and did my makeup, and hair. Kailar came back thirty minutes later with a stack full of heart shaped pancakes, with syrup. Once, we were done eating Kailar got dressed while I sat on the balcony.

It felt nice, and was finally warming up, my wolf was enjoying being outside.

"Kailar." I could hear him coming up behind me.

"Yes?" He asked his accent hitting my ear as he spoke.

"How about we go to the lake. We can lay out there for a while or walk."

"Sure, anything you want, but reporters are still about." He kissed my neck. "I do not understand how you are so hot; you might want to change into a new shirt before we leave." He suggested.

It took a while to get to the lake but, it was worth it.

We both sat by the lake. My wolf enjoying the outdoor and being surrounded by nature.


"Yes my darling?"

"Just wondering, how long until you go back to work?"

"About that. Terra I need to go back to the compound." He replied looking at the trees in the distance. The sun was barely out but I could feel the temperature rising.

I took a deep breath. "That's okay but if you plan on us staying there for long periods of time there will have to be some renovations." I laughed but I was starting to feel a slight touch of pain like I was being stabbed from the inside.

"Of course darling, that is understandable." He responded while it was soon quiet again.

I was starting to feel like hell. Literally. Not only that but it felt like I could pass out any minute, like being trapped in an enclosed room on fire. "Kailar." I panted as he turned my way looking concerned.

"What's wrong?" He was then on his knees in front of me. I was in so much pain as I couldn't reply. I felt like screaming.

"Terra..." He touched my neck leaving a cool sensation where his hands roamed.


He realized as his eyes darkened. "I'll make it better darling." He picked me up bridal style as he took me back to our room.

. . . .

"Get out of this wing!" Kailar growled at the guards who were stationed at the door, everything was moving in a blur to me. He opened the door and laid me on the edge of the bed as he hovered and kissed me passionately. I instantly felt pleasure but it left me unsatisfied, then another wave of heat hit me as I let out a cry of pain.

"Shit." I could hear Kailar curse. He ripped my shirt off then my jeans leaving me exposed.

"Kailar, please." I begged looking into his eyes.

He unbuckled his belt then, unzipped his jeans before taking me by the thighs as he took away my pain.

. . . .

When I woke up I was no longer in heat, but I could still feel the ache in my bones.

I rolled over onto Kailar's arm. He was staring at the ceiling; my wolf was worried from his expression.

"Morning, Terra." He stated, I moved my head more to his chest.

"Morning... You're worried?"

"I have been thinking, I have known you for about four months now."

"Okay, and?"

"There is no way you could have went into heat the first month. The second and, third though. I thought you were pregnant but we know that was negative. So why now, Terra what happened?" Of course he just had to notice sadly.

"My abilities cause me to miss heat periods for months at a time... I can't control it, but if I'm lucky I can catch it. I'm sorry." I teared up as he wiped them with his thumb.

"Understandable. Maybe it is time you started training with your abilities again, I don't like it controlling you. I know your wolf is taking a toll also."

"Sounds good..." I was still tired from yesterday.

"Just don't keep things from me, darling. I want you to feel like you cannot tell me anything." He kissed my forehead before crawling out of bed. "Get some rest I need to call the guys working on the renovations." I nodded wrapping myself in more blankets not wasting time falling asleep.

" I nodded wrapping myself in more blankets not wasting time falling asleep

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