Chapter 2

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The next week went past reasonably quickly. I spent most of the time I wasn't at school, with my mum at the mall, getting things for my party and the pack meet.

" Mum can I ask you something? I said as I looked at the clothes on the rack.

" Sure honey, anything you like" she said warmly. I've always had a really open relationship with my mum. We talk about anything.

" Well it's two things actually. Firstly, on Friday can I go with Megan to see a metal band at The Factory?"

"its her birthday that night" I explained hoping for a yes.

" You know the drill Tori, I need details my dear, time of starting and when you will be home" Mum said smiling.

"Oh yeah, sorry mum." I said giggling. I gave her all the info and she said yes. I quickly text Megan and said it was all a go.

Megan and myself loved metal music. The only thing we had to be careful of was hiding our strength in the mosh pits, Which might I add was quite difficult when there jerks that liked to elbow people's faces.

"The second thing you wanted to ask me honey?" Mum asked me staring at me trying to find the answer in my face.

"Maybe it should wait till we are at home, Ma"

"Okay, are you sure?" Mum asked sounding a tad worried.

"Tis fiiiiine" I said waving my hand.

We stayed at the mall a hour or so more and went home.

After Jack and myself helped Mum clean up after dinner. Jack went up to his room, probably to talk to that moron Arez. Mum asked if I wanted a coffee and I said yes. This was our time to have a chat and talk about anything till my dad came home.

" So my dear, what was the second thing you were going to ask?" My Mum asked while waiting for the kettle to boil.

" Oh yeah, ok so hears the thing" I started telling my mum how I didn't want a mate, and that I didn't want to loose my independence. How I didn't want to bow down to a mate cause he doesn't want me to do something that he doesn't like.

"Right" mum said thinking over what I just told her. She looked at me and smiled.

" You know my darling daughter, you sound exactly like me before I met your father." She said with a loving look.

" I can remember coming up to seventeen and thinking, my god I don't want a mate, but you know what?" Mum said looking at me waiting for me to answer. She would do that to make sure we were listening.

" What, dont leave me hanging ma!" I sounded like a child hearing a scary story.

" I seen your father at a pack meet and I had never felt that connection with anyone" she said wisely " And I never wanted to loose it either"she continued. " I can understand why you're so nervous and don't want a mate, honey " .

"What makes you say that Ma?" I asked her.

" Because I was exactly the same, before I met your father" as she said this my dad walked in the back door after a long day doing pack business.

"What about when you met me?" My dad asked kissing me and my mum on the foreheads.

"Oh nothing" mum said waving her hand to dismiss the conversation. " Girl talk Brian" she finished giving him a look which ment they were mind linking. Dad then looked at me and said " Don't worry baby girl, your mate will be perfect." He smiled.

"MUM, DAD enough!!" I went bright red and went upstairs to my room after saying goodnight to them.

I was sitting I my room when my phone rang. I picked it up and answered.

"Hey Megan" I said happily. She always knew when I needed cheering up. We chatted for an hour about Arez and how much he annoyed the both of us. And how my brother was such a pig at times, when he would tease me when Arez was over.

"I don't know how you handle it Tori." Megan said flatly.

" Well it's happened for as long as I can remember so I'm kind of used to it." I said. We both hated Arez and Megan hated my brother but I loved the stupid head.

" I'm gonna crash Megs" I told her.

"No worries Tors see you tomorrow at school" Megan replied. We said our good byes and I went to sleep.

The next morning I got ready for school. I wore black skinny jeans, my converse sneakers, a checkered belt around my hips and a black and white long sleeved short under my perpetual end band shirt. I straightened my hair, did my make up and headed down for breakfast.

Sitting in the kitchen when I walked in was the moron Arez and my brother, mum was making pancakes and dad was reading the paper.

"Oh good morning baby girl" my dad smiled.

"Morning honey" mum said while she poured me a cup of coffee.

"Morning mum and dad" I said cheerfully. I was so pumped for that night. Seeing perpetual end would clear my head for sure.

"Morning snot face" Arez said smirking. I looked over at him narrowing my eyes and at him.

" You really are a waste of oxygen, you know that right?" I said smirking at him.

" Wake up on the wrong side of the bed did we snot face?" He laughed.

" UGH!! Why must you call me that? Does it look like, I actually like that knick name? And this is supposed to be our new alpha next week" with that I grabbed my bag and keys kissed my parents goodbye and walked out of the kitchen giving Arez the finger.

By the time I got to school I calmed down and walked up to my locker where I met Megan.

"Hey pumpkin" she said excitedly.

"Hey blossom, happy birthday" I giggled and handed her a gift. It was a silver choker with a Celtic pendant. She opened it and squealed. She hugged me and thanked me for it. As we started to walk to history my brother and Arez walked past us smirking. I grabbed on to Megan's arm and said " just keep walking". We had a few run ins with them all day but nothing to bad.

The last bell went and we ran to my car.

"I'm so pumped Megs" I said excitedly.

"Meeeee too Tors " she jumped up and down. We went back to my house to get ready for the gig.

I wore my black mini skirt that had chains and ribbons on it, my black corset with my fishnet shirt under it. I wore my platform knee high boots that had buckles up the sides. I was only five foot one so I could get away with platforms this high.

Megan wore tight black pants, a rockabilly style shirt, and black doc martins. She had mid length dark brown wavy hair that always looked amazing. She was a little bit taller than me as well. We did our hair and make up and walked downstairs.

We entered the kitchen focused so much on our convo that we didnt noticed my brother and Arez standing there.

" Well I didn't know the freak show was in town" my brother snapped. Arez laughed so hard and started singing the circus song.

" I'd rather look like this then meat heats like you two" I was glaring at my brother when my mum walked in.

" Oh you two look amazing!" My mum said beaming at me and Megan.

"According to dumb and dumber over there we are freak shows" I spat glaring at Jack and Arez. Mum looked at them and growled which made them put there heads down.

" You may be the Alpha and Beta next week, but so help me, I will still smack you behinds for being so nasty" she growled at them.

" Sorry mum" my brother said

"Sorry mrs Morgan" Arez said.

"It's not me you should be apologising too" my mother said gesturing towards Megan and I.

" Sorry " they both said in unison. Megan and I giggled because they got scolded from my mum. I kissed her good bye and told her ill be home at 10 pm.

When we got into the gig the lights dimmed and we heard the intro to our favourite song. With that we scream and ran for the mosh pit.


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