Chapter 9

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"How about we get some dinner sent up here and we don't leave until the morning?'' Arez said as we lay snuggled up on his huge four posted bed.

"That sounds absolutely amazing!" I exclaimed. Seeings as with the rogue threat so near, from tomorrow we won't be spending a whole lot of time together till it's over. The thought of my handsome Alpha being in a war with the rogues scared me and my wolf. She howled at the thought.

"Calm your wolf Torz, She is making mine agitated." Arez said sitting up and throwing his legs over the edge of the bed. He started to breathe in a meditative way to calm his wolf. I scolded mine for making our time tense, which she wan't to impressed with but done as she was told.

"I am so sorry, Handsome." I said soothingly climbing over the bed to wrap my arms around his neck.

"It's fine, because we haven't mated yet, He gets a tad restless when He hears your wolf distressed." Arez turned and kissed me so deeply and I could feel his wolf starting to come through. Any other time I would have stopped him. Something came over me and I wanted my Mate, I was running on instinct, I knew that his Wolf would be expediently stronger once we mated. Not only that, he wouldn't be focused on the battle, he would be worried of a rogue would kidnap me and mark me, just to hurt him. Plus the man/Wolf turned me on like a light switch. Yes our bond is ever growing but this was insane. I pushed Arez so he was lying on the bed and I climbed on top of him, I heard a growl come from his throat, my wolf purred and told to keep going. I was thinking about how his wolf enjoys me taking control while I was kissing his neck, when Arez spoke and snapped me out of thought.

"Yes he does beautiful, he rather enjoys being the 'underdog' when you are involved." His voice had grown husky and that drove my wolf crazy. I sat up and looked at Arez and took in this moment of utter bliss. He sat up with me still straddling him and scooped up my face in his big hands and kissed me again, I let his tongue enter my mouth and deepened his kiss by wrestling his tongue with my own. After what felt like hours I pulled away, breathless by his kiss and touch. I couldn't figure out how I knew all these things that he liked and it puzzled me.

" It's because we are mates and our wolves will always be mates, that's why you just know all these things about me, and how I like certain things." Arez calmly explained to me. I cocked my head to the side and said.

"You have to stop reading my thoughts. It's a bit on the weird side seeings what we are about to do."

"Okay, I won't answer your questions till it's over. How's that?" He raised one eyebrow and had a cheeky look on his face. I could look at his gorgeous face all day.

"Fine." I pouted, then he grabbed me and threw me on the bed and possessively moved my head to the left which exposed my neck, I felt his claws dig into my wrists which were pinned above my head. I was full of excitement knowing I would be forever his. I glanced at Arez and noticed his wolf coming through. I seen his canines, turned my head and looked at the silver moon. Could this be anymore romantic, getting marked while bathing in the moonlight. All that ooey gooey romance stuff flew out the window with the searing pain radiating from my neck. I shrieked in shock and pain. No one ever told me how painful this was.  For non weres the act of marking is quite violent, but its actually a very intimate moment between mates. Well that's what I was always told, But in that moment I felt like I had been bullshitted to my whole life. I couldn't wait to seek my revenge on Arez when it was my turn to mark him. He continued to bite and suck at the site of my mark, I felt a warm trickle down the nape of my neck and realized it was blood. The whole time I prayed for it to end. Finally he pulled away and looked at me with a sorrowful gaze. I rolled away from him wondering why he went so long.

" I am so sorry Tori, I tried to pull away but my wolf took over." His voice was shaky, like he was holding back a sob.

I couldn't look at him yet, the pain was still so intense. I touched the area and thankfully it had started to heal. Thirty minutes and the pain should be gone. I lied there on his bed, his arms wrapped around me, just sobbing. At first it was the pain that made me sob, but now it was all the emotion running through me. Again no one had told me this.

"Don't worry Beautiful, its almost over." Arez soothingly whispered stroking my thigh. I remained sobbing for the next hour. All the centuries our wolves had been apart came flowing through me like a tsunami, wave after wave of missing and wanting my mate. The moment was so intense that it could have sent a human to a mental institute. With weres though we have a remarkable ability to withstand quite a lot before we crack.

After it was all over I turned to look at my mate, he looked so sorry for putting me through that.

"I'm okay now." I smiled and buried my head in his neck.

"Oh that the Goddess for that, I was worried you would never look at me again. I should have told you that you would experience all the emotion, I didnt want to scare you." Arez told me not looking me in the eye at all.

"YOU KNEW!" I yelled at him. He jumped at the loudness of my voice, I was shocked myself. I had used the Luna tone on him without realising it. I lowered my voice "You should haved warned me Arez, that was so intense I could barely hold it together." He looked up at me and pulled me into his arms adn kept saying sorry. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes.

"My turn." I said a little bit to serious than I had hoped for.

"Okay, let me have it, I can handle whatever you dish out." Arez smirked as he lied down and turned his head to the right exposing the nape of his neck.

"Yep we shall see." I giggled. I looked at his neck, thinking this will give him a taste of his own medicine. Before I could even catch my wolf, she broke through and pinned my mate on the bed, I felt my claws extend and my canines come through. Arez was right, you really didnt have any control at all. I lunged down at his neck and bite down, I felt the flesh of his neck peircing with a pop. I heard Arez gasp at the pain, and stiffen under my grip. Now he would understand the pain of it. Blood filled my mouth, Ï swalled it and bit down even harder. Arez wrapped his arms around my waist. The bastard was enjoying it. My wolf didnt like that thought so she applied more pressure to his bite. In the distance I heard a voice but couldnt quite make it out. My wolf was enjoying marking her mate and had completely taken over me. I heard my name a few times but couldnt anser the voice. Arez gripped me tighter around my waist, I felt his claws digging in. It didnt hurt as much as when his claws dug into me when he was marking me, so I figured it wouldnt have broken the skin.

Finally my wolf relaxed enough for me to let go, and I sat up to look at my mate. What I looked at was not what I had expected at all. Arez had pain etched into every part of his face and his wolf was trying to break through, Arez was shaking holding him back.

"Get off." He said through gritted teeth. Shocked I jumped off not understanding what was going on. Arez jumped off the bed and ran to bathroom and I heard the click of the lock. I couldnt help but wonder what I had done to him.

While waiting for Arez, I started to think about marking him. Then I remembered him diggin his claws into my waist. I looked down and to my horror, My flesh had been ripped to peices. I gasped at the sight of all the blood.

"What the hell happend?" I said out aloud not realising. I started to remember hearing my name, and in that moment I realised it was Arez, but he wasnt calling my name. He was screaming it, trying to get me to stop.
I started to sob again not realising what I'd done to my mate.
"What have I done?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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